2 research outputs found


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    Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) demam berdarah Dengue di Papua pernah dilaporkan pada tahun 1993, 1994 dan 2001. DiKabupaten Keerom sudah ditemukan kasus DBD walaupun jumlahnya sedikit.Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untukmemberikan gambaran mengenai situasi DBD di Kabupaten Keerom periode 2011-2014 sehingga dapat digunakan menjadi data dasar program pengendalian DBD. Artikel ini menggunakan hasil kajian data sekunder DBD dari Dinas KesehatanKabupaten Keerom dan Balai Metereologi dan Geofisika (BMG) Jayapura, kemudian dilakukan analisis secara deskriptifuntuk menilai kecendrungan kasus DBD periode tahun 2011-2014. Angka insidensi (IR) cenderung meningkat dari 15.99 per100.000 penduduk tahun 2011 menjadi 19.30 per 100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2012, 28.97 per 100.000 penduduk padatahun 2013 dan 34.44 per 100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2014. DBD periode 2011-2014 lebih banyak ditemukan pada laki-laki(31 kasus) dibandingkan perempuan (20 kasus), sedangkan kelompok umur yang paling banyak terkena demam berdarah adalah kelompok usia 5-14 tahun. DBD di Kabupaten Keerom mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan perkembangan mobilitas penduduk, pembukaan lahan pemukiman dan juga adanya pengaruh perubahan iklim global

    Faktor-Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Taeniasis dan Sistiserkosis di Papua Barat

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    Taeniasis and cysticercosis are zoonotic diseases pigs and still become a health problem in West Papua. In 2003-2004, the prevalence of taeniasis was 4.1% and cysticercosis 2.3%. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and determinants of transmission of the disease. A cross-sectional design was carried out in March-December 2016, with 1,489 of respondents. Data was collected  through fingertip blood collection and interviews for determinant factors of taeniasis transmission and cysticercosis. Examination of blood samples was carried out using magnetic microparticle immunoassay. The results of the study on taeniasis proportion were 3.0% (n=1.489) and taeniasis determinant factors were education [RR=1.3; CI 95% (0.695-2.418); p=0.047], hand washing habits before eating [RR=12.3; CI 95% (5.857-25.853); p=0.0001], habit of washing hands after defecate (p=0.0001), consuming vegetables (p=0.0001), vegetables being washed in the river [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.153-0.674); p=0.002] and consumption of roast meat [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.166-0.570); p=0.0001]. The proportion of cysticercosis is 3.2% (n=1,489). and cysticercosis determinant factors are education [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.162-0.819); p=0.011], hand washing habits before eating [RR=2.4; CI 95% (1.344-4.351); p=0.002], the habit of washing hands after defecate [RR=3.2; 95% CI (1.787-5.809); p=0.0001], nail hygiene [RR=2.8 CI 95% (1.415-5.546); p=0.002], consumption of vegetables [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.179-0.577); p=0,0001], vegetables are washed in the river [RR=0.4; CI 95% (0.222-0.837); p=0.012]. Determinant factors of Taeniasis and cysticercosis were education level, hand washing, nail hygiene, consumption of vegetables, washing vegetables in the river and consumption of roasted meat. It is crucial to provide education to community about clean,healthy behavior, and consumption of cooked meat