169 research outputs found

    Pragmatic physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling to support clinical implementation of optimized gentamicin dosing in term neonates and infants: proof-of-concept

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    IntroductionModeling and simulation can support dosing recommendations for clinical practice, but a simple framework is missing. In this proof-of-concept study, we aimed to develop neonatal and infant gentamicin dosing guidelines, supported by a pragmatic physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling approach and a decision framework for implementation.MethodsAn already existing PBPK model was verified with data of 87 adults, 485 children and 912 neonates, based on visual predictive checks and predicted-to-observed pharmacokinetic (PK) parameter ratios. After acceptance of the model, dosages now recommended by the Dutch Pediatric Formulary (DPF) were simulated, along with several alternative dosing scenarios, aiming for recommended peak (i.e., 8–12 mg/L for neonates and 15–20 mg/L for infants) and trough (i.e., <1 mg/L) levels. We then used a decision framework to weigh benefits and risks for implementation.ResultsThe PBPK model adequately described gentamicin PK. Simulations of current DPF dosages showed that the dosing interval for term neonates up to 6 weeks of age should be extended to 36–48 h to reach trough levels <1 mg/L. For infants, a 7.5 mg/kg/24 h dose will reach adequate peak levels. The benefits of these dose adaptations outweigh remaining uncertainties which can be minimized by routine drug monitoring.ConclusionWe used a PBPK model to show that current DPF dosages for gentamicin in term neonates and infants needed to be optimized. In the context of potential uncertainties, the risk-benefit analysis proved positive; the model-informed dose is ready for clinical implementation

    Towards More Robust Evaluation of the Predictive Performance of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models:Using Confidence Intervals to Support Use of Model-Informed Dosing in Clinical Care

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    Background and ObjectiveWith the rise in the use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling over the past decade, the use of PBPK modeling to underpin drug dosing for off-label use in clinical care has become an attractive option. In order to use PBPK models for high-impact decisions, thorough qualification and validation of the model is essential to gain enough confidence in model performance. Currently, there is no agreed method for model acceptance, while clinicians demand a clear measure of model performance before considering implementing PBPK model-informed dosing. We aim to bridge this gap and propose the use of a confidence interval for the predicted-to-observed geometric mean ratio with predefined boundaries. This approach is similar to currently accepted bioequivalence testing procedures and can aid in improved model credibility and acceptance.MethodsTwo different methods to construct a confidence interval are outlined, depending on whether individual observations or aggregate data are available from the clinical comparator data sets. The two testing procedures are demonstrated for an example evaluation of a midazolam PBPK model. In addition, a simulation study is performed to demonstrate the difference between the twofold criterion and our proposed method.ResultsUsing midazolam adult pharmacokinetic data, we demonstrated that creating a confidence interval yields more robust evaluation of the model than a point estimate, such as the commonly used twofold acceptance criterion. Additionally, we showed that the use of individual predictions can reduce the number of required test subjects. Furthermore, an easy-to-implement software tool was developed and is provided to make our proposed method more accessible.ConclusionsWith this method, we aim to provide a tool to further increase confidence in PBPK model performance and facilitate its use for directly informing drug dosing in clinical care

    Perceived barriers and facilitators for model-informed dosing in pregnancy:a qualitative study across healthcare practitioners and pregnant women

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    Background: Most women use medication during pregnancy. Pregnancy-induced changes in physiology may require antenatal dose alterations. Yet, evidence-based doses in pregnancy are missing. Given historically limited data, pharmacokinetic models may inform pregnancy-adjusted doses. However, implementing model-informed doses in clinical practice requires support from relevant stakeholders. Purpose:To explore the perceived barriers and facilitators for model-informed antenatal doses among healthcare practitioners (HCPs) and pregnant women. Methods: Online focus groups and interviews were held among healthcare practitioners (HCPs) and pregnant women from eight countries across Europe, Africa and Asia. Purposive sampling was used to identify pregnant women plus HCPs across various specialties prescribing or providing advice on medication to pregnant women. Perceived barriers and facilitators for implementing model-informed doses in pregnancy were identified and categorised using a hybrid thematic analysis. Results: Fifty HCPs and 11 pregnant women participated in 12 focus groups and 16 interviews between January 2022 and March 2023. HCPs worked in the Netherlands (n = 32), the UK (n = 7), South Africa (n = 5), Uganda (n = 4), Kenya, Cameroon, India and Vietnam (n = 1 each). All pregnant women resided in the Netherlands. Barriers and facilitators identified by HCPs spanned 14 categories across four domains whereas pregnant women described barriers and facilitators spanning nine categories within the same domains. Most participants found current antenatal dosing information inadequate and regarded model-informed doses in pregnancy as a valuable and for some, much-needed addition to antenatal care. Although willingness-to-follow model-informed antenatal doses was high across both groups, several barriers for implementation were identified. HCPs underlined the need for transparent model validation and endorsement of the methodology by recognised institutions. Foetal safety was deemed a critical knowledge gap by both groups. HCPs’ information needs and preferred features for model-informed doses in pregnancy varied. Several pregnant women expressed a desire to access information and partake in decisions on antenatal dosing. Conclusions: Given the perceived limitations of current pharmacotherapy for pregnant women and foetuses, model-informed dosing in pregnancy was seen as a promising means to enhance antenatal care by pregnant women and healthcare practitioners.</p

    Pharmacological and Parenteral Nutrition-Based Interventions in Microvillus Inclusion Disease

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    Microvillus inclusion disease (MVID) is a rare inherited and invariably fatal enteropathy, characterized by severe intractable secretory diarrhea and nutrient malabsorption. No cure exists, and patients typically die during infancy because of treatment-related complications. The need for alternative treatment strategies is evident. Several pharmacological interventions with variable successes have been tried and reported for individual patients as part of their clinical care. Unfortunately, these interventions and their outcomes have remained hidden in case reports and have not been reviewed. Further, recent advances regarding MVID pathogenesis have shed new light on the outcomes of these pharmacological interventions and offer suggestions for future clinical research and trials. Hence, an inventory of reported pharmacological interventions in MVID, their rationales and outcomes, and a discussion of these in the light of current knowledge is opportune. Together with a discussion on MVID-specific pharmacokinetic, -dynamic, and -genetic concerns that pose unique challenges regarding pharmacological strategies, we envision that this paper will aid researchers and clinicians in their efforts to develop pharmacological interventions to combat this devastating disease

    Getting the dose right using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling: dexamethasone to prevent post-extubation stridor in children as proof of concept

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    IntroductionCritically ill patients show large variability in drug disposition due to e.g., age, size, disease and treatment modalities. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models can be used to design individualized dosing regimens taking this into account. Dexamethasone, prescribed for the prevention post-extubation stridor (PES), is metabolized by the drug metabolizing enzyme CYP3A. As CYP3A4 undergoes major changes during childhood, we aimed to develop age-appropriate dosing recommendations for children of dexamethasone for PES, as proof of concept for PBPK modeling to individualize dosing for critically ill patients.MethodsAll simulations were conducted in Simcyp™ v21 (a population-based PBPK modeling platform), using an available dexamethasone compound model and pediatric population model in which CYP3A4 ontogeny is incorporated. Published pharmacokinetic (PK) data was used for model verification. Evidence for the dose to prevent post-extubation stridor was strongest for 2–6 year old children, hence simulated drug concentrations resulting from this dose from this age group were targeted when simulating age-appropriate doses for the whole pediatric age range.ResultsDexamethasone plasma concentrations upon single and multiple intravenous administration were predicted adequately across the pediatric age range. Exposure-matched predictions of dexamethasone PK indicated that doses (in mg/kg) for the 2–6 years olds can be applied in 3 month-2 year old children, whereas lower doses are needed in children of other age groups (60% lower for 0–2 weeks, 40% lower for 2–4 weeks, 20% lower for 1–3 months, 20% lower for 6–12 year olds, 40% lower for 12–18 years olds).DiscussionWe show that PBPK modeling is a valuable tool that can be used to develop model-informed recommendations using dexamethasone to prevent PES in children. Based on exposure matching, the dose of dexamethasone should be reduced compared to commonly used doses, in infants &lt;3 months and children ≥6 years, reflecting age-related variation in drug disposition. PBPK modeling is an promising tool to optimize dosing of critically ill patients

    Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity and genetic variability:A review

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    Background: Calcineurin inhibition (CNI) is the mainstay of immunosuppressant therapy for most solid organ transplant patients. High tacrolimus levels are related with acute nephrotoxicity, but the relationship with chronic toxicity is less clear. Variation in disposition of tacrolimus is associated with genetic variation in CYP3A5. Hence, could genetic variation in CYP3A5 or other genes involved in tacrolimus disposition and effect be associated with a risk for tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity? To perform a review of the literature and to identify if genetic variation in CYP3A5 or other genes involved in tacrolimus disposition or effect may be associated with tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity and/or renal dysfunction in solid organ transplant recipients. Material/Methods: Pubmed/Medline, Embase and Google were searched from their inception till November 8th 2010 with the search terms 'tacrolimus', 'genetics', and 'nephrotoxicity' or 'renal dysfunction'. References of relevant articles were screened as well. Results: We identified 13 relevant papers. In kidney recipients, associations between donor ABCB1, recipient CCR5 genotype and tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity were found. CYP3A5 genotype studies in kidney recipients yielded contradictory results. In liver recipients, a possible association between recipient ACE, CYP3A5, ABCB1 and CYP2C8 genetic polymorphisms and tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity was suggested. In heart recipients, TGF-β genetic polymorphisms were associated with tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity. The quality of the studies varied considerably. Conclusions: Limited evidence suggests that variation in genes involved in pharmacokinetics (ABCB1 and CYP3A5) and pharmacodynamics (TGF-β, CYP2C8, ACE, CCR5) of tacrolimus may impact a transplant recipients' risk to develop tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity across different transplant organ groups.</p
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