37 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Waste Management System in the Republic of Belarus

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    Today the consumption of goods is growing fast but as a result it is leading to disastrous increase of waste. Statistics says that average citizen produces more than 300 kg of waste per year. Annually more than 3 million tons of waste is gathered in Belarus, 90% of it is sent to the landfill. The strategy for integrated solid waste management in Minsk region for 2015-2029 has been worked out and has been prepared by IPO “Ecopartnership” in cooperation with foreign partners, later it was approved by the Minsk Region Council of Deputies

    The Improvement of Waste Management System in the Republic of Belarus

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    Today the consumption of goods is growing fast but as a result it is leading to disastrous increase of waste. Statistics says that average citizen produces more than 300 kg of waste per year. Annually more than 3 million tons of waste is gathered in Belarus, 90% of it is sent to the landfill. The strategy for integrated solid waste management in Minsk region for 2015-2029 has been worked out and has been prepared by IPO “Ecopartnership” in cooperation with foreign partners, later it was approved by the Minsk Region Council of Deputies

    Экономическая интеграция в рамках концепции устойчивого развития

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    In this paper, the author analyzes economic integration, reveals its economic, social and environmental matters in the realm of sustainable development paradigm, traces the economic relations that arise in order to ensure environmental safety. The development of sustainable economic relations among countries, the deepening of the international division of labor, as one of the main tasks of environmental security. It is shown that integration interaction allows its participants to jointly solve the most acute economic, social and environmental problems. The result of the analysis of integration cooperation strategies is the allocation of the EU as a standard for regional economic and political interaction processes.В статье анализируется экономическая интеграция, раскрывается ее экономическая, социальная и экологическая сущности в рамках концепции устойчивого развития, прослеживаются экономические отношения, возникающие в целях обеспечения экологической безопасности. Развитие устойчивых экономических связей между странами, углубление международного разделения труда является одним из основных вызовов экологической безопасности. Говоря о процессах экономической интеграции невозможно обойти стороной развитие информационных технологий, которое происходит все более быстрыми темпами и напрямую влияет на взаимоотношения между странами. Таким образом, цифровая трансформация оказывает влияние на интеграционное взаимодействие и позволяет его участникам совместно решать экономические, социальные и экологические проблемы вне зависимости от наличия государственных границ между странами

    Forming of nanostructured anti-reflective coating on titanium elements of optical devises

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    Technological approach for anti-reflective coatings on refractory metal surfaces has been proposed. Specular reflection coefficient of anti-reflective coatings created on titanium samples was as low as 0,1–0,33 % for the visible range. Coatings with similar properties can be created using different refractory metals. Developed approach can be used to decrease unwanted reflection of the digital camera elements on earth imaging satellites.Антиотражающие покрытия представляют интерес для разработки и создания оптоэлектронных и дисплейных устройств. Одна из бурно развивающихся сфер применения данных покрытий – снижение светового загрязнения изображений отражениями от элементов оптоэлектронных систем и их носителей. Многие современные антиотражающие покрытия имеют органическую основу или созданы на основе массивов углеродных нанотрубок и, как следствие, неустойчивы в условиях высоких температур и механических нагрузок. Для создания наиболее бюджетных антиотражающих покрытий на металлических поверхностях применяются, как правило, методики микроструктурирования поверхности путем механической обработки (шлифовка, пескоструйная обработка и другие технологии абразивной обработки). Подобная обработка позволяет снизить коэффициент зеркального отражения поверхности титанового изделия до уровня полутора-двух процентов


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    A fabrication of porous alumina films by electrochemical anodization of aluminium foils and aluminium films deposited on silicon wafers is presented. Anodization process was held in the 2 % sulphuric acid aqueous solution at different forming voltages. It was shown that thermal treatment at 450 °С and 950 °С leads to increase of anodic alumina film porosity and decrease of volume expansion factor. It was also defined that embedding of electrolyte components in anodic alumina during anodization in sulphuric acid solutions intensifies with the increase of forming voltage value.Представлены результаты исследования электрохимического анодирования алюминиевой фольги и тонких алюминиевых пленок, осажденных на кремниевые пластины, в 2 % водном растворе серной кислоты при различных напряжениях формовки. Показано, что термообработка при температурах 450 °С и 950 °С увеличивает пористость пленки анодного оксида алюминия и приводит к снижению значения коэффициента увеличения объема. Также установлено, что встраивание компонентов электролита в анодный оксид при анодировании в растворах серной кислоты интенсифицируется с ростом напряжения формовки

    Effect of anodic voltage on parameters of porous alumina formed in sulfuric acid electrolytes

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    Local porous aluminum anodizing with a photolithography mask has been carried out at anodic voltages varying from 15 to 200 V in sulfuric acid electrolytes. Record anodic voltages at room temperature have been achieved leading to new parameters of porous alumina such as interpore distance up to 320 nm, forming cell factor up to 1.2 nm/V, thickness expansion factor up to 3.5, porosity up to 1%, sulfur concentration up to 7.7 at.%. A central angle of porous alumina cells has been measured in concave points as well as in peak points of porous alumina cells at the border with aluminum. The measurements have shown that central angles can reach 90° at anodic voltages larger than 100 V. The electric field distribution in porous alumina cells has been simulated for different central angles. It is found that the electric field reaches 2.7×1010 V/m in the layers with a porosity of 1% in growing alumina

    HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis Formation via ROS-Dependent Upregulation of Twist

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    Funding Information: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6160-2203 Bayurova Ekaterina [email protected] 1 2 Jansons Juris [email protected] 3 4 Skrastina Dace [email protected] 3 4 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4980-9754 Smirnova Olga [email protected] 5 Mezale Dzeina [email protected] 3 Kostyusheva Anastasia [email protected] 6 Kostyushev Dmitry [email protected] 6 Petkov Stefan [email protected] 7 Podschwadt Philip [email protected] 7 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0365-570X Valuev-Elliston Vladimir [email protected] 5 Sasinovich Sviataslau [email protected] 7 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2278-4451 Korolev Sergey [email protected] 8 Warholm Per [email protected] 9 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2260-6551 Latanova Anastasia [email protected] 1 5 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2183-0858 Starodubova Elizaveta [email protected] 1 5 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8506-2339 Tukhvatulin Amir [email protected] 1 Latyshev Oleg [email protected] 1 Selimov Renat [email protected] 10 Metalnikov Pavel [email protected] 10 Komarov Alexander [email protected] 10 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3673-4714 Ivanova Olga [email protected] 5 Gorodnicheva Tatiana [email protected] 11 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7443-6961 Kochetkov Sergey [email protected] 5 Gottikh Marina [email protected] 8 Strumfa Ilze [email protected] 3 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5659-9679 Ivanov Alexander [email protected] 5 Gordeychuk Ilya [email protected] 1 2 12 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9382-2254 Isaguliants Maria [email protected] 1 2 3 7 García-Rivas Gerardo 1 NF Gamaleya Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology Moscow Russia 2 Chumakov Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immune-and-Biological Products of Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia chumakovs.ru 3 Department of Pathology Riga Stradins University Riga Latvia rsu.lv 4 Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre Riga Latvia lu.lv 5 Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia ras.ru 6 National Medical Research Center for Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Moscow Russia 7 Department of Microbiology Tumor and Cell Biology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden ki.se 8 Chemistry Department and Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia msu.ru 9 Science for Life Laboratory Stockholm University Stockholm Sweden su.se 10 Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (VGNKI) Moscow Russia 11 Evrogen Moscow Russia 12 Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Moscow Russia mma.ru 2019 2 12 2019 2019 08 05 2019 01 11 2019 05 11 2019 2 12 2019 2019 Copyright © 2019 Ekaterina Bayurova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. HIV-induced immune suppression results in the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS-associated malignancies including Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and cervical cancer. HIV-infected people are also at an increased risk of “non-AIDS-defining” malignancies not directly linked to immune suppression but associated with viral infections. Their incidence is increasing despite successful antiretroviral therapy. The mechanism behind this phenomenon remains unclear. Here, we obtained daughter clones of murine mammary gland adenocarcinoma 4T1luc2 cells expressing consensus reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 subtype A FSU_A strain (RT_A) with and without primary mutations of drug resistance. In in vitro tests, mutations of resistance to nucleoside inhibitors K65R/M184V reduced the polymerase, and to nonnucleoside inhibitors K103N/G190S, the RNase H activities of RT_A. Expression of these RT_A variants in 4T1luc2 cells led to increased production of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, enhanced cell motility in the wound healing assay, and upregulation of expression of Vimentin and Twist . These properties, particularly, the expression of Twist , correlated with the levels of expression RT_A and/or the production of ROS. When implanted into syngeneic BALB/C mice, 4T1luc2 cells expressing nonmutated RT_A demonstrated enhanced rate of tumor growth and increased metastatic activity, dependent on the level of expression of RT_A and Twist . No enhancement was observed for the clones expressing mutated RT_A variants. Plausible mechanisms are discussed involving differential interactions of mutated and nonmutated RTs with its cellular partners involved in the regulation of ROS. This study establishes links between the expression of HIV-1 RT, production of ROS, induction of EMT, and enhanced propagation of RT-expressing tumor cells. Such scenario can be proposed as one of the mechanisms of HIV-induced/enhanced carcinogenesis not associated with immune suppression. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 075-15-2019-1660 Latvian Science Council LZP-2018/2-0308 EU VACTRAIN Russian Foundation for Basic Research 17-00-00085 17_04_00583 17_54_30002 Publisher Copyright: © 2019 Ekaterina Bayurova et al.HIV-induced immune suppression results in the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS-associated malignancies including Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and cervical cancer. HIV-infected people are also at an increased risk of "non-AIDS-defining" malignancies not directly linked to immune suppression but associated with viral infections. Their incidence is increasing despite successful antiretroviral therapy. The mechanism behind this phenomenon remains unclear. Here, we obtained daughter clones of murine mammary gland adenocarcinoma 4T1luc2 cells expressing consensus reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 subtype A FSU_A strain (RT_A) with and without primary mutations of drug resistance. In in vitro tests, mutations of resistance to nucleoside inhibitors K65R/M184V reduced the polymerase, and to nonnucleoside inhibitors K103N/G190S, the RNase H activities of RT_A. Expression of these RT_A variants in 4T1luc2 cells led to increased production of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, enhanced cell motility in the wound healing assay, and upregulation of expression of Vimentin and Twist. These properties, particularly, the expression of Twist, correlated with the levels of expression RT_A and/or the production of ROS. When implanted into syngeneic BALB/C mice, 4T1luc2 cells expressing nonmutated RT_A demonstrated enhanced rate of tumor growth and increased metastatic activity, dependent on the level of expression of RT_A and Twist. No enhancement was observed for the clones expressing mutated RT_A variants. Plausible mechanisms are discussed involving differential interactions of mutated and nonmutated RTs with its cellular partners involved in the regulation of ROS. This study establishes links between the expression of HIV-1 RT, production of ROS, induction of EMT, and enhanced propagation of RT-expressing tumor cells. Such scenario can be proposed as one of the mechanisms of HIV-induced/enhanced carcinogenesis not associated with immune suppression.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    The formation conditions of anodic alumina with a tubular structure have been investigated. It is shown that alumina has the self-ordered tubular structure at temperature of barrier oxide layer to be several tens of degrees more than electrolyte temperature in cases of viscous electrolytes (viscosity more than 10-2 Pa·s at 20 °C) and hundred degrees more in cases of low viscous electrolytes (viscosity less than 10-2 Pa·s at 20°C). It is assumed that temperature of the barrier layer during the formation of the self-ordered tubular alumina can reach several hundred degrees because of the presence of spherical structures in the pores mouths. These spheres are expected to be formed due to the melting of an aluminum substrate during the anodizing process.Проведено исследование условий формирования пористого анодного оксида алюминия с трубчатой структурой. Показано, что самоупорядоченная трубчатая структура оксида алюминия формируется в том случае, если температура барьерного слоя превышает температуру электролита на несколько десятков градусов для вязких электролитов (вязкость более 10-2 Па·с при 20 °С) и на сто градусов и более для водных электролитов с низкой вязкостью (вязкость менее 10-2 Па·с при 20 °С). Сделано предположение, что температура барьерного слоя в процессе формирования самоупорядоченного трубчатого оксида алюминия может достигать нескольких сот градусов, что объясняет возникновение шарообразных структур в устьях пор, формируемых в результате оплавления алюминия в процессе анодирования