40 research outputs found

    Inter-species Tunneling in One-dimensional Bose Mixtures

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    We study the ground-state properties and quantum dynamics of few-boson mixtures with strong inter-species repulsion in one-dimensional traps. If one species localizes at the center, e.g., due to a very large mass compared to the other component, it represents an effective barrier for the latter and the system can be mapped onto identical bosons in a double well. For weaker localization, the barrier atoms begin to respond to the light component, leading to an induced attraction between the mobile atoms that may even outweigh their bare intra-species repulsion. To explain the resulting effects, we derive an effective Hubbard model for the lighter species accounting for the backaction of the barrier in correction terms to the lattice parameters. Also the tunneling is drastically affected: Varying the degree of localization of the "barrier" atoms, the dynamics of intrinsically noninteracting bosons can change from Rabi oscillations to effective pair tunneling. For identical fermions (or fermionized bosons) this leads to the tunneling of attractively bound pairs.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; v2 reflects major revisio

    Beyond two-stage models for lung carcinogenesis in the Mayak workers: Implications for Plutonium risk

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    Mechanistic multi-stage models are used to analyze lung-cancer mortality after Plutonium exposure in the Mayak-workers cohort, with follow-up until 2008. Besides the established two-stage model with clonal expansion, models with three mutation stages as well as a model with two distinct pathways to cancer are studied. The results suggest that three-stage models offer an improved description of the data. The best-fitting models point to a mechanism where radiation increases the rate of clonal expansion. This is interpreted in terms of changes in cell-cycle control mediated by bystander signaling or repopulation following cell killing. No statistical evidence for a two-pathway model is found. To elucidate the implications of the different models for radiation risk, several exposure scenarios are studied. Models with a radiation effect at an early stage show a delayed response and a pronounced drop-off with older ages at exposure. Moreover, the dose-response relationship is strongly nonlinear for all three-stage models, revealing a marked increase above a critical dose

    Material-barrier Tunneling in One-dimensional Few-boson Mixtures

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    We study the quantum dynamics of strongly interacting few-boson mixtures in one-dimensional traps. If one species is strongly localized compared to the other (e.g., much heavier), it can serve as an effective potential barrier for that mobile component. Near the limit of infinite localization, we map this to a system of identical bosons in a double well. For realistic localization, the backaction of the light species on the "barrier" atoms is explained--to lowest order--in terms of an induced attraction between these. Even in equilibrium, this may outweigh the bare intra-species interaction, leading to unexpected correlated states. Remarkably, the backaction drastically affects the inter-species dynamics, such as the tunneling of an attractively bound pair of fermionized atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Few-boson tunneling in a double well with spatially modulated interaction

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    We study few-boson tunneling in a one-dimensional double well with a spatially modulated interaction. The dynamics changes from Rabi oscillations in the non-interacting case to a highly suppressed tunneling for intermediate coupling strengths followed by a revival near the fermionization limit. With extreme interaction inhomogeneity in the regime of strong correlations we observe tunneling between the higher bands. The dynamics is explained on the basis of the few-body spectrum and stationary eigenstates. For higher number of particles, N > 2, it is shown that the inhomogeneity of the interaction can be tuned to generate tunneling resonances. Finally, a tilted double-well and its interplay with the interaction asymmetry is discussed.Comment: 10 Pages. Published with minor change

    Ground states of dipolar gases in quasi-1D ring traps

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    We compute the ground state of dipoles in a quasi-one-dimensional ring trap using few-body techniques combined with analytic arguments. The effective interaction between two dipoles depends on their center-of-mass coordinate and can be tuned by varying the angle between dipoles and the plane of the ring. For weak enough interactions, the state resembles a weakly interacting Fermi gas or an (inhomogeneous) Lieb-Liniger gas. A mapping between the Lieb-Liniger and the dipolar-gas parameters in and beyond the Born approximation is established, and we discuss the effect of inhomogeneities based on a local-density approximation. For strongly repulsive interactions, the system exhibits crystal-like localization of the particles. Their inhomogeneous distribution may be understood in terms of a simple few-body model as well as a local-density approximation. In the case of partially attractive interactions, clustered states form for strong enough coupling, and the dependence of the state on particle number and orientation angle of the dipoles is discussed analytically.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    One-dimensional Few-boson Systems in Single- and Double-well Traps

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    This thesis studies the one-dimensional Bose gas in harmonic and double-well traps from a few-body perspective. The main emphasis is on the crossover from weak interactions to the fermionization limit of infinite repulsion, where the system maps to an ideal Fermi gas. To explore the structure as well as the quantum dynamics throughout that crossover, we both develop an exact-diagonalization approach and resort to a multi-configurational time-dependent method (MCTDH). The basic mechanism of the fermionization crossover for the ground state is shown to consist in the formation of a correlation hole in the two-body density, which culminates in a localization of the individual particles for strong repulsion. This is accompanied by a reduction of coherence. We demonstrate how the concrete pathway depends on the trap geometry, on the shape of the interaction, as well as on the atom number. By extension, we also investigate the lowest excitations, whose understanding is a base for studying the impact of the fermionization crossover on the tunneling dynamics in a double well. In symmetric wells, a pathway from single-particle to fragmented-pair tunneling shows up. By energetically offsetting the two wells, tunnel resonances become accessible, which may be used to extract single atoms

    Polarons and Molecules in a Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas

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    We study an impurity atom in a two-dimensional Fermi gas using variational wave functions for (i) an impurity dressed by particle-hole excitations (polaron) and (ii) a dimer consisting of the impurity and a majority atom. In contrast to three dimensions, where similar calculations predict a sharp transition to a dimer state with increasing interspecies attraction, we show that the polaron ansatz always gives a lower energy. However, the exact solution for a heavy impurity reveals that both a two-body bound state and distortions of the Fermi sea are crucial. This reflects the importance of particle-hole pairs in lower dimensions and makes simple variational calculations unreliable. We show that the energy of an impurity gives important information about its dressing cloud, for which both ans\"atze give inaccurate results.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor change

    Tunneling dynamics of few bosons in a double well

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    We study few-boson tunneling in a one-dimensional double well. As we pass from weak interactions to the fermionization limit, the Rabi oscillations first give way to highly delayed pair tunneling (for medium coupling), whereas for very strong correlations multi-band Rabi oscillations emerge. All this is explained on the basis of the exact few-body spectrum and without recourse to the conventional two-mode approximation. Two-body correlations are found essential to the understanding of the different tunnel mechanisms. The investigation is complemented by discussing the effect of skewing the double well, which offers the possibility to access specific tunnel resonancesComment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Ultracold Few-Boson Systems in a Double-Well Trap

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    We investigate the transition of a quasi-one-dimensional few-boson system from a weakly correlated to a fragmented and finally a fermionized ground state. Our numerically exact analysis, based on a multi-configurational method, explores the interplay between different shapes of external and inter-particle forces. Specifically, we demonstrate that the addition of a central barrier to an otherwise harmonic trap may supports the system's fragmentation, with a symmetry-induced distinction between even and odd atom numbers. Moreover, the impact of inhomogeneous interactions is studied, where the effective coupling strength is spatially modulated. It is laid out how the ground state can be displaced in a controlled way depending on the trap and the degree of modulation. We present the one- and two-body densities and, beyond that, highlight the role of correlations on the basis of the natural occupations

    Correlations in Ultracold Trapped Few-Boson Systems: Transition from Condensation to Fermionization

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    We study the correlation properties of the ground states of few ultracold bosons, trapped in double wells of varying barrier height in one dimension. Extending previous results on the signature of the transition from a Bose-condensed state via fragmentation to the hard-core limit, we provide a deeper understanding of that transition by relating it to the loss of coherence in the one-body density matrix and to the emerging long-range tail in the momentum spectrum. These are accounted for in detail by discussing the natural orbitals and their occupations. Our discussion is complemented by an analysis of the two-body correlation function.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure