11 research outputs found

    Current Perspective on MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    The present paper discusses the current literature with regard to substance-assisted psychotherapy with Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The aim of the paper is to give a comprehensive overview of the development from MDMA’s early application in psychotherapy to its present and future role in the treatment of PTSD. It is further attempted to increase the attention for MDMA’s therapeutic potential by providing a thorough depiction of the scientific evidence regarding its theorized mechanism of action and potential harms of its application in the clinical setting (e.g., misattribution of therapeutic gains to medication instead of psychological changes). Empirical support for the use of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, including the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trails that have been conducted since 2008, is discussed. Thus far, an overall remission rate of 66.2% and low rates of adverse effects have been found in the six phase two trials conducted in clinical settings with 105 blinded subjects with chronic PTSD. The results seem to support MDMA’s safe and effective use as an adjunct to psychotherapy. Even though preliminary studies may look promising, more studies of its application in a psychotherapeutic context are needed in order to establish MDMA as a potential adjunct to therapy

    Current perspective on the therapeutic preset for substance-assisted psychotherapy

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    The present narrative review is the first in a series of reviews about the appropriate conduct in substance-assisted psychotherapy (SAPT). It outlines a current perspective on preconditions and theoretical knowledge that have been identified as valuable in the literature for appropriate therapeutic conduct in SAPT. In this context, considerations regarding ethics and the spiritual emphasis of the therapeutic approaches are discussed. Further, current methods, models, and concepts of psychological mechanism of action and therapeutic effects of SAPT are summarized, and similarities between models, approaches, and potential mediators for therapeutic effects are outlined. It is argued that a critical assessment of the literature might indicate that the therapeutic effect of SAPT may be mediated by intra- and interpersonal variables within the therapeutic context rather than specific therapeutic models per se. The review provides a basis for the development and adaptation of future investigations, therapeutic models, training programs for therapists, and those interested in the therapeutic potential of SAPT. Limitations and future directions for research are discussed

    Psychedelic forum member preferences for carer experience and consumption behavior: Can “Trip Sitters” help inform psychedelic harm reduction services?

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    Background: There is limited research on the provision of harm reduction services to people who use psychedelics. Little is known about provision of care to people consuming psychedelics outside of clinical trials. Methods: We investigated how people who used psychedelics discussed their preferences for care (or “trip sitting”) on two online forums: The Shroomery and DMT Nexus. A thematic analysis of the discussion was conducted to better understand consumer preferences for harm reduction services and resources. Results: We identified two key themes: experience and remote sitting. Forum participants valued trip sitters who had experienced psychedelic and other non-ordinary states of consciousness, who had knowledge of the health and medical industry, psychedelic literature and/or had previously cared for other psychedelic consumers. Forum participants also identified the value of consuming a psychedelic without somebody who was in their physical proximity, through communicating their plans to a remote trip sitter. The use of online tools was identified as a way to maximize the benefit of privacy while retaining carer benefits. Conclusion: Demand for trip sitters with lived psychedelic experience is likely influenced by stigma and empathy. Trip sitters who could relate to the effects of psychedelics assisted consumers in avoiding stigma while vulnerable under the effects of psychedelics. As such, psychedelic harm reduction services should be delivered by peers to ensure care maximizes the benefits of empathy. Psychedelic harm reduction services should consider how remote workers could be employed. There is a clear demand for remote psychedelic care services and to our knowledge this has not yet been explored

    Current perspective on the therapeutic preset for substance-assisted psychotherapy

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    The present narrative review is the first in a series of reviews about the appropriate conduct in substance-assisted psychotherapy (SAPT). It outlines a current perspective onpreconditions and theoretical knowledge that have been identified as valuable in the literaturefor appropriate therapeutic conduct in SAPT. In this context, considerations regarding ethics and the spiritual emphasis of the therapeutic approaches are discussed. Further, current methods, models, and concepts of psychological mechanism of action and therapeutic effects of SAPT are summarized, and similarities between models, approaches, and potential mediators for therapeutic effects are outlined. It is argued that a critical assessment of the literature might indicate that the therapeutic effect of SAPT may be mediated by intra- and interpersonal variables within the therapeutic context rather than specific therapeutic models per se. The review provides a basis for the development and adaptation of future investigations, therapeutic models, training programs for therapists, and those interested in the therapeutic potential of SAPT. Limitations and future directions for research are discussed

    Therapeutic (Sub)stance: Current practice and therapeutic conduct in preparatory sessions in substance-assisted psychotherapy—A systematized review

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    Background: Clinical trials are currently investigating the potential of substance-assisted psychotherapy (SAPT) as treatment for several psychiatric conditions. The potential therapeutic effects of SAPT may be influenced by contextual factors including preparation prior to and integration after the substance-assisted therapy sessions. Aims: This systematized review outlines recommendations for current practice in preparatory sessions in SAPT including safety measures and screening procedures, preparation of set and setting, session contents, methods, and roles, prerequisites, and appropriate conduct of therapists. Methods: A systematized review of the literature was conducted based on PRISMA guidelines. MEDLINE (OVID), PsycINFO (OVID), and Cochrane Library were searched and clinical trials, treatment manuals, study protocols, case studies, qualitative studies, descriptive studies, theoretical papers, reviews, book chapters, and conference proceedings published until February 1, 2022 were retrieved. Results: The final synthesis included k = 83 sources. Information about safety measures including screening of participants, set and setting, contextual-, physiological-, and psychological preparation, roles, competencies, prerequisites, and characteristics of the therapists, and the establishment of a therapeutic relationship were summarized and discussed. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a consensus in the literature about the importance of adequate preparation before the administration of psychoactive substances in SAPT. However, the extent and approaches for these sessions vary across different models and there is a need for timelier and more rigorous qualitative and quantitative investigations assessing different approaches and techniques for the optimal preparation of clients in SAPT