21 research outputs found

    Neuroprotective Efficacy of YM872, an ␣-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5- Methylisoxazole-4-Propionic Acid Receptor Antagonist, after Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats

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    ABSTRACT The neuroprotective efficacy of YM872, a novel, highly watersoluble ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor antagonist, was investigated in rats subjected to permanent occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. The rats were assessed either histologically or neurologically 24 hr or 1 wk after ischemia. YM872 was intravenously infused for either 4 or 24 hr at dose rates of 0 to 20 mg/kg/hr starting 5 min after ischemia to examine the effect of prolonged treatment. YM872 was then infused at 20 mg/kg/hr beginning 0 to 4 hr after ischemia to determine the efficacy time window. Additionally, a 20 mg/kg/hr dose rate of YM872 was infused for 4 hr in single day-or 5-day repetitive-administrations to evaluate long-term benefits of the drug. YM872 significantly reduced infarct volume in both 4-and 24-hr treatment groups measured 24 hr after ischemia. No difference was observed in the degree of protection between length of infusion. Significant neuroprotection was maintained even when drug administration was delayed up to 2 hr after ischemia. A single YM872-administration significantly improved neurological deficit and reduced infarct volume (30%, P Ͻ .01) measured 1 wk after ischemia. YM872 treatment did not induce such adverse effects as physiological changes, serious behavioral abnormalities or nephrotoxicity. These data suggest that the ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor plays a crucial role in the progression of neuronal damage in the early phase of ischemia and that YM872 may be useful in treating acute ischemic stroke

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    In vivo studies on the effects of alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists on pupil diameter and urethral tone in rabbits

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    Alpha1-adrenoceptors mediate contraction of iris dilator smooth muscle and hence pupil dilatation. We compared the ability of i.v. bolus injections of alfuzosin, doxazosin, naftopidil, prazosin, tamsulosin and terazosin to antagonise phenylephrine-induced mydriasis relative to their potency for inhibiting phenylephrine-induced elevations of intraurethral pressure (IUP) in rabbits. Moreover, we compared the ability of these drugs to induce miosis in conscious rabbits in the absence of phenylephrine. All antagonists inhibited the effects of phenylephrine on pupil size and IUP, and the ratio of the respective ED50 values was close to unity in all cases. The doses required to induce statistically significant miosis in the absence of phenylephrine were 30- to 100-fold higher than those inhibiting phenylephrine-induced mydriasis for all antagonists, except for naftopidil. Moreover, the miotic effects of all alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists were fully reversible within 8 h. We conclude that alfuzosin, doxazosin, naftopidil, prazosin, tamsulosin and terazosin inhibit phenylephrine-induced mydriasis in the same dose range as they inhibit elevations in IUP. Higher doses of all antagonists are required to induce miosis in the absence of an exogenous agonist, and such miosis is always reversible within hour