362 research outputs found

    Dynamics of fast neutrino flavor conversions with scattering effects: a detailed analysis

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    We calculate fast conversions of two flavor neutrinos by considering Boltzmann collisions of neutrino scatterings. In an idealized angular distribution of neutrinos with electron-lepton number crossing, we find that the collision terms of the neutrino scattering enhance the transition probability of fast flavor conversions as in the previous study. We analyze the dynamics of fast flavor conversions with collisions in detail based on the motion of polarization vectors in cylindrical coordinate analogous to a pendulum motion. The phase of the all polarization vector synchronizes in the linear evolution, and the phase deviation from the Hamiltonian governs the conversion of neutrino flavor. In the non-linear evolution, a closed orbit in the phase space is observed. The collision terms break the closed orbit and gradually make the phase space smaller. The flavor conversions are enhanced during this limit cycle. After the significant flavor conversion, all of the neutrino polarization vectors start to align with the z-axis owing to the collision effect within the time scale of the collision term irrespective of neutrino scattering angles. We also show the enhancement or suppression of the flavor conversions in various setups of the collision terms and verify consistency with previous studies. Though our analysis does not fully understand the dynamics of fast flavor conversion, the framework gives a new insight into this complicated phenomenon in further study.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Spin-flavor precession of Dirac neutrinos in dense matter and its potential in core-collapse supernovae

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    We calculate the spin-flavor precession (SFP) of Dirac neutrinos induced by strong magnetic fields and finite neutrino magnetic moments in dense matter. As found in the case of Majorana neutrinos, the SFP of Dirac neutrinos is enhanced by the large magnetic field potential and suppressed by large matter potentials composed of the baryon density and the electron fraction. The SFP is possible irrespective of the large baryon density when the electron fraction is close to 1/3. The diagonal neutrino magnetic moments that are prohibited for Majorana neutrinos enable the spin precession of Dirac neutrinos without any flavor mixing. With supernova hydrodynamics simulation data, we discuss the possibility of the SFP of both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae. The SFP of Dirac neutrinos occurs at a radius where the electron fraction is 1/3. The required magnetic field of the proto-neutron star for the SFP is a few 101410^{14}G at any explosion time. For the Majorana neutrinos, the required magnetic field fluctuates from 101310^{13}G to 101510^{15}G. Such a fluctuation of the magnetic field is more sensitive to the numerical scheme of the neutrino transport in the supernova simulation.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Suppression of Borna Disease Virus Replication during Its Persistent Infection Using the CRISPR/Cas13b System

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    Borna disease virus (BoDV-1) is a bornavirus that infects the central nervous systems of various animal species, including humans, and causes fatal encephalitis. BoDV-1 also establishes persistent infection in neuronal cells and causes neurobehavioral abnormalities. Once neuronal cells or normal neural networks are lost by BoDV-1 infection, it is difficult to regenerate damaged neural networks. Therefore, the development of efficient anti-BoDV-1 treatments is important to improve the outcomes of the infection. Recently, one of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) systems, CRISPR/Cas13, has been utilized as antiviral tools. However, it is still unrevealed whether the CRISPR/Cas13 system can suppress RNA viruses in persistently infected cells. In this study, we addressed this question using persistently BoDV-1-infected cells. The CRISPR/Cas13 system targeting viral mRNAs efficiently decreased the levels of target viral mRNAs and genomic RNA (gRNA) in persistently infected cells. Furthermore, the CRISPR/Cas13 system targeting viral mRNAs also suppressed BoDV-1 infection if the system was introduced prior to the infection. Collectively, we demonstrated that the CRISPR/Cas13 system can suppress BoDV-1 in both acute and persistent infections. Our findings will open the avenue to treat prolonged infection with RNA viruses using the CRISPR/Cas13 system

    Systematic local simulations of fast neutrino flavor conversions with scattering effects

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    We investigate the dynamics of fast neutrino flavor conversions (FFCs) in the one-dimensional (1D) inhomogeneous and the homogeneous models as post processes by employing snapshots obtained by our self-consistent, realistic Boltzmann simulations in two spatial dimensions (2D). We show that the FFC growth rate is considerably larger in the inhomogeneous model than in the homogeneous model, as expected from the previous linear analysis results. We find that the momentum space dimension does not significantly influence the neutrino transition probability under inhomogeneous conditions. On the other hand, in the homogeneous model without collisions, the FFC depends on the momentum space, and the azimuthal angle dependence breaks the periodicity of the FFC. Our study demonstrates that collision-induced enhancement occurs on a long time scale in the inhomogeneous model. Despite that collision-induced enhancement does not appear on the short time scale, that should be taken into account to predict the final conversion probability.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Is There Any Association between TV Viewing and Obesity in Preschool Children in Japan?

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    Obesity in children is a serious public health problem, and TV viewing is considered a potential risk factor. Since, however, no relevant association studies have been conducted in Japan, we evaluated the association between TV viewing and obesity using a population-based study conducted in a Japanese town. All 616 preschool children in the town were enrolled in February 2008, and a self-administered questionnaire to collect children's and parents' characteristics was sent to the parents. We dichotomized the time spent TV viewing and evaluated associations by logistic regression using a &#34;less than 2h&#34; category as a reference. The questionnaire was collected from 476 participants (77.3%), of whom 449 were available for the final analyses. Among them, 26.9% of preschool children reported 2 or more hours of TV viewing per day and 8.2% were defined as obese. In logistic regression analyses, there was no positive association in unadjusted (odds ratio [OR]1.11, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]:0.50-2.49) or adjusted models for exclusively breastfed status, sleep duration, or maternal factors (OR1.11, 95% CI:0.50-2.51). We also found no positive association between TV viewing and overweight status, possibly owing to the influence of social environment, low statistical power, or misclassification.</p

    Impact of Breastfeeding on Body Weight of Preschool Children in a Rural Area of Japan: Population-based Cross-sectional Study

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    To investigate the effect of exclusive breastfeeding on the likelihood of Japanese preschool children being overweight, population-based cross-sectional survey data from M town in Japan were used. Using the population registry of this town, all 616 preschool children were identified, and a self-administered questionnaire was sent to their parents. The exposure variable of interest was exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months, and the outcome variable of interest was the children being overweight at preschool age. Statistical analyses used included logistic regression and sensitivity analyses. In the final analyses, we included 448 preschool children. Although all point estimates indicated a protective effect, logistic regression analyses showed no significant reduction in being overweight due to exclusive breastfeeding in the unadjusted model (odds ratio (OR)0.70, 95% confidence intervals:0.30-1.64), the model adjusted for birth weight (OR0.70, 95% CI:0.30-1.63), the model adjusted for child lifestyle (OR0.71, 95% CI:0.30-1.67), or the model adjusted for parental factors (OR0.46, 95% CI:0.15-1.37). In sensitivity analyses, point estimates were not significant, but a protective effect was observed. In conclusion, our results suggest that breastfeeding might have a protective effect on Japanese preschool children against being overweight, although statistical significance was not observed due to the limitation of the statistical power of the findings.</p

    Emission image of X-ray-irradiated CR-39 stick doped with methylviologen-encapsulated silica nanocapsules using LED light

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    Light-emitting diode (LED)-light-excited emission images of 6 MeV-X-ray (10 Gy)-irradiated CR-39 doped with methylviologen-encapsulated silica nanocapsules (MV @SiO2 NCs) were observed using an iPhone 5S for the first time. The excitation and fluorescence spectra were also observed, and the emission peak at 580 nm produced by the X-ray irradiation was confirmed. Emission intensities of 80 kV-X-ray (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 Gy)-irradiated CR-39 doped with MV @ SiO2 NCs could be measured using a portable fluorometer (FC-1), and a good linear relationship between their emission intensity and dose was clearly observed
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