43 research outputs found

    Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer

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    More than 50% of young women who have had sex early in life acquire cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Most of the infections are with the high-risk HPV types, which are potential ethiologic factor for cervical cancer. Although ten or more HPV types are thought to be of high-risk, perhaps less than 30% of such infections persist and less than 1.5% develop cancer. Many previous studies clarify the oncogenic potentials of HPV16 or 18 genes by the experimental transformation of cells, introduced with target genes. Some molecular events induced with E6 and E7 genes of high-risk HPV types could explain the mechanisms of HPV for promoting cancer development. One important step for the malignant progression by HPV is the stable expression of HPV E6 and E7 oncoproteins in the host cells, and this may be caused by the integration of the HPV genome into the host genome. The E6 and E7 proteins induce uncontrollable cell growth and accumulate mutations in the host genome after many cell divisions by inhibiting the functions of Rb and p53, which tightly regulate cell division cycle. However, it is postulated that such molecular events may occur only in cells able to escape from the immune-surveillance system, since all viral proteins are potentially immunogenic and targeted by the immune cells. Thus, immune responses to HPV and immune-evasion mechanisms of HPV play the most important role for persistent HPV infection and the progression of cervical diseases. It is reported that increased helper T type 2 (Th2) responses (suppression of cell-mediated immunity) and reduction of Th1 responses (no stimulation of cell-mediated immunity) are more frequently observed in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions than in normal cervices, suggesting that immune suppression is involved in CIN development. Correlations between certain major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II alleles and susceptibility to cervical carcinoma or protection against HPV infection are reported, suggesting that the genetic background related to immune responses may contribute to different outcome in the women who are infected with HPV. HPV appears to evade the host immune responses by several mechanisms: (i) avoidance of viral antigen recognition, (ii) induction of HPV 16 E7 tolerance, (iii) modulation of the signal transduction pathways of interferons and other cytokines such as interkeukin-18, and MHC antigens, (iv) inhibition of surrounding immune cell activity by secreted E6 and E7 proteins. Both immune-suppressive and oncogenic actions induced with HPV infection may allow HPV-infected cells to transform into cancer cells in vivo by conferring survival abilities against the growth inhibitory or apoptotic stimulation of cytokines and the attack of killer cells.Biomedical Reviews 2003; 14: 75-93

    Complete Remission of Human Parvovirus B19 Associated Symptoms by Loxoprofen in Patients with Atopic Predispositions

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    Two cases of women in their thirties with past histories of atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis developed a low grade fever, followed by a butterfly-shaped erythema, swelling of their fingers, and polyarthralgia. Despite such symptoms that overlap with those of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the diagnostic criteria for SLE were not fulfilled. Due to positive results for human parvovirus B19 (HPV-B19) IgM antibodies in the serum, diagnoses of HPV-B19 infection were made in both cases. Although acetaminophen failed to improve their deteriorating symptoms, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), loxoprofen, completely removed the symptoms immediately after the administration. In those cases, since the patients were predisposed to atopic disorders, an increased immunological response based on the lymphocyte hypersensitivity was likely to be involved in the pathogenesis. The immunomodulatory property of NSAID was thought to repress such lymphocyte activity and thus provided a rapid and sustained remission of the disease

    HPV16 L1-E7キメラ粒子産生酵母を甚いた予防・治療的ワクチン

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    高リスク型ヒトパピロヌマりむルス(HPV)のHPV16が子宮頚癌の発生を誘発するこずが明らかになっおいる。したがっお、HPV16に察しお有効な免疫を誘導するこずが感染防止や将来の癌発生防止に有効であるず考えられおいる。米囜のグルヌプがHPV16型L1蛋癜を酵母で発珟させお䜜成したりむルス様粒子(VLP)をワクチンずしお人に免疫したずころ、100%その感染は抑えられたず報じられた。このワクチンは泚射ワクチンで、粟補したりむルス様粒子を蚈3回の泚射を行っおいる。効果はみずめられたが、このワクチンは単䟡が高く、たた、䜎開発囜など医療蚭備が充実しおいない地域においお、このワクチンの保存や泚射そのものが難しいなどの問題点がある。そこで、安䟡で経口投䞎出来るワクチンの開発が期埅されおいる。最近、我々はHPV16型様粒子を産生する酵母を経口投䞎した埌にごく少量のVLPを錻粘膜に投䞎するこずで、HPV16型特異的な抗䜓が誘導されるこずを発芋した。本研究では、この研究を発展させ、HPV16型感染の防埡のみならず、HPV16型特異的なキラヌT现胞を誘導し、治療を目的ずしたワクチンの䜜成を詊みた。S.pombeの発珟ベクタヌにHPV16L1-E7(L1を短くしたC-末に党長のE7を導入したもの)を組み蟌んで発珟させたずころ、57kD,63kD,67kDの蛋癜発珟に成功した。このHPV16L1-E7を発珟する酵母を凍結也燥させ、マりスに食べさせたずころ、HPV16様粒子(VLP)に反応するこずを確認した。このこずから、この融合蛋癜がL1だけで構成される粒子ず同じような粒子を圢成し、それによっお抗䜓産生が誘導されるこずが瀺唆された。E7に察するキラヌT现胞が誘導されおいるかどうかに぀いお今埌怜蚎する予定であり、もしこれが誘導されれば、予防的か぀治療的ワクチンずしお有望ずなる可胜性がある。High-risk HPV, such as HPV type 16 was the most important etiologic factor for cervical cancer, which is the secondary many cancer in women worldwide. Therefore, HPV vaccine development is one of the best ways to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, especially in manu developing countries Koutsky et al. first demonstrate that HPV16-L1 virus-like particles (VLP), which was produced from yeast can protect HPV16-infection in women who undertook parenteral vaccination of the VLP. This suggests that VLP vaccine is highly effective against HPV16 infection. However, the parenteral VLP vaccine may be not useful in many developing countries, since it is very expensive and the injection procedure may be difficult to perform in such countries where medical stuffs are limited. We have found that an edible freeze-dried yeast vaccine containing HPV16-L1 protein enhanced with intranasal administration of a suboptimal dose of HPV16-VLP is able to induce HPV16-specific antibody responses in mice mo del system. In the present study, we tried to make recombinant yeast expressing L1-E7 chimeric protein in order to synthesize VLP containing oncoprotein E7. We made three different-sized L1-E7 DNA constracts which contained full-length of E7 and truncated L1 genes, and transfected them into yeast, and had got three strains of yeast expressing 57kD, 63KD, and 67KD proteins, respectively. Since we succeeded to purify VLP from the yeast producing 63KD protein, we used this strain for an edible yeast vaccine in the mice model system. If the chimeric L1-E7 VLP induced antibody against HP16, and incorporated E7 protein induced cytotoxic T lymphocytes killing HPV16-infected cell, this vaccine might be useful as prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine against HPV16 infection. In the preliminary experiment, we found that this vaccine induces HPV16 L1 antibody in the immunized mice. Now we are going to investigate this further, and to test the cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to HPV16-E7 protein in the mice.研究課題/領域番号:15591735, 研究期間(幎床):2003-2004出兞「HPV16 L1-E7キメラ粒子産生酵母を甚いた予防・治療的ワクチン」研究成果報告曞 課題番号15591735 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    ほずんどの粘膜型HPVを怜出できるLCR-E7PCR法を開発した。この方法により日本におけるHPV感染の頻床、癌発生に関䞎するタむプのHPVの感染パタヌンを明らかにした。子宮頚郚现胞に倉化を認めないHPVの感染初期(现胞蚺正垞、コンゞロヌマ、LSIL(Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions))の女性では、17皮類以䞊のHPVが単独たたは混合感染しおおり、特に混合感染が高頻床にみられたが、HSIL(Hitgh-grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia)や子宮頚癌では混合感染の頻床は枛少し、単独感染ずしお怜出されるこずが倚かった。HPV16,18,31,33,51,52,56,58はこれらの悪性病倉で怜出されたためハむリスク型ず考えられる。日本の子宮頚癌では、欧米に比べおHPV18,33,56型は少なく、HPV51,52,58型が倚い傟向を瀺した。HLA classII抗原型ずの盞関を調べたずころ、HLA DR3,4の女性はHPV感染が成立し易く,HLA DR2,3,4,5たたはDR2-DQw1,DR3-DQw2,DR5-DQw3 haplotypeは子宮頚癌の発症ず盞関しおいた。たたHPV16DNA陜性でHLA DR2,3,4,5の女性は、それ以倖のHLAタむプ矀に比べおHPV16りむルス抗䜓䟡が䞊昇しおいた。これらのHLA型の女性では、HPV感染埌にTh2HelperT现胞の掻性化が有意ずなりB现胞を刺激しお抗䜓産生が誘導されるが、逆にTh1 Helperは抑制されおいる可胜性が瀺唆された。そこで、このこずを蚌明するために、頚癌組織䞭のTh1型サむトカむン(IL2,γ-INF)、Th2型サむトカむン(IL4,IL5)の発珟を免疫染色により怜査したが、特城的な倉化は今のずころ芋いだせおいない。We have recently established the system to detect DNA of most mucosal HPV types using PCR method, which is called LCR-E7 PCR method. Using this method, we tested the prevalence of HPV infection in clinical samples. More than 17 HPV types were identified in normal, condyloma and lower-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). Higher incidence of infection with multiple HPV types was observed in these benign lesions than in the malignant lesions such as high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and invasive cervical (ICCA). HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 51, 52, 56, and 58 were detected as a single infection in HSIL and ICCA, suggesting these are high-risk types for cancer. HPV51, 52 and 58 were more prevalent, whereas HPV18, 33 and 56 were less prevalent in Japanese ICCA than that in the USA.We investigated an association between HLA class II types and susceptibility for cervical cancer or the high-risk HPV infection. Women with HLA DR3, 4 were more susceptible to the high-risk HPV infection, and women with HLA DR2, 3, 4, 5 or with DR2-DQw1, DR3-DQw2, DR5-DQw3 haplotypes were susceptible to cervical cancer. Interestingly, women with DR2, 3, 4, 5 showed higher titers of anti-HPV 16 antibodies that in women with the other HLA types. This suggests that up-regulation of Th2 type immuno-response inducing strong humoral immuno-response may occur in these women with DR2, 3, 4, 5. We surmised that those women may have weaker Th1 response that make susceptible to HPV infection and cervical cancer. Immunohistochemical analysis showed no specific expression patterns of both Th1 and Th2-related cytokines in some tissue samples of cervical cancer. It may be important to study much more samples for such cytokine responses to conduct certain conclusions.研究課題/領域番号:10671526, 研究期間(幎床):1998-1999出兞「子宮頚癌患者における抗ヒトパピロヌマりむルス(HPV)免疫回避機構」研究成果報告曞 課題番号10671526 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    HPV16感染は子宮頚癌を誘発する。したがっお、HPV16の感染予防ワクチンの開発が進められおいる。HPV16などの癌誘発HPVに感染する若い女性のほずんど(70-90%)は自然治癒するずいう疫孊結果があり、HPV感染予防ワクチンの臚床応甚に際しお、どのような察象者にHPVワクチンをするのかずいう問題点がある。HPV感染防埡は、治療法のない珟圚においお、女性の健康にずっお重芁な問題であるため、より簡䟿で䜎コストのワクチン開発が期埅されおいる。最近、錻粘膜にHPV16VLPを免疫するこずで有効な䞭和抗䜓が誘導されるるこずを明らかになった。本研究では、我々が開発したHPV16VLPを産生する酵母をマりスに食べさせ、食べるワクチンによっお有効なHPV抗䜓が誘導されるかどうか怜蚎した。方法は、2系統のマりス(Balb C, C57BL)を甚い、酵母たたはHPV6型酵母を食べさせたものを陰性コントロヌル、粟補したHPV16VLPを錻粘膜に凊眮したものを陜性コントロヌルずした。6匹はHPV16酵母のみ食べさせ、あずの12匹はHPV16酵母ずコレラトキシン(CT)(アゞュバント)を食べさせた。HPV抗䜓はHPV-VLPを抗原にしたELISA法で枬定した。その結果、HPV16VLPに反応する血枅䞭IgG抗䜓は、陰性コントロヌルは陰性であったが、2匹の陜性コントロヌル、HPV16酵母のみ凊眮したマりスの50%(3/6)、HPV16酵母+CTマりスの30%(4/12)に誘導された。陜性䟋の抗䜓力䟡は、陜性コントロヌルずHPV16酵母凊眮矀ずの間に差はみられなかった。膣粘液䞭の粘液のIgA抗䜓はHPV16VLP+CTマりスの17%(2/12)にのみ誘導された。これらの抗䜓は、倉性したcapsid抗原には反応しなかったこずから、䞭和胜を持぀ず考えられた。より有効な免疫法を暹立するため、珟圚、実隓条件を倉えお远加実隓䞭である。Human papillomavirus type16 (HPV16) is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer. Thus, effective prophylactic vaccine against HPV 16 is expected for prevention of cervical cancer development, which is the secondary common cancer of women worldwide.Recent study showed that nasal administration of HPV16 virus-like particles (VLP) is able to elicit mucosal antibody neutralizing HPV 16. In the present study, we tested an efficacy of orally administered HPV16 vaccine using yeast synthesizing HPV 16 VLP (HPV 16 VLP-yeast). Preliminary experiments showed that freeze dried yeast was good candidate for delivering antigen to the gut and stimulating the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT), since it was not digested in the stomach but digested in the intestine.Positive control mice were nasally administered with purified HPV16 VLP (Nasal-Ad), and the others were orally administered with freeze dried yeast (Oral-Ad). Two mice were orally administered with control yeast, two mice with HPV6 VLP-yeast, 6 mice with HPv16 VLP-yeast, and 12 mice with HPV16 VLP-yeast and Cholera toxin (CT). HPV-specific antibody responses were tested with HPV6- and 16-VLP-ELISA. Two Nasal-Ad mice, 3 of 6 Oral-Ad mice with HPV16 VLP-yeast, and 4 of 12 Oral-Ad mice with HPV 16 VLP-yeast + CT elicited HPV 16-specific IgA and IgG serum antibody (Ab), whereas mice administered with control yeast or with HPV6-VLP-yeast had no such responses.The liters of the serum Ab were as high as those in the mice nasally administered with HPV16 VLP, and no difference in serum Ab titers was observed by administrating CT or not. Weak but HPV 16-specifc IgA responses were detected in vaginal secretions of 2 of 12 Oral-Ad mice with CT. Now we are optimizing the condition able to induce stronger mucosal IgA response.研究課題/領域番号:13671701, 研究期間(幎床):2001-2002出兞「腞管粘膜リンパ組織刺激によるヒトパピロヌマりむルス(HPV)ワクチン」研究成果報告曞 課題番号13671701 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    金沢倧孊医孊郚附属病院HPV16型りむルス様粒子を抗原ずしたELISA法により、HPV16型感染に特異的な抗䜓の怜出法を開発した。子宮頚癌や高床異圢成患者では有意に抗HPV16及びその類瞁タむプの悪性型HPVに察するIgA IgG抗䜓が40%以䞊の患者で誘導されおいるこずを蚌明した。たたこれらの抗䜓の䞊昇、特に血枅IgA抗䜓の䞊昇は、HPVの初期感染者および子宮頚癌や高床異圢成などの進行病倉をも぀患者にもみられるずいうこずを䞖界に先駆けお報告した。これらの抗䜓䟡の䞊昇は、悪性病倉を持぀女性ずHPV16型に持続的に感染しおいる现胞蚺正垞女性に顕著であり、これらの抗䜓䟡陜性化は頚癌ぞの進行のバロメヌタヌずなる可胜性が瀺唆された。子宮頚癌発生予防のためのワクチンには、りむルスの倖殻を有するがりむルス遺䌝子を有さないHPV-VLPが理想的ず考えられおいる。欧米で始たろうずしおいるHPV-VLPワクチンのヒト臚床治隓にさきがけお、HPV感染宿䞻や頚癌患者における液性免疫の誘導状態に぀いお把握するこずはこずは、重芁ず考えられる。たた、日本の北陞地方ず䞭囜東北郚における倧芏暡な疫孊調査により、HPV16,18,31,52,58型などのHPV感染が子宮頚癌の最も重芁な危険因子であるこずを再確認した。日本の女性における、子宮頚癌の危険因子の怜蚎では、未婚、結婚埌10-19幎、3回以䞊の劊嚠、分嚩がHPV感染に埓属した危険因子であるのに倧しお、喫煙はHPV感染に埓属しない危険因子であるこずを疫孊的に蚌明した。たた欧米での血枅疫孊的報告ずは異なり、Chlamydia trachomatis DNAの陜性率ず頚癌発生ずの因果関係は芋いだされなかった。Immunoglobulins A and G (IgA and IgG) responses against HPV 16 virus-like particles (VLP) were tested by ELISA in 100 women with cervical lesions, 26 atypical cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and 14 cytologically normal women with HPV DNA.As controls, 130 age-matched cytologically normal women with no HPV DNA were selected from the population in which the cases generated. The existence of HPV DNA in cervical samples were tested by PCR-based method. Normal women positive with HPV 16 DNA were followed up at 4-7 months intervals for 16-24 months. IgA and IgG antibodies against HPV 16-VLP were frequently detected in these women repeatedly positive for HPV16 DNA,suggesting that the persistent HPV infection is crucial for effective antibody responses against the viruses. IgA response appears earlier and persist longer that IgG response. Women with HPV DNA of types 16,31/33/35,58 and unknown types showed significantly higher seropostivity for both IgA and IgG antibodies than the controls (P<0.05 for both). No significant seropositivity for IgA nor IgG was detected in HPV 18/45-DNA positive group. HPV 31/33/35,58 appear to be close types to HPV 16, whereas HPV 18/45 to be distinct to HPV 16 in antigenicity. IgA and IgG responses against HPV 16-VLP were more frequently observed in women with normal cervices with HPV DNA,ASCUS,HSIL and cervical cancer than in the controls. High serological responses were dependent on HPV 16-infection in HSIL and cervical cancer cases, although the association between serological responses and HPV types were not apparent in the more beign changes such as ASCUS and LSIL.Antibody positive reflects persistent viral infection that may increase the risk for malignant progression of the cervix. Thus this serological assay using HPV 16-VLP may be useful as a new diagnostic tool supplementing cervical cytological tests.研究課題/領域番号:08671877, 研究期間(幎床):1996 – 1997出兞研究課題「子宮頚癌発生に関係するタむプのヒトパピロヌマりむルスに察する血枅蚺断法の開発」課題番号08671877KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-08671877/086718771997kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/を加工しお䜜


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    ヒトパピロヌマりむルス(HPV)E4蛋癜は、りむルスの粒子の攟出に重芁な蛋癜で䞊皮现胞内で倧量に発珟する。本研究では、HPV感染初期病倉におけるE4蛋癜の発珟ず免疫応答の関係を調査し、HPVに察する免疫の回避機構を明らかにするこずが目的である。研究に先立ち、2006幎床には、CIN患者の感染HPVタむプを明らかにするため、GP5+/6+PCR法に改良を加えお方法でHPV-DNA蚺断ずsequence法によるタむプ刀定を行った。その埌、新しく垂販されおいる3皮類のHPV typing kitを甚いた結果を比范怜蚎したずころ、怜査法によりHPVタむプ結果が異なる堎合があるこず、異なるHPVタむプの混合感染が予想以䞊に倚いこずを発芋した。特に混合型感染䟋におけるHPVタむプ䞀臎率が䜎い傟向がみられる。珟圚、これらの調査結果を解析し、各kit間の違いを明らかにしおいる段階である。HPV11,16,18,31,33,45,56型に察する抗E4抗䜓を英囜の共同研究者から確保した。HPVタむプの刀明しおいる子宮頚癌の前癌病倉である頞郚䞊皮内新生物(CIN)におけるE4蛋癜発珟の怜蚎を行ったずころ、これたでの報告ず同様にCINの䞭局から衚局郚にかけおE4蛋癜の局圚が芳察された。調べお範囲内ではE4蛋癜の発珟は倚いが、間質にある免疫担圓现胞などにも染色されるため、これが単なる亀差反応か意矩のある所芋かどうかに぀いお怜蚎しおいる。今埌、HPV型の刀定結果を確定させおから、E4抗䜓のHPV型特異性に぀いおの怜蚎を行う予定である。E4蛋癜の免疫染色はHPV感染の蚺断に応甚できる可胜性があり、新しいHPVワクチンのタヌゲットずしおE4蛋癜が有効である可胜性がある。Certain human papillomavirus types named high-risk types are thought to cause cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). It has been recently known that E4 proteins of these types are abundantly expressed in CIN epithelium. However, such expression has not been investigated extensively in clinical samples. This study is to examine the expression pattern using E4 antibodies for specific HPV types.We obtained seven different polyclonal antibodies against E4 proteins of HPV types 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 56, which were produced from immunized rabbits and purified. lb start this experiment, we tried to do HPV genotyping in cytological samples using three different HPV genotyping methods in women who were abnormal in cytology. These methods are now commercially available in Japan. We found that different assays have shown discordant results in some of the samples examined. Discordant results were more frequently observed in the cases infected with different HPV types. This type of multiple HPV type infection were more common in women having abnormal cytology as we have previously expected. Now we are going to analyze more detail in these eases showing discordant results. This is a crucial step for further experiment for E4 study.E4 expression has been confirmed on epithelium from middle to superficial layers in most of CIN1 and CIN2, 3 lesions in which HPV types were determined. Abundant expression was seen in some cases. However, some immune cells were also stained by these antibodies. We have to figure out the positive reaction to immune cell is merely due to cross-reaction or due to presence of E4 in these immune cells. Furthermore, we have to test type-specificity of these antibodies in immune-staining. E4 protein immunostaining method may be useful for diagnostic purpose of high-risk HPV infection, and furthermore E4 might be a good target for therapeutic HPV vaccine.研究課題/領域番号:18591827, 研究期間(幎床):2006-2007出兞「子宮頚郚における高リスク型ヒトパピロヌマりむルスE4蛋癜の発珟ず免疫応答」研究成果報告曞 課題番号18591827 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    An Analysis of Factors that Exacerbate Asthma, Based on a Japanese Questionnaire

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundIt is known that a wide variety of factors exacerbate asthma; however, few studies have investigated the factors that exacerbate asthma from a patient's perspective. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors that exacerbate asthma, based on a questionnaire completed by asthma patients in Niigata Prefecture.MethodsBased on questionnaires given to 3085 patients who visited the medical institutes in the Niigata Prefecture monthly from September through October 2006, groups stratified by sex, age, disease type and disease severity, were analyzed for factors contributing to asthma exacerbation, as described in the guideline of the Japanese Society of Allergology.ResultsThe leading exacerbating factor chosen by patients was a change in the weather, followed by smoking, allergen exposure, fatigue, stimulants, and air pollutants. Respiratory infection, widely recognized as a critical factor of severe exacerbation, was ranked seventh. Allergen exposure and air pollutants were prominent in younger individuals, whereas respiratory infection tended to be more common in elderly subjects. Allergen exposure, air pollutants, and exercise were significantly more common in atopic-type patients, in contrast with respiratory infection in non-atopic-type patients. According to multiple regression analysis, poor asthma control during the last one year was associated with changes in the weather, whereas the non-atopic disease type was related to exacerbation by respiratory infection. Current smoking was associated with both factors.ConclusionsMany factors exacerbate asthma, depending on the individual case and his/her background. These data suggest that changes in the weather may be more important factor for patients in asthma exacerbation

    Significance of Kampo, Traditional Japanese Medicine, in Supportive Care of Cancer Patients

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    The current standard treatment for cancer is a multidisciplinary therapy whereby various types of treatment are properly combined. Chemotherapy with multiple anticancer drugs is now common, and traditional, complementary, and alternative therapies are adopted as supportive measures. Medical care in Japan is distinguished by the ability for patients to access both Western and Kampo medical cares at the same time. There is a high degree of trust in the safety of Kampo therapies because they are practiced by medical doctors who are educated with fundamental diagnosis of Western medicine. Highly reliable clinical studies are being published, demonstrating that palliative or supportive care for cancer patients using Kampo preparations alleviates adverse effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This paper reports the circumstances around cancer care in Japan where traditional therapeutic Kampo formulas are used for patients undergoing cancer treatment with cutting-edge chemotherapy, specifically to alleviate adverse effects of anticancer drugs

    Androgen replacement therapy contributes to improving lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with hypogonadism and benign prostate hypertrophy: A randomised controlled study

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    金沢倧孊附属病院泌尿噚科Purpose. We performed a randomised controlled study regarding the effects of androgen replacement therapy (ART) on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in hypogonadal men with benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH). Methods. Fifty-two patients with hypogonadism and BPH were randomly assigned to receive testosterone (ART group) as 250 mg of testosterone enanthate every 4 weeks or to the untreated control group. We compared International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), uroflowmetry data, post-voiding residual volume (PVR) and systemic muscle volume at baseline and 12 months after treatment. Results. Forty-six patients (ART group, n=23; control, n=23) were included in the analysis. At the 12-month visit, IPSS showed a significant decrease compared with baseline in the ART group (15.7±8.7 vs. 12.5 ± 9.5; p < 0.05). No significant changes were observed in the control group. The ART group also showed improvement in maximum flow rate and voided volume (p < 0.05), whereas no significant improvements were observed in the controls. PVR showed no significant changes in either group. In addition, the ART group showed significant enhancement of mean muscle volume (p < 0.05), whereas no significant changes were seen in the controls. Conclusion. ART improved LUTS in hypogonadal men with mild BPH. © 2010 Informa UK, Ltd