15 research outputs found

    Impact of In-Service Training on Performance of Teachers A Case of STEVTA Karachi Region

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    Learning which takes place in a classroom is significantly associated with teachers and their actions taken in the classroom. Therefore, quality of education can be improved by putting more focus on teaching methodologies and the way teachers spend time in classrooms. This study aimed at examining the impact of in-service training on the performance of the teachers. It is generally believed that with the implementation of certain in-service training programmes the performance of teachers regarding their professional skills, knowledge and experience can be signif icantly improved. The target population of the present study included the in-service teachers offering their services at Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Government of Sindh, Karaschi Region. Using close-ended questions, perception and experience of teachers (n=150, m=100, f=50), who availed the opportunity to get in-service training, were gained. Findings of the study revealed the positive impact of in-service training programmes on the performance of teachers. The study also revealed the positive perception of teachers regarding their professional growth. It recommended the in-service training programmes to be introduced in line with the subject rather than general

    Paid Academic Writing Services: A Perceptional Study of Business Students

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    It seems challenging to detect the beneficiary students of the Academic Paid Writing Services, which refers to a practice in which authors or students appoint professional writers to produce scholarly work (including research papers,  university assignments, research reports, and so on)  with a predefined style. This study aimed to explore the factors leading the students in higher education to choose the paid Academic Writing Services (PAWS), which affects their performance and personal development due to contract cheating and make them realize that learning is better than grades as through self-explorations only a person can get something better. By employing quantitative approach to obtain information associated with PAWS, data was gathered from 117 business students enrolled in six Higher Education Institutes in Karachi, Pakistan, using adopted questionnaire having close-ended questions with 5-point Likert scale, measuring students’ attitude towards class assignments, their awareness about plagiarism, and their attitude about academic paid writing services. The results revealed that male students were more inclined towards paid writing services than their counterpart female students were and the increase in Students’ Attitude towards Assignments brought the increase academic paid writing services. Therefore, academic professionals servicing in universities are recommended to take due care of the two factors to prevent the increased paid academic wiring services

    Impact of In-Service Training on Performance of Teachers A Case of STEVTA Karachi Region

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    Learning which takes place in a classroom is significantly associated with teachers and their actions taken in the classroom. Therefore, quality of education can be improved by putting more focus on teaching methodologies and the way teachers spend time in classrooms. This study aimed at examining the impact of in-service training on the performance of the teachers. It is generally believed that with the implementation of certain in-service training programmes the performance of teachers regarding their professional skills, knowledge and experience can be signif icantly improved. The target population of the present study included the in-service teachers offering their services at Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Government of Sindh, Karaschi Region. Using close-ended questions, perception and experience of teachers (n=150, m=100, f=50), who availed the opportunity to get in-service training, were gained. Findings of the study revealed the positive impact of in-service training programmes on the performance of teachers. The study also revealed the positive perception of teachers regarding their professional growth. It recommended the in-service training programmes to be introduced in line with the subject rather than general

    Influence of Parenting Style on Children’s Behaviour

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    This research determined the influence of parents and theirparenting styles on children’s behavior. The author examineddifferent parenting styles to understand which style leads thechildren to be juvenile delinquent, that ultimately makes thechildren low academic achievers. In this paper, the researcherattempts to bring an original contribution through the identificationof what is missing in the literature thus offering recommendations forfuture research on the role of parents in shaping the future oftheir children. Much research has been done on the role ofparents in shaping the future of their children; however, morecomprehensive research needs to be conducted on the role ofparents and different parenting styles on their children’s behavior. Aqualitative paradigm was preffered using in-depth interviewswith two mothers of children with delinquent behavior. Thefindings revealed that authoritarian parenting style leads thechildren to become rebellious and adopt problematic behaviordue tomore than necessary power exercised on children byparents. In contrast, authoritative parenting style is effective forchildren, as it encourages moderate parenting style. There is ademonstrated need reported in the literature that parents whospend maximum time with their children reduce the probability ofdeveloping delinquent behavior among their children. Spendingmore time together with the adolescents reciprocate throug

    Influence of Parenting Style on Children’s Behaviour

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    This research determined the influence of parents and their parenting styles on children’s behavior. The author examined different parenting styles to understand which style leads the children to be juvenile delinquent, that ultimately makes the children low academic achievers. In this paper, the researcher attempts to bring an original contribution through the identification of what is missing in the literature thus offering recommendations for future research on the role of parents in shaping the future of their children. Much research has been done on the role of parents in shaping the future of their children; however, more comprehensive research needs to be conducted on the role of parents and different parenting styles on their children’s behavior. A qualitative paradigm was preffered using in-depth interviews with two mothers of children with delinquent behavior. The findings revealed that authoritarian parenting style leads the children to become rebellious and adopt problematic behavior due tomore than necessary power exercised on children by parents. In contrast, authoritative parenting style is effective for children, as it encourages moderate parenting style. There is a demonstrated need reported in the literature that parents who spend maximum time with their children reduce the probability of developing delinquent behavior among their children. Spending more time together with the adolescents reciprocate throug

    Stimulating Unceremonious Mobile Learning: An Empirical Study of Business Students

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    The widespread use of mobile technology by students as well as teachers leads the educationalists and researchers to explore its effects on the learning and teaching behaviour of students and teachers. The present study attempts to combine the determinants (such as Enjoyment, self-efficacy, system quality and information, avoiding uncertainty, and usefulness and easy to use) and subsequently evaluate them to explore the integration of IT in classroom instruction and its effects on the learning achievement of students. Using experimental approach of quantitative research paradigm, it tested the variable “academic performance of business students” by obtaining the achieved scores of business students in Mid Term and Final Term examination before and after the exposure of students to m-learning. The result found in the study demonstrates a statistically significant improvement in the scores achieved by students after the exposure of students to m-learning as compared to the traditional classes. Therefore, it is suggested that with the implementation of the m-learning within the higher education institutes in Pakistan, particularly business schools, will more likely to increase students’ learning

    Impact of Terrorism on Students: A Case of Secondary School Students in District Bunirdents in District Bunir

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    The study sought to explore the incidents of terrorism causing fear among secondary school students in district Bunir to recognize the impact of terrorism on secondary school students in terms of their learning behavior and pattern. From the district of Bunir, students currently studying in 10th grade from 69 public sectors secondary school were approached randomly for the data collection associated with the incidents of terrorism causing fear among students and the influence of those incidents of terrorism on students’ learning behaviour. The finding of the study illustrates that different aspects of terrorism including students’ self-exposure, bomb blasts during school timing, and news regarding suicide bombers statistically significantly affect the student learning behaviour by increasing their fear. As schools’ heads, teachers, parents, and media are expected to play a positive role in encouraging students to participate in the teaching-learning process without any fear and anxiety. The government is also recommended to take steps such as scholarship, abroad tours and financial assistance to increase the encouragement among the affected students

    Impact of Terrorism on Students: A Case of Secondary School Students in District Bunirdents in District Bunir

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    The study sought to explore the incidents of terrorism causing fear among secondary school students in district Bunir to recognize the impact of terrorism on secondary school students in terms of their learning behavior and pattern. From the district of Bunir, students currently studying in 10th grade from 69 public sectors secondary school were approached randomly for the data collection associated with the incidents of terrorism causing fear among students and the influence of those incidents of terrorism on students’ learning behaviour. The finding of the study illustrates that different aspects of terrorism including students’ self-exposure, bomb blasts during school timing, and news regarding suicide bombers statistically significantly affect the student learning behaviour by increasing their fear. As schools’ heads, teachers, parents, and media are expected to play a positive role in encouraging students to participate in the teaching-learning process without any fear and anxiety. The government is also recommended to take steps such as scholarship, abroad tours and financial assistance to increase the encouragement among the affected students

    Paid Academic Writing Services: A Perceptional Study of Business Student

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    It seems challenging to detect the beneficiary students of the Academic Paid Writing Services, which refers to a practice in which authors or students appoint professional writers to produce scholarly work (including research papers, university assignments, research reports, and so on) with a predefined style. This study aimed to explore the factors leading the students in higher education to choose the paid Academic Writing Services (PAWS), which affects their performance and personal development due to contract cheating and make them realize that learning is better than grades as through self-explorations only a person can get something better. By employing quantitative approach to obtain information associated with PAWS, data was gathered from 117 business students enrolled in six Higher Education Institutes in Karachi, Pakistan, using adopted questionnaire having close-ended questions with 5-point Likert scale, measuring students’ attitude towards class assignments, their awareness about plagiarism, and their attitude about academic paid writing services. The results revealed that male students were more inclined towards paid writing services than their counterpart female students were and the increase in Students’ Attitude towards Assignments brought the increase academic paid writing services. Therefore, academic professionals servicing in universities are recommended to take due care of the two factors to prevent the increased paid academic wiring services

    Paid Academic Writing Services: A Perceptional Study of Business Students

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    It seems challenging to detect the beneficiary students of the Academic Paid Writing Services, which refers to a practice in which authors or students appoint professional writers to produce scholarly work (including research papers,  university assignments, research reports, and so on)  with a predefined style. This study aimed to explore the factors leading the students in higher education to choose the paid Academic Writing Services (PAWS), which affects their performance and personal development due to contract cheating and make them realize that learning is better than grades as through self-explorations only a person can get something better. By employing quantitative approach to obtain information associated with PAWS, data was gathered from 117 business students enrolled in six Higher Education Institutes in Karachi, Pakistan, using adopted questionnaire having close-ended questions with 5-point Likert scale, measuring students’ attitude towards class assignments, their awareness about plagiarism, and their attitude about academic paid writing services. The results revealed that male students were more inclined towards paid writing services than their counterpart female students were and the increase in Students’ Attitude towards Assignments brought the increase academic paid writing services. Therefore, academic professionals servicing in universities are recommended to take due care of the two factors to prevent the increased paid academic wiring services