5 research outputs found

    Valori di riferimento delle dimensioni ecografiche renali nel puledro e correlazione con accrescimento corporeo

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    RIASSUNTO Introduzione. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di eseguire misurazioni biometriche ed ecografie renali in puledri sani dalla prima alla sesta settimana di vita, al fine di ottenere valori di riferimento delle dimensioni ecografiche renali e di correlare queste misurazioni con l’accrescimento corporeo. Materiali e metodi. Sono stati inclusi 14 puledri trottatori che rispettavano i seguenti criteri di inclusione: (1) tempo gestazionale >320 giorni; (2) parto eutocico (3) fattrici trattate per parassitosi gastro-intestinali e vaccinate contro influenza e tetano; (4) punteggio APGAR ≥ 7 a 5’ postnatali; (5) IgG ≥ 800 mg/dl a 24h; (6) tempi semeiologici entro i limiti fisiologici. In tutti i soggetti sono state rilevate ecograficamente lunghezza e altezza di entrambi i reni e circonferenza di torace e stinco a 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 giorni. Risultati. I dati sono stati espressi in media e DS e analizzati con il test di Komolgorov-Smirnov per valutare la distribuzione. Per ciascuna misura ecografica e biometrica è stata applicata l’ANOVA per dati appaiati e il test di Dunnett come post hoc per verificare differenze in relazione alla tempistica di rilievo dei dati. Il test di Pearson e la regressione lineare sono state utilizzate per ciascun tempo per valutare la correlazione tra misure biometriche e misure renali. Il T di Student è stato applicato per valutare differenze nelle misure di rene destro e sinistro. La significatività è stata settata a p<0.05. Risultati. ANOVA ha evidenziato differenze statisticamente significative tra i tempi per tutte le misurazioni effettuate ad eccezione che per l’altezza del rene sinistro e destro. Non sono state evidenziate correlazioni statisticamente significative tra misurazioni renali e biometriche. Esistono differenze tra rene destro e sinistro relativamente alla lunghezza. Discussione e conclusioni. Le misurazioni renali ottenute risultano sovrapponibili con quanto rilevato da altri, ad eccezione della lunghezza del rene sinistro che è leggermente inferiore rispetto a quanto riportato da altri. I nostri risultati evidenziano un accrescimento precoce in lunghezza rispetto a quanto riportato in letteratura. Non sabbiamo rilevato una correlazione tra accrescimento somatico e renale, in accordo con altri autori, mentre esiste un accrescimento legato all’età. ABSTRACT Aim. The aim of the present study was evaluate biometric and ultrasonographic renal measures in healthy foals aged 1-6 weeks. Materials and methods. 14 trotter foals were enrolled: (1) pregnancy lenght > 320 days (2) eutocic delivery, (3) mares’ vaccination for EHV-1 and tetanus, (4) APGAR ≥ 7 5’ after delivery, (5) IgG ≥800 mg/dl at 24H, (6) semiological parameters within normal values. Lenght and height of both kidneys were measured ultrasonographially, along with thoracic and knokle circumferences. Weekly from 1 to 6 weeks of life. Data were expressed as mean and SD. Data distribution was evaluated. Anova was applied to verify differences related to time for renal and biometric measures. T student test was carried out to verify differences between right and left kidneys in ultrasound measures for all recording times. Results. Data showed a gaussian distribution. Anova showed differences in biometric and renal measures related to time. T student revealed differences between right and left kidney in ultrasound renal measures. Discussion and conclusions. Renal measures obtained in the present study are in line to what reported by others except for left renal lenght that is shorter than what revealed by others. Renal growth is faster respect to a previous study; moreover, growth is closely correlated with age and not with biometric measures, in line with literature. Differences were obtained between right and left kidney for lenght

    Renal Measures in Healthy Italian Trotter Foals and Correlation Between Renal and Biometric Measures: Preliminary Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate ultrasonographic renal measures in healthy foals aged 1–6 weeks and to verify the correlation between biometric measures to ultrasonographic renal ones. A total of nine Italian trotter foals born in the same stud farm and underwent similar management conditions were enrolled. Inclusion criteria were normal gestation time, unassisted delivery, and normal physical examination at all evaluation times. Length and height of both kidneys were measured by ultrasound weekly from 1 to 6 weeks of life, along with the thoracic and the middle third of the metacarpal area circumferences. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation, and distribution was evaluated. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to verify differences related to time. The Pearson correlation test was carried out to evaluate the linearity between time versus all the parameters measured. Student's t test was used to verify differences in ultrasound measures between right and left kidney at all recorded times. The Pearson test was applied to a mean-variance matrix to verify the correlation between each biometrical versus all renal measures. Significance level was set at P &lt;.05. One-way ANOVA showed differences in biometric and renal measures related to time. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Differences in ultrasound renal measures between right and left kidney were obtained. Correlation was found between biometrical parameters versus kidney measures. Renal measures and differences between left and right kidneys were in line with literature. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Renal growth is correlated with age and biometric measure

    Lo standard "Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls“ (HARPC) nel Food Safety Modernisation Act: i controlli preventivi nella gestione dei sistemi di sicurezza alimentare

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    Scopo della presente tesi è stato quello di condurre un approfondimento sullo standard HARPC presentato nel “Food Safety Modernisation Act” della FDA. La rivoluzione in ambito di sicurezza alimentare avviata dall’atto di modernizzazione, ha dato luogo ad un aggiornamento del sistema HACCP, reinterpretato nell’HARPC e nelle sue componenti. L’elaborato si propone di analizzare i nuovi requisiti sostanziali e formali previsti dallo standard, partendo dal descrivere come e da chi può essere redatto un Piano di Sicurezza Alimentare (Food Safety Plan). Una sezione viene dedicata a come deve essere svolta l’analisi dei pericoli e quali sono gli aspetti da considerare, così come quali siano gli apparati documentali di supporto al sistema di gestione. Questi, insieme all’individuazione e all’implementazione dei Preventive Controls, dei sistemi di monitoraggio e di verifica, ed ai piani di Recall, rappresentano alcuni dei mezzi attraverso cui, lo standard HARPC intende farsi portavoce di un nuovo approccio al sistema

    Food Industry 4.0 and The Challenges of Food Safety in Italy in Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    The food industry has been hit by the fourth revolution turning it towards digital transformation. Digital technologies are used for production, control and distribution of food with the aim to maintain food industry productive, sustainable and competitive and their implementation are supported by the food legislation. Italy, because of its long tradition in this sector has become one of the international reference points for Food-Tech research and development. However, Italian food industry is facing some obstacles in this digital renewal, among these, the lack of specific skills and specific information. The recent pandemic from Covid-19 has forced the world towards digital technologies giving a strong impulse to this sector. In this context, it is confirmed that digital transformation together with smart technologies are already the greatest challenges for the food industr

    Analysis of two cross-contamination cases of <i>Campylobacter jejuni</i> foodborne disease in fragile subjects in the territory of a Local Health Authority in Tuscany, Italy

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    Campylobacteriosis is the most reported foodborne disease in the European Union, with more than 100,000 confirmed cases annually. Human infection can be caused by a low infectious dose, and in fragile populations, the food disease can manifest itself in acute and severe forms. This study aims to analyze two cases of campylobacteriosis in fragile people caused by Campylobacter jejuni in 2023 in Tuscany and the actions of the Local Health Competent Authority. From the results of the related investigations, it was possible to attribute both cases of foodborne diseases to unsafe food management during preparation/administration. Given the peculiar characteristics of the etiological agent, it is necessary to focus the attention of the population, especially those who deal with fragile subjects, on the good hygiene practices to be followed both at home and in collective catering