6 research outputs found

    Interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile, psychological and psychic problems and peculiarities

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    Sinistrality belongs to such a phenomenon rate and importance of which got increased during last years (sinisters amount together with ambidexters is approximately 20%). Interest to sinistrality as a phenomenon grows in many branches of theoretical and practical medicine. The beginning age of epilepsy is earlier for the left-handers, electroen cephalography patterns do not depend on the beginning age, febrile states, the disease presence in the family, sinistrality and other factors in them (comparatively to the dexters where these factors are influencive)

    Nationality and handedness influence on the Iranian and Egyptian students occlusion type

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    Interest to handedness study in Iran can be demonstrated by the work the results of which shows that most left-handed undergraduate students started counting fingers with their left hands the right-handed ones - with their right hands . Tehranian neurologists research showed valuable difference absence in right hemi spheric language dominance in left-handed 22-29-yeared men and women by trans cranialDoppler ultrasonograph

    Temperament study applied significance: literary review and own data

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    The literary review touches the temperament applied significance questions while emphasizing that many diseases and pathological conditions deal to dystemperaments. Also it is discussed the temperament study connection with such typological aspects as ethnic, ethnic-age, ethnic-gender and ethnic-gender-age as well as behavioral strategies. Our personal results demonstrate the connections between interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile and temperament among UMSA students. Eastern approach is different from Russian, Ukrainian one because it often describes not temperament types by themselves but human character separate features

    Behavioral strategies in the students from different countries: literary review and HSEEU „UMSA” experience

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    Coping strategies in the students are in the focus of the scientists attention in various countries. There are such works in China (about sense of coherence and associated factors) , Pakistan (94% of guys have experienced stress, girls reported more symptoms) , Taiwan (during competitive entrance exam in nursing students) , Hong Kong (in baccalaureate nursing students in clinical practice with emphasizing that senior students possessed higher stress and the ones with no religious belief used avoidance strategies more) , the bachelors in the USA [5, p. 26-30], Iran (with programs creating to medical students coping with stress) and without them , about problem-focused coping in undergraduate interns to achieve satisfaction with their clinical experience about coping strategies in occupational therapy students , coping strategies for avian influenza among the 1st year medical students and interns in Tehran , in nursing students , Internet addiction and coping with it in Guilan medical students in Iran emphasizing that approximately 50% of students in Guilan and Mashhad , 21% in Kerman of the students belong to the problematic users of Internet

    Importance of interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile taking into account in pedagogical process: side and own experience

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    The article deals to discussing the interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile contribution in pedagogical approaches of students, doctors (in part surgeons, dentists), pupils teaching while emphasizing a tight connection between this typological aspect and others, particularly ethnic, ethnic-age, ethnic-gender, on information receiving major canal

    Study of term- formation processes and intellectual level assessment in iranian students depending on their interhemispheric asymmetry profile

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    В статье приведены результаты изучения коэффициента интеллекта и процессов терминообразования у Иранских студентов УМСА. Нами получены следующие результаты. Истинные левши и амбидекстры обладали более высоким коэффициентом интеллекта, чем скрытые и ложные левши и правши. Определение терминов оказалось легче всего для амбидекстров; сравнение и различение терминов - для правшей; обнаружение логических связей - для правшей и амбидекстров. В построении свободных классификаций лидировали истинные и скрытые левши, а также амбидекстры. Полученные результаты могут быть объяснены с точки зрения различий в выполнении когнитивных операций правым и левым полушарием головного мозга с учётом полушарного доминирования у выделенных субпопуляциях студентов.У статті наведено результати вивчення коефіцієнта інтелекту і процесів терміноутворення у іранських студентів УМСА. Нами отримані наступні результати. Справжні лівші і амбідекстри володіли вищим коефіцієнтом інтелекту, ніж приховані та несправжні лівші та правші. Визначення термінів виявилося найлегшим для амбідекстрів; порівняння і диференціація термінів - для правшів; знайденні логічних зв’язків - для правшів і амбідекстрів. У побудові вільних класифікацій були лідерами справжні та приховані лівші, а також амбідекстри. Отримані результати можуть бути поясненими з точки зору розбіжностей у виконанні когнітивних операцій правою та лівою півкулями головного мозку з урахуванням півкульового домінування у виділених субпопуляціях студентів.The paper presents the finding referring to the study of the intellect co-efficient and term-formation processes in the UMSA Iranian students. We have received the following results. True sinisters and ambidexters possessed higher intellect co-efficient than the latent and pseudo-sinisters and dexters. The terms determining was the easiest for the ambidexters; the term comparison and differentiation - for the dexters; the determining of logic correlations - for the dexters and ambidexters. Either true and latent sinisters or ambidexters were leaders in the free classifications compiling. The results received can be explained from the point of view about brain right and left hemispheric differences in the cognitive operations performance taking into account hemispheric dominance in the above mentioned students’ subpopulations