131 research outputs found

    A Way To Get Students Consider Ethics And Sustainability In IOT Projects

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    Sustainability and ethical topics can be embedded and assessed in existing technical courses within an engineering curriculum. This article describes how we integrated a reflection on the importance of ethical and environmental aspects of connected objects through team-based project learning with computer science students in the second semester of their Bachelor degree. Small groups of three were given different projects, in which they had to implement the technical concepts learned in class using both virtual and physical components. The projects followed realistic scenarios chosen at random, each of them using a specific set of sensors and built to question either personal data collection, ethics or sustainability issues. At the end of the project, each group had to demonstrate their connected object proof of concept during an oral presentation and to prepare a group written report. The project is one of the continuous assessment elements of this module. After mapping the different projects and their associated sustainability and ethical topics, we present how the initial assessment grid of the project evolved into a three-fold version. The final grid explicitly invites students to explore sustainability and ethical aspects in their reports, in addition to the technical aspects, and includes a peer review section. Examining to what extent students developed an original reflection on sustainability and ethical aspects of their projects, we finally suggest possible extensions and improvements, and list some context elements that are to facilitate future implementations

    Jean Cabanot : Historien d’art et photographe

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    National audienceLe 12 juillet 2016, l’équipe de la photothèque et Cécile Treffort, alors directrice du CESCM, sont parties à la recherche d’une collection unique, d’un exemplaire fonds photographique d’architecture et sculpture romanes. La rencontre à Dax avec un savant historien de l’art roman qui se trouvait être aussi un homme aimable et généreux m’a beaucoup frappée. J’ai découvert un fonds d’environ 25 000 clichés collectés pendant toute une vie. Je me suis assise au bureau où ont été écrits des beaux ouvrages tels Gascogne romane ou Les Chapiteaux romans de l’abbatiale de Saint-Sever. Il a lui-même décrit la constitution de ce fonds d’exception : il suffit de lui donner la parole

    Es cuestiĂłn del corazĂłn

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    El artĂ­culo aborda un tema relacionado con la necesidad de una vida espiritual del ser humano, que le permita desenvolverse en el mundo empresarial con solvencia, junto a la formaciĂłn acadĂ©mica, a sus competencias profesionales y a la experiencia en el mercado laboral. No es un artĂ­culo religioso,tampoco teolĂłgico

    Back-propagation of constraints from consumer to producer

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    International audienceIn the context of intelligent instrument network, i.e. intelligent sensors and actuators, Producer-Consumer pattern facilitates design and intelligent instrument networking. The connection between producer and consumer can be checked (i.e. type of data) and filtered (condition of exchange). We propose to extend the producer-consumer approach to allow the consumer to define and change constraint parameters: frequency of refreshment and maximum of tolerance. We consider especially interval confidence model of data and refreshment capability. A prototype is presented to illustrate and validate the approach on the OSGI platfor

    La NutriciĂłn y las emociones

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    This articles talk about the need of developing good food habits in order to enjoy a full life, without surrendering to either exaggerate diets or regimes, which instead of producing satisfaction generate feelings |of distress and frustration.El artĂ­culo aborda un tema de mucha actualidad, frecuentemente tratado, pero a la vez, inagotable. Está relacionado con la necesidad de desarrollar buenos hábitos alimenticios que nos permitan disfrutar una vida plena, sin someterse a dietas ni regĂ­menes exagerados, que en lugar de producir satisfacciĂłn generan sentimientos de angustia y frustraciĂłn

    L'activité empêchée, un stresseur environnemental de la pratique enseignante en classe de sciences ?

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    Cet article questionne le bien-être au travail de l'enseignant en relation avec sa liberté de déplacement dans l'espace classe et son impact sur les interactions avec les élèves. Le contexte d'étude est le travail en groupes, en démarche d’investigation en sciences, au collège. Le stress professionnel de l'enseignant a fait l'objet de nombreuses études, et les recherches en analyse de l'activité et ergonomie du travail reconnaissent l'activité empêchée comme facteur de stress (Clot, 2015 ; Karwowski, 2005 ; Stewart, 2015). Nous nous intéressons ici en particulier aux déplacements empêchés de l'enseignant, révélateurs de compromis entre ses buts, sa mobilité, les relations de proxémie, l'espace social et les interactions de classe (Brooks, 2011 ; Forest, 2006 ; Hall, 1966, Jeannin, 2017 ; Weinstein, 1992). Avec une méthodologie spécifique (Lermigeaux-Sarrade, 2018), nous comparons les déplacements réels des enseignants dans quatre configurations de classe. Nous montrons que les configurations Îlots et Bus, favorisent la proximité dans les interactions enseignant-élèves, et que les contraintes d'accessibilité qui rallongent tout ou partie des déplacements créent des inégalités dans la proximité réelle enseignant-élèves, et empêchent des placements favorables aux interactions. Nous formulons des recommandations pour la conception d'espaces de classe « sociopètes » facilitant les interactions.This paper questions the teacher's well-being at work in relation to his freedom of movement in the classroom and its impact on interactions with students. The context of the study is group-working, during inquiry based sciences teaching. The professional stress of the teacher has been the subject of many studies, and research in activity analysis and ergonomics of work. recognize activity as a stressor (Clot 2015, Karwowski 2005, Stewart 2015). Specifically, we focus on the teacher's impeded movements, revealing the trade-off between the teacher's goals, mobility, the proxemic relations, the social space, and the interactions in the classroom (Brooks, 2011, Forest, 2010, Hall, 1966, Jeannin, 2017, Weinstein, 1992). Using a specific methodology (Lermigeaux-Sarrade, 2018), we compared the actual movements of teachers in four classroom configurations. Results showed that the Island and Bus configurations promote proximity in teacher-student interactions, and that the accessibility constrains that lengthen all or parts of the trips create inequities in the actual teacher-student proximity and prevent favourable placements. We make recommendations for the design of “sociopetal” classroom spaces facilitating interactions

    Normes sociales, performances et pronostic de la réussite dans les études

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    « De nombreuses études montrent qu'une norme sociale de jugement, la norme d'internalité, intervient dans les procédures d'évaluation tant en milieu scolaire que dans les entreprises. Toutefois cette norme n'est qu'une norme parmi d'autres. Deux études ont été réalisées afin de montrer la place tenue par la norme de consistance dans l'évaluation. Cette norme se traduit par une valorisation sociale des personnes qui manifestent de la cohérence au niveau des idées et des comportements. Une première recherche a montré que les enseignants émettent des jugements plus favorables pour les consistants. Une deuxième étude a permis de constater que les perfor­mances passées des élèves constituent un critère de jugement plus décisif que la consistance. Ces résultats sont mis en relation avec ceux qui ont été obtenus au niveau de la norme d'internalité. Ils permettent de conclure qu'il devient nécessaire de s'intéresser à l'articulation entre des normes diverses sur le plan de leur niveau et de leur raison d'être. »Numerous studies show that a social norm of judgement, the norm of internality, plays a part in evaluation procedures in a school context as much as in companies. However, this norm is only one of many. Two studies were conducted to show the role played by the norm of consistency in evaluation. This nom is expressed by according a higher social value to people who demons­trate coherence in their ideas and behaviour. The first study showed that teachers judge consistent pupils more favourably. A second study revealed that the past performance of pupils is a more decisive judgement criteria than consistency. These results are compared to those obtained with regard to the norm of internality. They lead to the conclusion that it is necessaty to consider the articulation between diverse norms as regards their level and reason for being

    Ciudad en pandemia. Una aproximaciĂłn desde la escala humana a las prioridades urbanas

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    The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted inequalities in territories configuration. In Ecuador´s case, not all the people have had facilities to access to priority equipment, which are part of semipublic space. Starting from this background, many inquiries have surged regarding to which are the equipment citizens look for to cover their principal necessities and, which of them are near their places. To carry out this analysis it has been run a non-probably sample based on the application of a survey called “What do I need near my home – COVID 19?” This poll was made with the purpose to determine priority places people need to have around their home moreover how often people use these.  Secondly, as a result, with an indicators application was possible to define the influence radius of these places. This exercise made possible to understand which should be an appropriate neighborhoods configuration to lead to these territories the capability of providing first necessary services. The new possible essential services configuration, suggested by the indicators, could reduce unnecessary people movements and, consequently, the disease contagion and propagation risk, additionally, an improvement of settler’s life quality could be generated. Finally, to contribute and thus achieve sustainable and resilient territories, suggestions for city actors have been made  El surgimiento de la pandemia causada por la enfermedad del virus COVID-19 ha evidenciado desigualdades en la configuración de los territorios. En el caso del Ecuador, no todas las personas han tenido la facilidad de acceder a establecimientos de primera necesidad que forman parte del espacio semipúblico para satisfacer sus necesidades. Es entonces cuando surgen varias interrogantes respecto a cuáles son los equipamientos que la ciudadanía busca o requiere tener cerca de su domicilio. Para efectuar este análisis se ha realizado un muestreo no probabilístico con base a la aplicación de una encuesta por canales digitales denominada “¿Qué necesito cerca de mi casa? - COVID 19”, con la finalidad de determinar cuáles son los espacios prioritarios y la frecuencia con que la ciudadanía accede a este tipo de lugares. Posteriormente se ha realizado el análisis de los resultados por medio de la aplicación de indicadores que han permitido entender cuál debería ser la configuración del vecindario, con la finalidad de que estos territorios sean capaces de dotar de servicios de primera necesidad para que la comunidad pueda disminuir el riesgo de contagio y propagación de esta enfermedad y que además se genere una mejora en el modo de vida de los pobladores. Adicionalmente, se han planteado sugerencias para que los actores que se desenvuelven en la ciudad realicen sus aportes y lograr así el cometido de crear territorios sostenibles y resilientes
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