4,591 research outputs found

    Transport properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors: Dynamical mean field theory and Boltzmann theory

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    The transport properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) are calculated using dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) and Boltzmann transport theory. Within DMFT we study the density of states and the dc-resistivity, which are strongly parameter dependent such as temperature, doping, density of the carriers, and the strength of the carrier-local impurity spin exchange coupling. Characteristic qualitative features are found distinguishing weak, intermediate, and strong carrier-spin coupling and allowing quantitative determination of important parameters defining the underlying ferromagnetic mechanism. We find that spin-disorder scattering, formation of bound state, and the population of the minority spin band are all operational in DMFT in different parameter range. We also develop a complementary Boltzmann transport theory for scattering by screened ionized impurities. The difference in the screening properties between paramagnetic (T>TcT>T_c) and ferromagnetic (T<TcT<T_c) states gives rise to the temperature dependence (increase or decrease) of resistivity, depending on the carrier density, as the system goes from the paramagnetic phase to the ferromagnetic phase. The metallic behavior below TcT_c for optimally doped DMS samples can be explained in the Boltzmann theory by temperature dependent screening and thermal change of carrier spin polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Interaction-tuned compressible-to-incompressible phase transitions in the quantum Hall systems

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    We analyze transitions between quantum Hall ground states at prominent filling factors ν\nu in the spherical geometry by tuning the width parameter of the Zhang-Das Sarma interaction potential. We find that incompressible ground states evolve adiabatically under this tuning, whereas the compressible ones are driven through a first order phase transition. Overlap calculations show that the resulting phase is increasingly well described by appropriate analytic model wavefunctions (Laughlin, Moore-Read, Read-Rezayi). This scenario is shared by both odd (ν=1/3,1/5,3/5,7/3,11/5,13/5\nu=1/3, 1/5, 3/5, 7/3, 11/5, 13/5) and even denominator states (ν=1/2,1/4,5/2,9/4\nu=1/2, 1/4, 5/2, 9/4). In particular, the Fermi liquid-like state at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 gives way, at large enough value of the width parameter, to an incompressible state identified as the Moore-Read Pfaffian on the basis of its entanglement spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; modified version as appears in PR

    Bosons in a double-well potential: Understanding the interplay between disorder and interaction in a simple model

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    We propose an exactly solvable model to reveal the physics of the interplay between interaction and disorder in bosonic systems. Considering interacting bosons in a double-well potential, in which disorder is mimicked by taking the energy level mismatch between the two wells to be randomly distributed, we find "two negatives make a positive" effect. While disorder or interaction by itself suppresses the phase coherence between the two wells, both together enhance the phase coherence. This model also captures several striking features of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model found in recent numerical simulations. Results at finite temperatures may help explain why a recent experiment did not find any evidence for the enhancement of phase coherence in a disordered bosonic system.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Topological phases in a two-dimensional lattice: Magnetic field versus spin-orbit coupling

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    In this work, we explore the rich variety of topological states that arise in two-dimensional systems, by considering the competing effects of spin-orbit couplings and a perpendicular magnetic field on a honeycomb lattice. Unlike earlier approaches, we investigate minimal models in order to clarify the effects of the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit couplings, and also of the Zeeman splitting, on the quantum Hall states generated by the magnetic field. In this sense, our work provides an interesting path connecting quantum Hall and quantum spin Hall physics. First, we consider the properties of each term individually and we analyze their similarities and differences. Secondly, we investigate the subtle competitions that arise when these effects are combined. We finally explore the various possible experimental realizations of our model.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Influence of quantum confinement on the ferromagnetism of (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductor

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    We investigate the effect of quantum confinement on the ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs using a combination of tight-binding and density functional methods. We observe strong majority-spin Mn dd-As pp hybridization, as well as half metallic behavior, down to sizes as small as 20 \AA in diameter. Below this critical size, the doped holes are self-trapped by the Mn-sites, signalling both valence and electronic transitions. Our results imply that magnetically doped III-V nanoparticles will provide a medium for manipulating the electronic structure of dilute magnetic semiconductors while conserving the ferromagnetic properties and even enhancing it in certain size regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Investigation of complexity dynamics in a DC glow discharge magnetized plasma using recurrence quantification analysis

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    The authors are thankful to BRNS-DAE, Government of India for the financial support under the project grant (Reference No. 2013/34/29/BRNS). The authors would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all the members of plasma Physics division of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics for their help and constant support.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Time Delay Profiles for Reilable Communication Navigation and Surveillance Services in Indian Subcontinent

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    In this paper, work based on international reference ionosphere (IRI). Though, several models such as IRI 2014 are available, IRI-90 was selected as it is basic and directly intractable with little efforts. Also, Estimation of electron density is demonstrated towards localisation of model helps better services of these

    Plasmons in coupled bilayer structures

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    We calculate the collective charge density excitation dispersion and spectral weight in bilayer semiconductor structures {\it including effects of interlayer tunneling}. The out-of-phase plasmon mode (the ``acoustic'' plasmon) develops a long wavelength gap in the presence of tunneling with the gap being proportional to the square root (linear power) of the tunneling amplitude in the weak (strong) tunneling limit. The in-phase plasmon mode is qualitatively unaffected by tunneling. The predicted plasmon gap should be a useful tool for studying many-body effects.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Temperature and magnetization-dependent band-gap renormalization and optical many-body effects in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We calculate the Coulomb interaction induced density, temperature and magnetization dependent many-body band-gap renormalization in a typical diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs in the optimally-doped metallic regime as a function of carrier density and temperature. We find a large (about 0.1 eV) band gap renormalization which is enhanced by the ferromagnetic transition. We also calculate the impurity scattering effect on the gap narrowing. We suggest that the temperature, magnetization, and density dependent band gap renormalization could be used as an experimental probe to determine the valence band or the impurity band nature of carrier ferromagnetism.Comment: Revised versio