1,101 research outputs found

    Erratum (astro-ph/0510172): Robust Limits on Lorentz Violation from Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We correct the fitting formula used in refs. [1,2] to obtain a robust limit on a violation of Lorentz invariance that depends linearly on the photon energy. The correction leads to a slight increase of the limit on the scale of the violation, to M > 1.4 x 10^{16} GeV.Comment: four pages latex, two eps figures, uses special macro

    Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of a peptide-containing drug and polyoxydonium in the treatment of chronic parodontitis

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    Currently, the available methods of treating parodontitis are not able to have a complex effect. Therefore, in recent years, there has been an active search and development of new methods of treatment and new drugs that have a complex etiopathogenetic effect on this disease. This article provides a comparative evaluation of the classical and experimental methods of treating chronic periodontitis. Based on the reconstruction of an experimental model of chronic inflammation of periodontal tissues of the Wistar rat line, we compared methods of topical therapy by “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel – Peptide” and “Polyoxidonium” compositions. A comparative assessment of the activity of these drugs with control groups, which were treated with “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel” and “Metrogyl Denta”, was carried out. Previously, we carried out separate studies of the effectiveness of the use of the composition “organosilicon glycerohydrogel – peptide”, as well as the method of treatment of periodontitis, by injecting the drug “Polyoxidonium”. They have been compared with the classic treatment for this disease to obtain relevant data and results. In our opinion, the data obtained are of considerable interest. The assessment and comparison of clinical and histological data have been carried out, which showed that all drugs had a positive effect on the processes of tissue regeneration. However, the composition “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel-peptide”, due to the characteristics of the hydrogel, which is acting as a transcutaneous conductor, showed a faster antimicrobial and pathogenetic effect, which allows a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. In comparison with the groups of “Organosilicon Glycerohydrogel” and “Polyoxidonium”, the period of clinical improvement increased by 57% in the group of “Glycerohydrogel-Peptide”, and, in the “Metrogyl Denta” group, the indicators improved by 15% approximately

    GRB 051221A and Tests of Lorentz Symmetry

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    Various approaches to quantum gravity suggest the possibility of violation of Lorentz symmetry at very high energies. In these cases we expect a modification at low energies of the dispersion relation of photons that contains extra powers of the momentum suppressed by a high energy scale. These terms break boost invariance and can be tested even at relatively low energies. We use the light curves of the very bright short Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 051221A and compare the arrival times of photons at different energies with the expected time delay due to a modified dispersion relation. As no time delay was observed, we set a lower bound of 0.0066 E_{pl} \sim 0.66 10^{17} GeV on the scale of Lorentz invariance violation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Lorentz Invariance Violation induced time delays in GRBs in different cosmological models

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    Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) manifesting itself by energy dependent modification of standard relativistic dispersion relation has recently attracted a considerable attention. Ellis et al. previously investigated the energy dependent time offsets in different energy bands on a sample of gamma ray bursts and, assuming standard cosmological model, they found a weak indication for redshift dependence of time delays suggestive of LIV. Going beyond the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology we extend this analysis considering also four alternative models of dark energy (quintessence with constant and variable equation of state, Chaplygin gas and brane-world cosmology). It turns out that the effect noticed by Ellis et al. is also present in those models and is the strongest for quintessence with variable equation of state.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    The charge-dyon bound system in the spherical quantum well

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    The spherical wave functions of charge-dyon bounded system in a rectangular spherical quantum dot of infinitely and finite height are calculated. The transcendent equations, defining the energy spectra of the systems are obtained. The dependence of the energy levels from the wall sizes is found.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in peripheral interactions in nuclear track emulsion

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    The technique of nuclear track emulsions is used to explore the fragmentation of light relativistic nuclei down to the most peripheral interactions - nuclear "white" stars. A complete pattern of therelativistic dissociation of a 8^8B nucleus with target fragment accompaniment is presented. Relativistic dissociation 9^{9}Be2α\to2\alpha is explored using significant statistics and a relative contribution of 8^{8}Be decays from 0+^+ and 2+^+ states is established. Target fragment accompaniments are shown for relativistic fragmentation 14^{14}N\to3He+H and 22^{22}Ne\to5He. The leading role of the electromagnetic dissociation on heavy nuclei with respect to break-ups on target protons is demonstrated in all these cases. It is possible to conclude that the peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei in nuclear track emulsion is a unique tool to study many-body systems composed of lightest nuclei and nucleons in the energy scale relevant for nuclear astrophysics.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, conference: Relativistic nuclear physics: from Nuclotron to LHC energies, Kiev, June 18-22, 200

    Clustering in light nuclei in fragmentation above 1 A GeV

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    The relativistic invariant approach is applied to analyzing the 3.3 A GeV 22^{22}Ne fragmentation in a nuclear track emulsion. New results on few-body dissociations have been obtained from the emulsion exposures to 2.1 A GeV 14^{14}N and 1.2 A GeV 9^{9}Be nuclei. It can be asserted that the use of the invariant approach is an effective means of obtaining conclusions about the behavior of systems involving a few He nuclei at a relative energy close to 1 MeV per nucleon. The first observations of fragmentation of 1.2 A GeV 8^{8}B and 9^{9}C nuclei in emulsion are described. The presented results allow one to justify the development of few-body aspects of nuclear astrophysics.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics-2, 16-20 May, 2005 (ATOMKI), Debrecen, Hungar

    "The crystal baby" or the Lobstein-Vrolik disease. The clinical case

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    The aim of the study is to present a clinical case of a patient's examination with imperfect osteogenesis and to prove why a careful collection of an anamnesis of a patient's life and disease affects the tactics and effectiveness of patient's treatment.Целью исследования является представить клинический случай обследования пациента с несовершенным остеогенезом и доказать, почему тщательный сбор анамнеза жизни и заболевания влияет на тактику и эффективность лечения пациента