15 research outputs found

    The role of warmed intravenous fluid on intraoperative hypothermia and postoperative shivering during prolonged oral and maxillofacial surgery

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    Background: Under general anaesthesia, the core temperature may drop up to 6°C. Patients undergoing prolonged maxillofacial surgery frequently experience unintentional hypothermia that causes postanaesthetic shivering which is a common complication of anaesthesia that should be prevented. This study aimed to evaluate the role of warmed intravenous fluid in preventing intraoperative hypothermia and postoperative shivering. Methods: Between January 2022 and December 2022, 322 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I, II and the age group of 18 to 45 years old scheduled for elective major oral and maxillofacial surgery were evaluated under the Department of Anaesthesiology in Dhaka Dental College and Hospital. The patients were grouped into Room Temperature Group and Warmed Fluid Group. Results: 162 patients received warmed fluid, whereas 160 patients received fluid at room temperature. In Room Temperature Group, there were 89 male and 71 female patients, whereas Warmed Fluid group had 88 male and 74 female patients. At the end of the procedure, the basal core temperature was 36.7±0.2°C in the group receiving warmed fluid versus 35.9±0.2°C in the group receiving fluid at room temperature. The incidence of hypothermia (<36 °C) was much lower in Warmed Fluid Group (n=28, 17.28%) than Room Temperature Group (n=86, 53.75%). Shivering was more common in Room Temperature Group (n = 67, 41.86%) than in Warmed Fluid Group (n = 19, 11.73%) in the postanaesthetic care unit (PACU). Conclusions: The results of this study suggested that intraoperative hypothermia and postoperative shivering are less common when warmed fluid is infused.  

    Annual Incidence of Snake Bite in Rural Bangladesh

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    Snake bite is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in many rural tropical areas. As a neglected public health problem, estimate of the risk is largely unknown. However, the associated personal and economic impact of snake bite is substantial across developing countries. This national survey investigated the risk and consequences of snake bite among the rural Bangladeshi population. We surveyed 18857 individuals from 24 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh where 98 snake bites including one death were reported. The estimated incidence density of snake bite is 623.4/ 100,000 person years (95% CI: 513.4–789.2/100,000 person years). Biting occurs mostly when individuals are at work. The majority of the victims (71%) received snake bites to their lower extremities. Eighty-six percent of the victims received some form of management within two hours of snake bite, although only three percent of them went directly to either a medical doctor or a hospital. The observed rate of snake bite in rural Bangladesh is substantially higher than anticipated. This coupled with poor access to health services led to an increase in related morbidity and mortality. An improvement in public health actions is therefore warranted

    Development of fertilizer recommendation for cabbage production in Low Ganges River Floodplain of Bangladesh

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    The study was conducted during rabi season of 2013-14 and 2014-15 at the farmers field of Farming System Research and Development (FSRD) site, Hatgobindapur, Faridpur under On-Farm Research Division (OFRD), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) to evaluate the performance of chemical fertilizers for maximum yield of cabbage and higher economic return. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five dispersed replications. The experiment consisted of eight treatments viz. N242P120K33S19Zn1.4B0.6 kg ha-1 (100% NPKSZnB from Soil Test Based (STB) dose, T1), T1+ 25% N (T2), T1+ 25% NP (T3), T1+ 25% NK (T4), T1+ 25% PK (T5), T1+ 25% NPK (T6), 75% of T1 (T7) and Native nutrient (control, T8). The treatment 100 % NPKSZnB (STB) and additional 25% NPK (T6) treatment produced maximum head yield of cabbage (78.89 t ha-1) which was statistically identical with 100 % soil test based NPKSZnB (T1), 100 % NPKSZnB with additional 25% N (T2), 100 % NPKSZnB with additional 25% NP (T3) and 100 % NPKSZnB with additional 25% NK (T4) treatments. The lowest head yield (33.92 t ha-1) was obtained from native nutrient (control). The highest gross margin (Tk.756093.00 ha-1) was obtained from T6 (100% NPKSZnB from STB with additional 25% NPK) followed by T2 (T1 with additional 25% N) and T1 treatments. The results indicated that, the marginal rate of return (MRR) of changing from T7 to T1 was 1818% (for every Tk. 100 of additional investment Tk. 1818 was obtained) and a changing from T1 to T2 gave MRR of 319%. From the experimental results, it was concluded that application of 100% chemical fertilizers of N242P120K33S19Zn1.4B0.6 kg ha-1 from STB (T1) would be suitable for higher yield and economic return of cabbage production in calcareous soil under Low Ganges River Floodplain (Agroecological Zone 12). [Fundam Appl Agric 2018; 3(1.000): 355-362

    Energy Management Scheduling for Microgrids in the Virtual Power Plant System Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    This study uses an artificial neural network (ANN) as an intelligent controller for the management and scheduling of a number of microgrids (MGs) in virtual power plants (VPP). Two ANN-based scheduling control approaches are presented: the ANN-based backtracking search algorithm (ANN-BBSA) and ANN-based binary practical swarm optimization (ANN-BPSO) algorithm. Both algorithms provide the optimal schedule for every distribution generation (DG) to limit fuel consumption, reduce CO2 emission, and increase the system efficiency towards smart and economic VPP operation as well as grid decarbonization. Different test scenarios are executed to evaluate the controllers’ robustness and performance under changing system conditions. The test cases are different load curves to evaluate the ANN’s performance on untrained data. The untrained and trained load models used are real-load parameter data recorders in northern parts of Malaysia. The test results are analyzed to investigate the performance of these controllers under varying power system conditions. Additionally, a comparative study is performed to compare their performances with other solutions available in the literature based on several parameters. Results show the superiority of the ANN-based controllers in terms of cost reduction and efficiency