3 research outputs found

    Shape Change of Mineral Inclusions in Diamond—The Result of Diffusion Processes

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    The paper considers the possibility of changing the morphology of inclusions in diamonds based on the study of these inclusions and the inclusion–diamond boundary. Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy methods were used. According to the literature data, it is known that the octahedral form of mineral inclusions in diamond is induced, and does not correspond to the initial conditions of joint growth of diamond and inclusion, but the mechanism of this process is not considered. Solids differ in the value of surface Gibbs energy; the harder the material, the higher its melting point and the greater the value of surface Gibbs energy In the case of the diamond–inclusion pair, the surface energy of diamond far exceeds the surface energy of the inclusion. Diamond crystals have a surface energy value for an octahedron face of 5.3 J/m2, dodecahedron—6.5 J/m2, and cube—9.2 J/m2, i.e. it is anomalously high compared to the surface tension of silicate and other minerals. Therefore, the mineral inclusion in diamond tends to the form corresponding to the minimum of free energy in the “diamond–inclusion” pair, and when the energy of diamond dominates, the final shape will be determined by it, i.e. it will be an octahedron. The authors suggest the possibility of redistribution of diamond substance around the inclusion with simultaneous change of the inclusion morphology

    Rare Hydrated Magnesium Carbonate Minerals Nesquehonite and Dypingite of the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite Pipe, in the Yakutian Kimberlite Province

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    The result of a complex mineralogical study of the first discovery of the rare hydrated magnesium carbonate minerals of Nesquehonite and Dypingite in the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe (of the Yakutian kimberlite province) is presented. The methods of X-ray phase analysis, electronic microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy have established that the main minerals of the samples found in the form of white crust on a small area of rock outcrop of kimberlite breccia are hydrated carbonates: Nesquehonite is MgCO3•3H2O, Dypingite is Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2•5H2O. The formation of Dypingite over Nesquehonite was shown using Raman imaging for the first time. Nesquehonite is represented as aggregates consisting of chaotically oriented prismatic crystals or kidney-shaped formations. Dypingite in the examined samples appears less frequently as rose-shaped aggregates formed from lamellar crystals. It is assumed that the formation of rare carbonates of the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe is mainly the result of the weathering of silicates, formation of mineralized solutions, and their subsequent crystallization, including the capture of CO2 from the air

    Growth Story of One Diamond: A Window to the Lithospheric Mantle

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    A diamond plate cut out of a transparent, colorless octahedral diamond crystal of gem quality, with a small chromite inclusion in the core, sampled from the XXIII CPSU Congress kimberlite (Yakutia, Mirny kimberlite field, vicinities of Mirny city), has been studied by several combined methods: absorption spectroscopy at different wavelengths (UV-visible, near- and mid-IR); photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopy (local version) and lattice strain mapping; birefringence in cross-polarized light; and etching. The diamond plate demonstrates a complex growth history consisting of four stages: nucleation and growth to an octahedron → habit change to a cuboid → habit change to octahedron-1 → habit change to octahedron-2. The growth history of the diamond records changes in the crystallization conditions at each stage. The revealed heterogeneity of the crystal structure is associated with the distribution and speciation of nitrogen defects. The results of this study have implications for the information value of different techniques as to the diamond structure defects, as well as for the as yet poorly known evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in the Siberian craton, recorded in the multistage growth of the diamond crystal. At the time of writing, reconstructing the conditions for each stage is difficult. Meanwhile, finding ways for such reconstruction is indispensable for a better understanding of diamond genesis, and details of the lithosphere history