22 research outputs found

    Songs of the sea, with other poems /

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    Planchette; or, The despair of science. Being a full account of modern spiritualism, its phenomena, and the various theories regarding it. With a survey of French spiritism.

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    2 p. L., iii-xii, 400 p. 17 cm.Preface signed: E. S.MiU copy imperfect: half-title lacking

    Arctic adventure by sea and land, from the earliest date to the last expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin.

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    Mode of access: Internet

    Letter, 31 January 1840?, Epes Sargent, New York, N.Y. to William C. Preston

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    3 pages autograph letter signed. Sargent is associated with Park Benjamin in publishing the New World, a New York newspaper, and discusses his efforts to bring about an international copyright agreement. Date circa 1840; The New World began publication in 1840

    The Arctic world and its explorers; Perils and escapes among icebergs!

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    Wonders Of The Artic World With The Polaris ExpeditionChapter I. Aspects of the Arctic regions -- Phenomena -- The Arctic Ocean -- Earliest explorers -- The northmen -- The Cabots -- The Cortereals -- Sir Hugh Willoughby -- Frobisher -- Sir Humphrey Gilbert -- Davis -- Barentz -- Hudson -- Baffin -- Chapter II. Russian explorations -- Deshneff -- Expeditions of 1711 -- Fruitless efforts -- Dapteff -- Behring -- His shipwreck and death -- Fate of the survivors -- Schalaroff -- Sledge -- Admiral von Wrangell's expedition -- Chapter III. Offer of Parliament -- Hearne's journey -- Phipps -- Nelson -- Cook -- Mackenzie -- Sir John Ross's first voyage -- Buchan and Franklin -- Dangerous situation of the Trent and Dorothea -- Chapter IV. Parry's first expedition -- Icebergs -- Passage through Lancaster Sound -- Prince Regent's Inlet -- Wellington Channel -- Mellville Island -- Winter quarters -- Scurvy -- Snow blindness -- Theatricals -- Breaking up of the ice -- Return of the expedition -- Chapter V. Franklin's first land expedition -- Incidents -- Back's journey -- Severity of the weather -- Aurora borealis -- Anecdotes -- Survey of the coast -- Return trip -- Sufferings -- Murder of Mr. Hood -- Deaths -- Unexpected relief -- Arrival at a York factory -- Chapter VI. Parry's second voyage -- Arrival at Hudson's Strait -- Repulse Bay -- Baffling navigation -- Esquimaux friends -- Arctic climate -- Frozen up -- Amusements -- Iligliuk -- Lyon's journey -- Snow huts -- Land excursions -- Harbor at Iglooik -- Another winter -- Parhelia -- Return home -- Parry's third voyage -- Chapter VII. Lyon's voyage -- Beechey's expedition -- Franklin's second land expedition -- Fort Franklin -- Winter at Great Bear Lake -- Embarkation -- Separation of the party -- Progress of Franklin's division -- Attack by Esquimaux -- Return to Fort Franklin -- Richardson's division -- Second winter at the fort -- Chapter VIII. Scoresby's discoveries -- Clavering -- Parry's polar voyage -- Reindeer -- Hecla Cove -- Boat and sledge expedition -- Night traveling -- Hummocks -- Softening of the ice -- Highest point reached -- Polar bear -- Return to the ship -- Homeward bound -- Chapter IX. Ross's second voyage -- Holsteinborg -- Disco Island -- Lancaster Sound -- Boothia -- Discovery of the fury's stores -- Dangerous navigation -- Preparations for wintering -- Excursion -- Second winter in the ice -- Magnetic pole -- Third and fourth winter -- Abandonment of the victory -- Meeting with a whaler -- Chapter X. Back's land expedition -- Arrival at Fort William -- Anecdote of a canoe party -- Franklin -- Scenery -- Ascent of rivers -- Winter quarters -- News of Ross's safety -- Polar sea -- Return to England -- Back's voyage in the terror -- Remarkable perils among the ice -- Homeward bound -- Dease and Simpson's discoveries -- Chapter XI. Rae's land expedition -- Shores of Hudson's Bay -- Esquimaux canoes -- Repulse Bay -- Snow-houses -- Return -- Renewed interest ini the discovery of a north-west passage -- The erebus and terror -- Sir John Franklin's last voyage -- Mystery of his fate -- Chapter XII. Anxiety in regard to Franklin -- Three expeditions of search -- Kellett and Moore's expedition by Behrings Strait -- Its return -- Richardson's and Rae's land explorations -- Ross's expedition by Lancaster Sound -- The explorers return unsuccessful -- Lieut. Pullen ascends the Mackenzie -- Return to the Arctic Sea and back -- The season of 1850 -- Pullen's arrival in England -- Chapter XIII. Opinions in regard to the fate of Franklin -- Climate -- Rewards offered -- Renewed searches -- Collinson and M'Clure -- Rae's instructions -- Other expeditions -- Grinnell's expedition -- Meeting in the Arctic seas -- Traces of Franklin -- Graves -- Sledging parties -- Return home -- Chapter XIV. Further particulars of the searching expeditions -- Ross's voyage -- Results -- Carrier-pigeons -- Penny's expedition -- Dr. Sutherland's scientific observations -- Glaciers and icebergs -- Winter climate -- First Grinnell expedition -- Winter in the Arctic Ocean -- Breaking up of the ice -- Return -- Chapter XV. The Prince Albert refitted by Lady Franklin -- Mr. Kennedy the commander -- Upernavik -- Carrier-pigeons -- Disastrous separation -- Relief and reunion -- Preparations for wintering -- Winter journeys -- Visit to Fury Beach -- The grand journey -- The Fury's stores -- Cairns not always seen -- Cape Walker -- Return to Batty Bay -- Homeward bound -- Bellot -- Rae's land journey -- Chapter XVI. Sir Edward Belcher's expedition -- The American whaler -- Inglefield's voyage -- Three more expeditions -- Inglefield's return -- News from M'Clure -- Parry and Franklin -- M'Clure's explorations -- Adventures with Esquimaux -- Perilous navigation -- Discovery of the north-west passage -- Personal perils -- Winter quarters -- Still frozen up -- Plan of escape -- Chapter XVII. The Resolute and Intrepid -- Parry's sandstone again -- News from the investigator -- Pim's journey -- Meeting with M'Clure -- Return to the Resolute -- Abandonment of the investigator -- A weary summer -- Cresswell sent with dispatches -- Incidents of the voyage of the Phœnix -- Loss of the Bredalbane transport -- Death of Bellot -- The Phœnix and Talbot sent out -- Chapter XVIII. The Resolute and Intrepid -- Winter in the pack -- Both vessels abandoned -- Belcher's explorations -- Remains -- Attempt to reach Beechey Island -- Abandonment of the assistance and pioneer -- All parties assemble at Beechey Island -- Arrival of the Phœnix and Talbot -- Return to England -- Voyage of the Phœnix -- Collinson's voyage -- Rae's expedition -- Relics of Franklin -- Anderson's journey -- Chapter XIX. Second Grinnell expedition -- Dr. Kane's plan -- Departure -- Incidents -- Disastrous sledging-party -- The rescue -- Discoveries -- Attempt to reach Belcher's squadron -- Another winter -- Abandonment of the vessel -- In safety -- Report to Navy Department -- The open polar sea -- Chapter XX. Action of Congress -- Expedition in search of Dr. Kane -- Hartstein the commander -- Found -- Narrative of Kane -- Icebergs -- The meeting -- The Resolute -- Found by American whalers -- International courtesies -- Chapter XXI. Lady Franklin not disheartened -- Voyage of the Fox -- More relics discovered -- A record found -- The mystery solved -- Voyage of Franklin -- Chapter XXII. Death of Dr. E.K. Kane -- Dr. Hayes' expedition -- Lectures -- Departure of the United States -- A sublime sight and a narrow escape -- Port Foulk -- Sledge traveling to Grinnell land -- Mount Parry and Cape Union -- Return -- Chapter XXIII. Captain C.F. Hall -- Early interest in books of travel and adventure -- Becomes interested in Arctic exploration -- First expedition -- Joe and Hannah -- His return, and result of his life in Greenland -- Second expedition -- Its results -- Chapter XXIV. The Polaris expedition -- The vessel -- Outfit -- Leaves New York -- Highest latitude ever attained -- Valuable discoveries -- Thank-God Harbor -- Sledge exploration -- Hall's death and burial -- A gale separates the Polaris from the party on the ice-raft -- Chapter XXV. Unparalleled sufferings and providential deliverance -- On the ice -- The field broken -- The Polaris lost to sight -- Efforts to reach the shore -- Thanksgiving Day -- Christmas and New Year's Day -- The long night over -- The sun appears -- The floe breaks -- The party scattered -- They take to the boat, and get on a small floe -- No food, no light -- Washed out -- Cannibalism -- A terrible night -- The crisis -- The rescue -- In port -- Chapter XXVI. The Polaris adrift -- Beached -- Winter house -- Two boats built -- Embarked, and going southward -- The crisis, and the rescue -- At Dundee and at Washington -- Capt. Markham's discoveriesBinder's title : The Arctic world and its explorers; At head of title: Perils and escapes among icebergs!; Includes references to Newfoundlan

    Peculiar [electronic resource] : a tale of the great transition / by Epes Sargent.

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