3 research outputs found

    Çivit otunun (Isatis tinctoria L.) deri boyama işlemlerinde kullanımı

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    Tez çalışmasında, Isatis tinctoria L. bitkisinden (çivit otu) ekstrakte edilen indigo içerikli boya ekstrakları kürk süet boyama işleminde kullanılabilirliği incelenmiştir. Çalışmada mavi renk tonunun elde edilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Isatis tinctoria L. bitkisinin 7 farklı popülasyonlarından; fermentasyon ve sıcak su ile ekstraksiyon teknikleri kullanılarak boya ekstrakları elde edilmiştir. Boya ekstrakları kürk süet derilerin yün boyama işleminde kullanılmıştır. Denemeler, 100 ml sabit boya ekstraktı eşliğinde; 10, 25, 45 dakika olmak üzere üç farklı işlem süresinde ve 1, 2, 5, 10 g/L olmak üzere dört farklı sodyum ditiyonit kullanım oranında yürütülmüştür. Yün boyaması gerçekleştirilen kürk süet derilerin spektrofotometrik renk değerleri, ışık haslığı ve yaşlanma özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yün boyama denemeleri sonucunda, Isatis tinctoria L. bitkisinin sadece 2 popülasyonundan başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen boya ekstraklarının, yüne; mavi, koyu mavi, lacivert ve mor renk tonları kazandırdığı görülmüştür. Yine; fermentasyon yöntemine göre elde edilen ekstrakların, koyu mavi ve lacivert tonları, sıcak su yöntemine göre elde edilen ekstrakların, açık mavi ve mor tonları verdiği belirlenmiştir. Renk ölçümü, ışık haslığı ve hızlandırılmış yaşlandırma testlerine göre en iyi sonuçlar; fermentasyon ekstraksiyon yönteminden, 5 g/L sodyum ditiyonit kullanımından ve 10 dakika işlem sürelerinden elde edilmiştir. Tez çalışmasında; renk ve haslıklar değerleri açısından çivit otundan elde edilen doğal boyaların kürk süet üretiminde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.In the thesis study, the usability of dye solutions containing indigo extracted from Isatis tinctoria L. plant (Woad) in fur suede dyeing process was investigated. For this purpose, from 7 different population of Isatis tinctoria L.; Dye solutions were obtained by using fermentation and hot water extraction techniques. Dye solutions were used in the wool dyeing process of fur suede leathers. Trials, accompanied by 100 ml of fixed dye solution; It was carried out in three different treatment times, 10, 25, 45 minutes, and at four different sodium dithionite usage rates, 1, 2, 5, 10 g/L. The spectrophotometric color values, light fastness properties and aging properties of fur suede leathers, which were dyed with wool, were investigated. As a result of wool dyeing experiments, successful results were obtained in only 3 population of Isatis tinctoria L. plant. The dye extracts obtained are used in wool; It has been seen that it gives blue, dark blue, navy blue and purple color tones. Still; It was determined that the extracts obtained according to the fermentation method gave dark blue and navy blue tones, and the extracts obtained according to the hot water method gave light blue and purple tones. The best results according to color measurement, light fastness and accelerated aging tests; obtained from the fermentation extraction method, using 5 g/L sodium dithionite, and processing times of 10 minutes. In the thesis study; In terms of color and fastness values, it was concluded that natural dyes obtained from Woad can be used in the production of fur suede leather


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    7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems -- OCT 18-20, 2018 -- Bucharest, ROMANIAWOS: 000464905000094In timber production, only the 24% of trees could be turned into timber and used as an end product, while the rest becomes the waste of forest goods. Although it is known that the wastes of timbers are utilized in different fields such as energy and composites production in general, their use in the leather industry as a tanning material is seemed to be a new concept. For this purpose, the usage possibilities of the timber wastes of red and black pine in the form of sawdust and bark were aimed to investigate for the leather manufacturing. The red and black pine wastes were extracted at Koch extractor at 90 degrees C for 8 h and the tannin contents, influences on the shrinkage temperature, filling properties and final physical characteristics of the leathers such as tensile strength, elongation at break, tear strength and color measurements were investigated. The results revealed that the red pine barks (Pious resinosa L.) could be an alternative source of vegetable tannins compared to other timber wastes for the leather industry due to the better extraction yield and tannin content. Besides similar results in terms of tanning properties were obtained with the commonly used vegetable tannins such as valonea and mimosa.Minist Res & Innovat, Natl Res & Dev Inst Textile & Leather, Div Leather & Footwear Res InstEge University Scientific Research Project Department DirectorateEge University [17MUH001]The authors would like to thank the Ege University Scientific Research Project Department Directorate, (Project No: 17MUH001) for financial support and Tezcan Leather (Usak, Turkey) for providing pickled sheep skins