38 research outputs found
Eksistensi budaya pra-neolitik di situs prasejarah bontocani Sulawesi Selatan
Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui keberadaan manusia prasejarah adalah dengan melihat tinggalan budaya
materinya, seperti sebaran alat-alat batu dan seni lukis cadas yang masih ada hingga saat ini. Kawasan
Situs Bontocani saat ini terbagi atas dua wilayah situs, antara lain Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua
Pattuku. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan banyaknya penemuan alat-alat batu seperti alat serpih, alat serut,
mata panah (maros point), batu inti, alat tulang, arang dan kerang yang ditemukan di kedua situs.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi arkeologis Situs Gua Batti dan Situs Gua-gua Pattuku,
menambah perbendaharaan situs pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan dan menjadi bahan acuan untuk
penelitian berikutnya sampai pada tahap pelestarian. Titik klimaks penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri
kemungkinan adanya keterkaitan antara Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku melalui temuan
permukaan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan menjadi benang merah penghubung jalur migrasi manusia
pengusung budaya pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan. Namun permasalahan yang muncul kemudian adalah
apakah ada keterkaitan budaya antara situs gua Batti dan situs Gua-gua Pattuku. Selain itu, benarkah situs
Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku pernah menjadi kawasan hunian di masa pra-neolitik. Melalui
berbagai data lapangan, penulis akan menjelaskan secara empiris keberadaan budaya pra-neolitik di situs
Bontocani. Tentunya, dengan bertumpu pada teori-teori yang dikemukakan oleh para peneliti-peneliti
terdahulu seperti; Paul dan Fritz Sarasin, van Stein Callenfels, van Heekeren, Soejono serta pengalaman
peneliti lain dalam merangkai jejak budaya Pra-neolitik di Situs Bontocani, Sulawesi Selatan
Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui keberadaan manusia prasejarah adalah dengan melihat tinggalan budaya materinya, seperti sebaran alat-alat batu dan seni lukis cadas yang masih ada hingga saat ini. Kawasan Situs Bontocani saat ini terbagi atas dua wilayah situs, antara lain Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan banyaknya penemuan alat alat batu seperti alat serpih, alat serut, mata panah (maros point), batu inti, alat tulang, arang dan kerang yang ditemukan di kedua situs. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi arkeologis Situs Gua Batti dan Situs Gua-gua Pattuku, menambah perbendaharaan situs pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan dan menjadi bahan acuan untuk penelitian berikutnya sampai pada tahap pelestarian. Titik klimaks penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri kemungkinan adanya keterkaitan antara Situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku melalui temuan permukaan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan menjadi benang merah penghubung jalur migrasi manusia pengusung budaya pra-neolitik di Sulawesi Selatan. Namun permasalahan yang muncul kemudian adalah apakah ada keterkaitan budaya antara situs gua Batti dan situs Gua-gua Pattuku. Selain itu, benarkah situs Gua Batti dan situs gua-gua Pattuku pernah menjadi kawasan hunian di masa pra-neolitik. Melalui berbagai data lapangan, penulis akan menjelaskan secara empiris keberadaan budaya pra-neolitik di situs Bontocani. Tentunya, dengan bertumpu pada teori-teori yang dikemukakan oleh para peneliti-peneliti terdahulu seperti; Paul dan Fritz Sarasin, van Stein Callenfels, van Heekeren, Soejono serta pengalaman peneliti lain dalam merangkai jejak budaya Pra-neolitik di Situs Bontocani, Sulawesi Selatan. One way to determined the former presence of prehistoric humans is to look at the remains of their material culture, as seen in the distribution of stone tools and rock paintings that have survived to the present day. The Bontocani site area is currently divided into two localities, Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites. Prehistoric human occupation here is proven by the numerous remains such as flake tools, scrapers, arrowheads (maros points), cores, bone tools, charcoal and shells found at both localities. In general terms, the research aim is to determine the archaeological potential of Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites so as to enrich the repertoire of pre-neolithic sites in South Sulawesi and to provide a reference point for follow-up research and site preservation. The main purpose of the research was to use surface survey data to explore the possibility of a connection between Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites, which may mark one of the pathways in the network of migratory routes taken by pre-neolithic culture bearers in South Sulawesi. While the purpose of this exercise was to establish a correlation between Gua Batti and the Pattuku cave sites, the finding that clearly emerged was that these caves served as residential places during the pre-neolithic period. Despite the variability of the field data, the author's empirical explanation for these field data is the former presence of pre-neolithic culture in the Bontocani site area, when viewed in the context of the theories of earlier researchers such as Paul and Fritz Sarasin, Van Stein Callenfels, van Heekeren, Soejono and other authors
This study presents new data on prehistoric occupation in the Karama River catchment, obtained during 2014 with the aid of a grant from the Granucci Fund for Archaeological Research in Indonesia and East Timor. The results are linked to those of previous research in the valley, with the intention of reconstructing prehistoric occupation patterns from early times until the Metal Age.Keywords: Karama Valley, prehistoric settlements, migratio
Perkembangan Teknologi Artefak Serpih Batu Pada Paruh Awal Holosen di Leang Batti, Sulawesi Selatan
Intensive research in prehistoric caves in South Sulawesi has shown the cognitive capability of Sulawesi inhabitants that might not be possessed by other explorers in Wallacea. In the early half Holocene, the ability shown was to modify the shale tool known as the Toalean techno-complex. However, the view of the development of stone artifact technology in the period between before and early development of the Toalean techno-complex is rarely studied intensively. Leang Batti site is the occupation sites that can fill the information gap through the study of flakes artifact technology. 1376 artifacts were classified and analyzed for flakes by observing morphometric dynamics and tool type technology between the Early to Middle Holocene. The results that in the Early Holocene, the dominant technology was large flakes without modification. In the Middle Holocene, the size of the flakes began to change due to the influence of Toalean with the character of the modified flake technology began to enter in the basic concept of making tools, but not too strong.Penelitian yang intensif di gua-gua prasejarah Sulawesi Selatan telah menunjukkan kemampuan kognitif penghuni Sulawesi yang mungkin jarang dimiliki populasi lain di Wallacea. Pada paruh awal Holosen kemampuan yang diperlihatkan adalah memodifikasi alat serpih yang dikenal dengan tekno-kompleks Toalean. Namun demikian, gambaran perkembangan teknologi artefak batu pada masa antara sebelum hingga awal perkembangan tekno-kompleks Toalean masih jarang diteliti secara intensif. Situs Leang Batti adalah situs hunian yang dapat mengisi kekosongan informasi melalui studi teknologi artefak serpih. Artefak berjumlah 1376 buah diklasifikasi dan dianalisis pada serpih dengan mengamati dinamika morfometrik dan teknologi tipe alat antara Holosen Awal hingga Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada Holosen Awal, teknologi yang dominan adalah serpih yang digunakan sebagai alat secara langsung tanpa dimodifikasi. Pada fase Holosen Tengah, ukuran serpih mulai mengalami perubahan karena pengaruh Toalean dengan karakter teknologi serpih yang dimodifikasi mulai masuk dalam konsep dasar sipembuat alat, namun tidak terlalu kuat
A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi
This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into ‘Wallacea’, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011–13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35–24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter–remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35–23 ka cal BP–and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other ‘megafauna’ in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi
A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi
This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into \u27Wallacea\u27, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other \u27megafauna\u27 in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi
A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi
This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into 'Wallacea', the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other 'megafauna' in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi
Pra-Neolitik Bone
masa praneolitik merupakan salah satu periode dalam dunia prasejarah yang memiliki karakter yang berbeda dari masa sebelumnya, terlihat dari karakteristik pembuatan alat batu yang sudah agak maju dibanding masa paleolitik dan dimasa ini juga muncul kebiasaan atau kegiatan spritual yang diwujudkan dalam seni lukis berlatar belakang magis yang diterapkan pada dinding-dinging gua. Gua Bontocani berada dalam wilayah kabupaten Bone yang memiliki temuan berupa lukisan, artefak batu, fragmen gerabah dan sisa makanan
Jejak perahu dari zaman prasejarah
sejak 10.000 tahun yang lalu jejak lukisan perahu telah ada pada gua gua hunian di wilayah maros-pangkep (sulsel) dan raha (sultra). secara mitologi bentuk perahu ini dibuat dari sebatang kayu yang dikeruk bagian dalamnya secara memanjang seperti lesung
Pulau Selayar : pelabuhan transit jalur perdagangan selatan Jawa-Maluku
Posisi pulau selayar yang strategis memegang peranan penting dalam jalur pelayaran nusantara. pulau ini berada pada jalur perlintasan antara bagian barat dan timur dengan sistem pelayaran yang mengandalkan angin muson. pada musim angin timur pedagang pedagang singgah di pulau selayar sambil menunggu musim angin timur untuk melanjutkan pelayarannya ke kepulauan rempah-rempah di Maluku dan Ternate begitupun sebaliknya.
pada periode ini pulau selayar telah menjadi tempat persinggahan pedagang sebelum di catat dalam kotab negarakertagama (1365 M) penemuan keramik sung dan dehua (yuan) yang berasal dari abad 9 - 14 di sejumlah situs menunjukkan telah berlangsungnya hubungan selayar dengan dunia luar sebelum diberitakan dalam kitab negarakertagama.
karena peran ini sehingga tidak mengherankan ketika tumbuh penguasa-penguasa lokal (kerajaan Buki') yang kemudian berperan besar dalam proses perdagangan tersebut