157 research outputs found

    Les « Tsiganes », des élèves « irréguliers » ?

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    À partir des recherches doctorales sur l’anthropologie de l’enfance et de la parentalité roms en Italie, le présent article retrace le processus de fabrication de la catégorie d’élève tsigane tout au long du xxe siècle. Il interrogera notamment la relation entre les politiques de scolarisation pour les enfants tsiganes et les théories qui les ont orientées, à travers l’analyse de lois, de politiques publiques et d’études psychologiques sur l’enfant tsigane. L’objectif d’une telle analyse est de comprendre les raisons qui ont porté les pouvoirs publics à considérer cette catégorie comme ayant des besoins spéciaux auxquels il fallait répondre par un système de scolarisation différentiel. Plus particulièrement, il s’agit de saisir les logiques, les enjeux et les effets du processus de catégorisation, voire d’étiquetage de l’élève tsigane et de sa prise en charge spécifique. Enfin, l’exemple des élèves tsiganes permettra d’interroger les enjeux politiques sous-jacents aux cultures éducatives et scolaires italiennes, notamment pour ce qui est des idéologies concernant la manière de penser et de traiter la diversité à l’école.Based on a PhD research on Roma childhood and parenthood in Italy, this article shows how the category of a Roma pupil arose throughout the XXth century. Drawing on an analysis of laws, public policies and psychological studies of Gypsy children, this paper will question the relation between education policies targeting Gypsy children and the theories on which they are based. The goal is to understand the reasons that led public authorities to consider this category of pupils as having special needs to be addressed with a specialized school system. More precisely, we will tackle the logics, the issues and the effects of this process of categorization of the Gispy pupils and its specific treatment. Finally, the example of Gipsy pupils allows one to question the political issues connected to Italian educational policies and, more precisely, the ideologies connected with the way to consider and deal with cultural diversity at school

    Maestre al campo rom

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    RAYNA Sylvie & BROUGÈRE Gilles (dir.). Petites enfances, migrations et diversités

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    Quels sont les défis de la prise en charge de la petite enfance dans un contexte de migration et de diversité croissante ? Comment concilier les différentes attentes parentales et la tradition pédagogique préscolaire dans un contexte donné ? Cette question accompagne de nombreux professionnels de la petite enfance, des pédagogues et bien d’autres chercheurs en France et ailleurs, depuis quelques décennies déjà. C’est une question jamais résolue puisque – comme le montre bien l’étude à l’origi..

    De l’autorité ethnographique à l’autorité du corps et des émotions

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    Based on an ethnographic research on Rom childhood and parenthood in Italy, conducted « at home » but with a social minority, this paper questions the ethnographer’s emotional and bodily engagement to discuss the importance of reflexivity and reflectivity (Csordas, 1999) from theoretical, methodological and epistemological points of view. In the first part I examine postmodernism critics and alternatives. Arguing that ethnographic knowledge results from embodied experience within the ethnographic encounters and relations, I propose reflectivity as an analytical tool complementary to reflexivity. In the second part, I analyse the emotions emerging from such an encounter and I describe its objective and subjective dimensions (my social characteristics and those of my interlocutors as well as my emotions and the interactional experience of my interlocutors). I finally show that while objective data allows to examine the ethnographic relationship as social sex, age and status bonds, the focus on (inter)subjectivity contributes to objectivizing these bonds within interactions.  Sur base d’une recherche sur l’enfance et la parentalité roms en Italie, menée « chez soi » mais auprès d’une minorité, l’article interroge l’engagement émotionnel et corporel de l’ethnographe pour saisir la portée de démarches réflexives et « réflectives » (Csordas, 1999) sous les angles théorique, méthodologique et épistémologique. Après examen des critiques faites aux théories postmodernes et considérant le savoir ethnographique comme le produit d’une expérience incarnée fondée sur la rencontre entre le chercheur et ses interlocuteurs, je proposerai dans un premier temps l’emploi de la réflectivité comme outil complémentaire à la réflexivité. Dans un deuxième temps, j’analyserai les émotions suscitées dans cette rencontre, décrivant ses dimensions objectives – mes caractéristiques sociales et celles de mes interlocuteurs – et subjectives – mes émotions et l’expérience interactionnelle des enquêtés. Je montrerai enfin que si les données objectives permettent d’examiner la relation d’enquête en tant que rapport social de sexe, d’âge et de statut, le focus sur l’(inter)subjectivité contribue à ce même travail d’objectivation des rapports dans l’interaction. &nbsp

    Progetto Nazionale per l’inclusione e l’integrazione dei bambini rom, sinti e caminanti: Uno sguardo socio-antropologico

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    The article develops a critical, applied and interdisciplinary perspective, to contrast anti-Gypsyism.  The research has been carried out within the “National Project for Inclusion and Integration of Roma children, Sinti and Caminanti”, realized during 2013/14 in the city of Milan. The theoretical frame refers to different dimensions, respectively represented by the paradigm of contrast of anti-Gypsyism, the researches focused on educational policies towards Roma children and the inclusive education theory. Within this framework, the article analyses the assumptions on which the whole intervention was based and will provide an ethnographic account of the training activities carried out with the contribution of the authors in two schools in Milan. Based on these data, the article highlights the elements of continuity and discontinuity in educational policy toward Roma children and their families implemented in the city in the last years. The article analyses eventually the results of the training that was carried out, highlighting the effects produced by the interaction between research and reality. The analysis aims at revealing that anti-Gypsysm is, paradoxically, necessary for the emergence of the opposite paradigm (“contrasting anti-Gypsyism”), within which discourses are produced, funds are allocated, and the projects and careers of “opponents to anti-Gypsyism” are advanced.Questo articolo sperimenta una prospettiva critica, applicata ed interdisciplinare al contrasto all’antiziganismo. La ricerca è stata svolta nell’ambito del Progetto Nazionale per l'Inclusione e l'integrazione dei bambini rom, sinti e caminanti, realizzato nell'arco dell'anno scolastico 2013/14 nella città di Milano. La cornice teorica di riferimento afferisce a differenti orizzonti: verranno presi in considerazione il paradigma del contrasto all’antiziganismo, le ricerche relative alle politiche educative nei confronti dei bambini e delle bambine rom e verrà fatto un accenno alla teoria della didattica inclusiva. In questo quadro analizzeremo le premesse sulle quali si basava la declinazione milanese dell’intervento nonché le attività formative realizzate all’interno di due scuole cittadine. Tali azioni hanno coinvolto le due autrici in qualità di formatrici. A partire da una analisi delle azioni del progetto verranno evidenziati gli elementi di continuità e discontinuità rispetto a politiche educative rivolte ai minori rom e alle loro famiglie attuate in città nel passato. Infine, a partire dagli esiti della formazione verranno esaminati gli effetti prodotti dall'interazione tra il mondo della ricerca e la realtà sociale. Il quadro che ne deriva evidenzia come il paradigma dell’antiziganismo sia la condizione necessaria per far emergere il paradigma opposto, quello dell’anti-antiziganismo, entro cui si producono discorsi, si destinano finanziamenti, si elaborano progetti e carriere degli “oppositori dell'antiziganismo”

    Introduction au colloque "Espaces pluriels de la parenté : Approches ethnographiques des (re)configurations publiques et intimes dans le monde contemporain"

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    The multiplicity of systems, forms, categories, and practices of kinship has drawn the attention of anthropologists as central for the ways individuals and human groups think and experience their relationships with themselves, others, their society and the world they live in. Transformations – demographic, political, socio-cultural, economic, juridical, scientific, medical, or those related to age or gender – have contributed to constantly (re)define kinship. In particular, recent innovations regarding, among others, Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) and surrogacy, and the debates around same-sex couple marriage and adoption, have been understood as deep breaking points in relation to more "traditional" conceptions of kinship, appearing as yet unprecedented and controversial. From an anthropological point of view, such (re)configurations of kinship testify to a variety of articulation between the social, the cultural and the biological, society and nature, the constructed and the innate – categories central for definitions of kinship. This suggests a need to rethink kinship in all its dimensions, from public to intimate ones. Drawing from anthropology and intending to widen the field of empirical, theoretical and epistemological reflections, this conference invites a crossing of perspectives on contemporary (re)configurations of kinship within the human and social sciences with a focus on ethnographic approaches. It is organized around two main, yet non-exclusive lines of research. The first one wishes to interrogate the ways contemporary (re)configurations of kinship take place in different public and intimate entangled spaces. The second one opens up a debate on epistemology when it comes to crossed and comparative perspectives between contexts, themes or disciplines in order to analyse issues, contributions and limits of such field of research