9 research outputs found


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    Low potato production in Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Papua Province is caused by various factors, namely extreme environmental conditions, less optimal cultivation techniques, low seed quality, and poor soil fertility, so efforts to improve cultivation need to be made. This activity aimed to provide technical guidance and pilot demonstrations on cultivation, how to make organic fertilizers, seed propagation techniques, the introduction of pests, diseases, and their control. The technical guidance was carried out in Kago village, Ilaga District, on November       22-26, 2017. The location is located at an altitude of 2400 m above sea level. Farmers were given instructions on how to cultivate potatoes properly, how to get quality potato seeds on their land, how potato cultivation can be done in sacks when the climate is extreme, especially during the condition of frost and hail, fertilization techniques, and making organic fertilizers and recognizing pests and diseases in the field and their control with organic pesticides. Thirty-one potato farmers followed this activity. The participants showed enthusiasm for increasing potato production through appropriate cultivation. Monitoring of follow-up activities was carried out by extension workers of the local Agriculture Service. The result of the monitoring indicated that there had been improvements in cultivation techniques, organic fertilizer production, and quality potato seeds. Farmers have also recognized several types of pests and diseases and their biological control efforts. Based on the technical guidance, potato productivity increased to 3 tons /ha at the end of 2020. --- Rendahnya produksi kentang di Distrik Ilaga, Kabupaten Puncak, Provinsi Papua disebabkan karena berbagai faktor, diantaranya kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrim (curah hujan  tinggi, hujan dan embun es yang terjadi secara periodik, lama penyinaran matahari pendek pada bulan tertentu), teknik budidaya kurang optimal, kualitas bibit rendah, kesuburan tanah kurang, sehingga perbaikan teknik budidaya perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bimbingan teknis (bimtek) dan demonstrasi plot (demplot) terkait dengan teknik budidaya, pembuatan pupuk organik, teknik perbanyakan benih, pengenalan hama dan penyakit serta teknik pengendaliannya. Kegiatan bimtek dan demplot dilaksanakan di kampung Kago, Distrik Ilaga pada tanggal 22-26 November 2017. Lokasi kegiatan terletak pada ketinggian 2400 m dari permukaan laut. Petani diberikan arahan tentang bagaimana membudidaya kentang dengan benar, bagaimana mendapatkan bibit kentang yang berkualitas di lahan mereka, bagaimana budidaya kentang dapat dilakukan di karung apabila iklim sangat ekstrim terutama ketika musim dingin yang menyebabkan terjadinya frost dan hail, teknik pemupukan dan pembuatan pupuk organik serta pengenalan hama-hama dan penyakit di lapang dan pengendaliannya dengan pestisida nabati. Hasil kegiatan diikuti oleh seluruh petani kentang yang berjumlah 31 orang. Para peserta menunjukkan antusias mereka untuk bagaimana meningkatkan produksi kentang melalui teknik budidaya yang sesuai. Monitoring kegiatan lanjutan budidaya dilaksanakan oleh penyuluh Dinas Pertanian setempat. Hasil dari monitoring ini menunjukkan adanya perbaikan teknik budidya, kemampuan petani dalam membuat pupuk organik, menghasilkan bibit kentang lebih berkualitas dan kemampuan petani mengenali beberapa jenis hama dan penyakit serta pengendaliannya secara alami, yang terindikasi dari meningkatnya produktiftas kentang menjadi 3 ton/ha pada akhir tahun 2020

    Karakter morfologi beberapa aksesi ubijalar asal Biak Numfor, Papua

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    Papua merupakan pusat keragaman sekunder tanaman ubijalar. Beragam aksesi ubijalar dapat dijumpai pada semua wilayah di Papua, termasuk Biak Numfor. Namun pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat lokal yang dahulunya mengandalkan ubijalar mulai tergeser oleh beras. Hal ini berdampak pada menurunnya minat masyarakat dalam membudidayakan ubijalar, sehingga diduga telah terjadi erosi genetik pada plasma nutfah ubijalar. Dengan demikian untuk mempelajari keragaman ubijalar, perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan karakter morfologi asal Biak Numfor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive. Bahan tanaman diambil dari Biak Numfor, kemudian ditanam di Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (BPSB-TPH) Provinsi Papua Barat, Arfai, Manokwari. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 7 bulan (pengambilan bahan tanam dari Biak Numfor sampai masa panen) yaitu dari Bulan Maret – Oktober 2019. Sebanyak 6 aksesi asal Biak Numfor yaitu Maryandi, Syabes, Sauri, Darfuar, Maneru, Wirmaker dan 1 aksesi asal Manokwari (Masyepi) diperbanyak di bedengan untuk mendapatkan bahan stek yang diperlukan dalam karakterisasi morfologi. Setelah tanaman ubjalar berumur dua bulan, stek pucuk sepanjang 40 cm diambil dari bedengan dan ditanam dalam polybag. Karakterisasi morfologi sulur dan daun dilakukan pada umur 3 bulan setelah tanam, menggunakan metode Huaman (1997) terhadap semua aksesi yang ditanam. Sedangkan karakter morfologi umbi dilakukan saat panen (4 bulan setelah tanam). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aksesi ubijalar asal Biak Numfor beragam karakter morfologinya yang ditunjukkan oleh karakter variasi sifat sulur, daun dan umbi. Hasil analisis klaster terhadap 7 aksesi ubijalar menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan yang jauh yang ditunjukkan oleh jarak Euclidian sebesar 2,49-5,49. Terdapat klaster utama pada tingkat kemiripan 5,49. Klaster pertama hanya terdiri dari satu aksesi yaitu Maneru, sedangkan klaster kedua terdiri dari aksesi yaitu Maryandi, Syabes, Sauri, Darfuar, Wirmaker dan 1 aksesi asal Manokwari (Masyepi)

    Nilai Nutrisi Umbi Ubijalar [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamb.] yang Dikonsumsi Bayi dan Anak-anak Suku Dani di Distrik Kurulu Kabupaten Jayawijaya

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    Sweet potato is an important staple food crop especially for the local people of Central Highlands Jayawijaya. There are many accessions that have always been maintained their existence to enrich the types of consumption. Traditionally, sweet potato accessions were grouped based on the utilization, such as for animal feed, cultural ceremonies, consumption for adults, as well as for for children and infants. This study was aimed to analyze the nutritional value of sweet potatoes consumed by infants and children of the Dani tribe. Chemical analyses were conducted at the Laboratory of Post-Harvest Research and Development Center, Cimanggu, Bogor. The results showed that each of 4 (four) sweet potato accessions, which were consumed by infants and children, had diverse nutrient levels. Accession Sabe showed the highest water content (72.56%), vitamin C (72.71 mg/100 g), Fe (11.85 mg/100 g), and K levels (130.41 mg / 100 grams). The highest protein content (1.44%), fat (1.00%), energy (154.43 kkal/100 gram), carbohydrate (35.47%), starch (30.26%), reducing sugar (3.44%), riboflavin (0.18 mg/100 g), and vitamin A (574.40 grams IU/100) were produced by accession Manis. On the hand, accession Saborok produced the highest content of ash (1.32%), vitamin E (28.30 mg/100 g), and B-carotene (64.69 ppm). The highest level of crude fiber (1.81 %) and thiamin (0.36 mg/100 g) were produced by accession Yuaiken

    In Vitro Pharmacological Activity Test on Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Products in The Form of Kombucha Bath Soap Pineapple Honey Subang As Antibacterial Gram Positive and Negative

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    One of the probiotic drinks produced by Scoby fermentation, namely Kombucha Honey Pineapple Subang, has been found as a source of gram-positive and gram-negative antibacterials in previous studies. In addition to its significance in the pharmaceutical (cosmetic) industry, Subang pineapple honey-based kombucha has the potential to be utilized as a functional food. Especially useful when making liquid body wash because it stops the growth of the skin-harming bacteria S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa, and E. coli. The research was conducted with the intention of developing pharmaceutical biotechnology products in the form of liquid bath soap that contained the active ingredients of fermented kombucha solution and pineapple honey in concentrations of 15%, 25%, and 35%, respectively.This research method was a laboratory experiment using four soap-based preparations, including soap made from white sand with a sugar concentration of 15%, 25%, and 35%, a solution of fermented Kombucha Pineapple honey in Subang, and biore for market bath soap. The method used is disc diffusion. One-way ANOVA and post hoc analysis follow-up tests were used for data analysis. The study found that the most effective treatment for gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was bath soap with a concentration of 35% of the active ingredient, kombucha fermented pineapple honey earring solution. The most recent advancement in preventing gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria from growing is the subject of this study

    Physiological and growth responses of selected sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cultivars to water stress

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    Drought is one of the most serious environmental problems affecting sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) growth and yield in many tropical countries including Highland Papua of Eastern Indonesia, where it is grown as a staple crop under rainfed conditions. Some genotypes survive during drought, while many others fail. This condition regularly devastates sweet potato growth and threatens the lives of highland Papuan people. On the other hand, research into the effects of drought and on the growth, yield, and water relations of sweet potato remains limited. A series of pot and field trials therefore was conducted to identify the drought tolerance of sweet potato cultivars available in Australia. The influence of soil water regimes on the physiology, growth, and yield of sweet potato was studied to determine the critical soil water levels that sweet potato could tolerate and produce acceptable yields. The influence of nutrient supply (N and K) on water use efficiency in sweet potato was also studied. A grafting trial was carried out to examine the nature of the physiological signal between shoot and root in relation to transpiration efficiency and yield responses in sweet potato. The cultivars Lole and Hawaii showed more strongly developed drought resistant characters than all of the other cultivars. They have better water use efficiency, maintain higher plant water status under drought stress by delaying wilting, and lower percentage decrease in leaf water potential indicating their greater tolerance to water stress at the stage of vegetative growth. Field trials were conducted to determine tuber yields from the same 15 sweet potato cultivars under well-watered conditions. The Lole and Hawaii cultivars produced low tuber yields, whereas the Beerwah Gold and Wanmun cultivars produced the greatest yields when not water stressed. The Lole cultivar representing the vegetative tolerant and Wanmun cv representing the susceptible genotypes were grown in a glasshouse to observe the degree to which sweet potato cultivars could withstand water stress conditions and still produce good tuber yields. The Wanmun cultivar, which grew and produced good yields under well-watered conditions, was strongly affected by water stress. On the other hand, the Lole cultivar showed more drought tolerance, indicated by greater plant water status, including leaf water potential and relative water contents. At maturity, tuber sucrose contents increased while the starch contents decreased. Under drought conditions, cv Lole tubers had higher sucrose and lower starch contents than cv Wanmun. Tuber yields were greater in cv Wanmun when not stressed; Lole on the other hand produced marketable tuber size when water was restricted to ≥ 40% of soil field capacity. The overall results suggested greater drought tolerance of the Lole cultivar. Results of a study of the influence of nitrogen and potassium on water stress and productivity showed that a greater nitrogen supply resulted in greater shoot dry weight, leaf weight, and leaf area. Increasing the soil nitrogen content beyond 100 kg per ha reduced tuber yields, due to greater top growth and inefficient carbon translocation for tuber development. Low soil nitrogen contents (20 kg of N/ha), on the other hand, lowered the biomass production, reducing tuber formation and development. Potassium had a significant effect in increasing tuber yields when nitrogen supply was optimal. Although cv Wanmun consistently produced greater tuber yields than cv Lole under well-watered conditions, the Lole cultivar supplied with 100 kg of N/ha and 160 kg of K/ha produced greater tuber yields under water stress. The lower transpiration under higher soil potassium contents suggest that potassium plays an important role in improving water use efficiency. Grafting was conducted with the aim of producing plants that embody cv Lole's tolerance to drought and cv Wanmun's high tuber yields. The results showed that growth and physiological aspects of the Lole and Wanmun cultivars and their grafted combinations decreased with water stress. Wanmun scions when grafted onto Lole rootstocks grew very poorly, however, Lole scions grafted onto Wanmun rootstocks grew well and produced higher tuber yields than the parent plants, especially under water stressed conditions. Therefore, cv Wanmun and cv Lole are recommended to be independently propagated under good rainfall and drought condition, respectively, and combinations of drought tolerant cv Lole scions grafted onto good storage root capacity of cv Wanmun rootstocks improved tuber yields under water stress condition. Productivity of sweet potato, as measured by tuber production, was reduced by soil water stress. Under well-watered conditions, cv Wanmun (drought sensitive) produced high tuber yields. Nitrogen and potassium at optimal application levels increased yields of both drought sensitive and tolerant cultivars under both well watered and water stressed conditions. Under drought conditions, cv Lole (drought tolerant) produced good tuber yields, and Lole scions grafted onto Wanmun rootstocks produced even better tuber yields. The interactions between genotype and environmental constraints, including drought, require further study to produce sweet potato cultivars with high tuber yield potentials that are well suited to different local conditions

    Karakter Morfologi Beberapa Aksesi Ubijalar Asal Biak Numfor, Papua

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    Papua merupakan pusat keragaman sekunder tanaman ubijalar. Beragam aksesi ubijalar dapat dijumpai pada semua wilayah di Papua, termasuk Biak Numfor. Namun pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat lokal yang dahulunya mengandalkan ubijalar mulai tergeser oleh beras. Hal ini berdampak pada menurunnya minat masyarakat dalam membudidayakan ubijalar, sehingga diduga telah terjadi erosi genetik pada plasma nutfah ubijalar. Dengan demikian untuk mempelajari keragaman ubijalar, perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan karakter morfologi asal Biak Numfor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive. Bahan tanaman diambil dari Biak Numfor, kemudian ditanam di Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (BPSB-TPH) Provinsi Papua Barat, Arfai, Manokwari. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 7 bulan (pengambilan bahan tanam dari Biak Numfor sampai masa panen) yaitu dari Bulan Maret – Oktober 2019. Sebanyak 6 aksesi asal Biak Numfor yaitu Maryandi, Syabes, Sauri, Darfuar, Maneru, Wirmaker dan 1 aksesi asal Manokwari (Masyepi) diperbanyak di bedengan untuk mendapatkan bahan stek yang diperlukan dalam karakterisasi morfologi. Setelah tanaman ubjalar berumur dua bulan, stek pucuk sepanjang 40 cm diambil dari bedengan dan ditanam dalam polybag. Karakterisasi morfologi sulur dan daun dilakukan pada umur 3 bulan setelah tanam, menggunakan metode Huaman (1997) terhadap semua aksesi yang ditanam. Sedangkan karakter morfologi umbi dilakukan saat panen (4 bulan setelah tanam). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aksesi ubijalar asal Biak Numfor beragam karakter morfologinya yang ditunjukkan oleh karakter variasi sifat sulur, daun dan umbi. Hasil analisis klaster terhadap 7 aksesi ubijalar menunjukkan hubungan kekerabatan yang jauh yang ditunjukkan oleh jarak Euclidian sebesar 2,49-5,49. Terdapat klaster utama pada tingkat kemiripan 5,49. Klaster pertama hanya terdiri dari satu aksesi yaitu Maneru, sedangkan klaster kedua terdiri dari aksesi yaitu Maryandi, Syabes, Sauri, Darfuar, Wirmaker dan 1 aksesi asal Manokwari (Masyepi)

    General acts passed by the General Court of Massachusetts

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    Imprint varies.Vols. for 1915-19 published in 2 v.: General acts; Special acts.Vols. for some years issued in parts.Separate vols. issued for extra session, 1916, and for extra session, 1933.Vol. 12 (May 1831-Mar. 1833) in Jan. session, 1833; Jan. 1834-Apr. 1836 in vol. for extra session 1835/Jan. session 1836; May 1824-Mar. 1828; June 1828-June 1831, Jan. 1832-Apr. 1834, Jan. 1835-Apr. 1838, each bound with corresponding vol.Resolves issued separately, 1780-1838