277 research outputs found
System Design On The Front Office Hotel Billing Genggong Cimanggis
At this writing the author took the title "Draft Billing System In Front Office Hotel Genggong Cimanggis", as an enterprise which is engaged in the hospitality, the required increase in forward speed performance and reliable.Information processing stillusing manual method is not reliable. Yet in today's era of information processing problems increasingly needed because of the complexity of the problem more and more.It is expected that the existing computerized technology to be used as optimal as possible to answer the problems facing the administrative processing of billing Hotel, so as to produce the desired information
Hydrocarbon Identification Through Acoustic Impedance and Elastic Impedance Cross-Correlation Using Constrained Sparse Spike Inversion Method
Among other interpretation methods used in oil and gas industries, seismic inversion has become a method widely practiced to get better understanding on the subsurface condition. By combining seismic and well log data and applying certain workflow, information regarding hydrocarbon distribution presented in the form of impedance section. Using constrained sparse spike inversion, a generated low frequency model was use as input for inversion process to obtain acoustic impedance and elastic impedance variation based on seismic and low frequency data from well log data. To enhance the difference between sand and shale presence, the gamma ray distribution between acoustic impedance (AI) and elastic impedance (EI) generated from the inversion process are cross-correlated. Based on the cross plot, gas sand bodies detected in the area was mapped
Indentifikasi Sebaran Hidrokarbon Pada Reservoir Batu Pasir Dengan Inversi AI Dan SI Menggunakan Metode Stokastik
Metode inversi merupakan salah satu metode andalan dalam identifikasi sebaran hidrokarbon. Metode seismic inversi menghasilkan respon yang tidak unik dan dapat menghasilkan respon yang sangat beragam sehingga perlu dianalisis dengan metode statistik. Metode inversi secara statistic dilakukan dengan metode stokastik yang menggunakan latar belakang model hasil inversi simultan, mampu memberikan hasil dengan tingkat akurasi dan korelasi tinggi. Hasil inversi stokastik yang dilakukan parameter fisis Accoustic Impedance (AI) dan Shear Impedance (SI) menghasilkan korelasi terhadap data sumur hingga sebesar 0.94 untuk AI dan 0.84 untuk SI. Sebaran hidrokarbon dianalisis berdasarkan kombinasi hasil inversi stokastik AI dan SI dengan kebolehjadian 90%. Nilai AI rendah (5000 - 6000 g/cc m/s) dan SI rendah (2500 - 4000 g/cc m/s) berasosiasi dengan keberadaan hidrokarbon dalam reservoir dengan porositas antara 0.25-0.35. Hidrokarbon Gas 90% tersebar di sekitar sumur NORTON 5, dan Hidrokarbon minyak 85% tersebar disekitar sumur NORTON 1
Analisis Perubahan Luas Dan Pola Persebaran Permukiman (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tembalang, Kecamatan Banyumanik, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah)
The increasing of population and development activities demands the availability of land, especially land settlements and facilities are also increasing rapidly whereas the availability of land are limited. The imbalance would it enable the concentrations of settlements in some areas or regions which is will form a specific and different distribution pattern settlements. The diversity of distribution patterns of settlements are happened as a form of uneven population distribution. So that required an information regarding changes in land use and the distribution pattern of settlements in relation to land use in urban planning.This study using a remote sensing technique method and geographic information system with the interpretation of land use on Topographicmap in 1992 and SPOT Image 6 year 2014 which was then analyzed using the nearest neighbor analysis to determine the distribution pattern of settlements. Based on the data processing and result analysis obtained changes in land settlement in the district of Tembalang, Banyumanik, Gunungpati, Mijen from 1992 to 2014 change in amount of 1.466,837 hectares, while non-residential land change in amount of 2.617,194 hectares. Random distribution pattern changed in amount of 167,1764 hectares, whereas the clump distribution pattern changed in amount of 1.326,2547 hectares
Pengaruh Penggunaan Perbedaan Konstruksi Mata Pancing Dan Jenis Umpan Pada Pancing Ulur Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Di Kawasan Zona Pemanfaatan Perikanan Tradisional Taman Nasional Karimunjawa
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the use of construction of the originally hook with the hook kirbed 30o angle, and the influence of different types of bait is natural bait of meat squid (Loligo sp.) with artificial bait, as well as for determining whether or not the effect of interaction between the form of construction the hook and type of the bait on the catch of hand line in the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The research was conducted in May-April 2012 at the Traditional Fisheries Utilization Zone of Karimunjawa National Park. The material used in this study were the hook used to use squid bait, the hook used to use artificial bait, hook angle of 30 ⁰ with experimental fishing methods. Six times the number of repeat tests. Methods of data analysis begins by looking for the hook rate, the data was processed using a statistical test with SPSS 17 software at 95% level tests with tests of normality, homogeneity test, and two way ANOVA test. The results showed that different types of bait is not so affect the catch, the hook construction differences affect the catch Hand line and interaction between the bait the hook with the use of different constructs had no effect on the catch Hand line. Species of fish caught by fishing gear hand line overall during the study based on the percentage of the amount (kg), namely: Badong, pompano slim, large splotch trevally, pompano gargahing, but there were also fish the sergeant fish Badong fish were the most species of fish caught during the research that is equal to 64% of the 54 tail of the total catch
Phloretin attenuates STAT-3 activity and overcomes sorafenib resistance targeting SHP-1-mediated inhibition of STAT3 and Akt/VEGFR2 pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma
Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver malignancy. Phloretin (PH) possesses anticancer, antitumor, and hepatoprotective effects, however, the effects and potential mechanisms of phloretin remain elusive. Methods: Five HCC cells were tested in vitro for sensitivity to PH, Sorafenib (Sor) or both and the apoptosis, signal transduction and phosphatase activity were analyzed. To validate the role of SHP-1, we used PTP inhibitor III and SHP-1 siRNA. Further, we used purified SHP-1 proteins or HCC cells expressing deletion N-SH2 domain or D61A point mutants to study the PH efficacy on SHP-1. The 'in vivo studies were conducted using HepG2 and SK-Hep1 and Sor resistant HepG2SR and Huh7SR xenografts. Molecular docking was done with Swiss dock and Auto Dock Vina. Results: PH inhibited cell growth and induced apoptosis in all HCC cells by upregulating SHP-1 expression and downregulating STAT3 expression and further inhibited pAKT/pERK signaling. PH activated SHP-1 by disruption of autoinhibition of SHP-1, leading to reduced p-STAT3Tyr705 level. PH induced apoptosis in two Sor-resistant cell lines and overcome STAT3, AKT, MAPK and VEGFR2 dependent Sor resistance in HCCs. PH potently inhibited tumor growth in both Sor-sensitive and Sor-resistant xenografts in vivo by impairing angiogenesis, cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis via targeting the SHP-1/STAT3 signaling pathway. Conclusion: Our data suggest that PH inhibits STAT3 activity in Sor-sensitive and -resistant HCCs via SHP-1-mediated inhibition of STAT3 and AKT/mTOR/JAK2/VEGFR2 pathway. Our results clearly indicate that PH may be a potent reagent for hepatocellular carcinoma and a noveltargeted therapy for further clinical investigations. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext]. - 2019 The Author(s).The publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library, Qatar. The graphical abstract was created with BioRender.comScopu
Pemodelan Faktor- Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Kematian Ibu Di Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Antenatal Care Menggunakan Regresi Binomial Negatif
Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2014 menunjukkan bahwa Kota Surabaya merupakan daerah dengan kasus kematian ibu tertinggi di Jawa Timur tahun 2014 yaitu sebanyak 39 kasus. Data penelitian ini merupakan data count yang diperoleh dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Pola persebaran data jumlah kasus kematian ibu di Kota Surabaya mengikuti distribusi Poisson dengan mean sebesar 1,258. Pemodelan pada data count yang berdistribusi Poisson sering menggunakan metode regresi Poisson dengan asumsi equidispersion yakni kesamaan mean dan variansi. Akan tetapi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan menggunakan regresi Binomial Negatif untuk menganalisis faktor- faktor yang memengaruhi kematian ibu karena terjadi kasus overdispersion yakni nilai varians lebih besar daripada mean. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat dua variabel yang signifikan yaitu presentase cakupan TT5 dan penanganan komplikasi obstetri. Selanjutnya pemodelan dari kedua variabel yang signifikan tersebut diperoleh nilai AIC sebesar 96,488. Tambaksari merupakan kecamatan yang memiliki jumlah kasus kematian ibu tertinggi di Kota Surabaya tahun 2014
Fenomena Politik Soroh Terhadap Sikap Politik Organisasi Mgpssr Dalam Pilkada Serentak Kabupaten Karangasem Tahun 2015
This paper aims to see how such a family-based organization MGPSSR (Maha Gotra Pasek Sanak Sapta Rsi) determine political attitudes in the elections of 2015. Simultaneously Karangasem Soroh seen as social ties within the community people Hindus in Bali which refers to one lineage (dynasty) the same one. This potential was realized by interest groups as one of the factors for support. The emotional response of citizens Pasek (MGPSSR) start flowing on candidates who have a common background of the offspring.Depart by using the theory of dramaturgy and qualitative research methods-descriptive. Research conducted in Karangasem regency showed that the formation of the Volunteer 157 as a continuation MGPSSR to engage in politics and support the candidate of his choice. This study found the implication that soroh can be a major factor supporting the victory of candidates who have the same background as well as to be the main factor causing the impartiatyof victory itself
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