6 research outputs found
Relationship between Islamic Social Finance and Sustainable Development Goals: A Conceptual Framework
The success of a country’s economic development can be assessed by the extent to which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are achieved. However, many developing countries face challenges in attaining the SDGs, often due to budget constraints. To overcome these obstacles, the presence of Islamic social finance, also known as ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqat, and Waqf), is expected to play a significant role. Islamic social finance aims to address social and economic issues such as poverty and income inequality. This study aims to analyze the role of Islamic social finance (ISF) in the context of the SDGs. As Islamic social finance adheres to principles that align with the SDGs, it is essential to investigate whether ISF can support the achievement of the SDGs through its funding activities. The role of Islamic social finance in relation to the SDGs can be observed by examining the programs funded by ISF and assessing their alignment with the SDGs. The analytical approach employed in this study is descriptive and qualitative, aiming to explain the role of Islamic social finance in the SDGs. The analysis draws insights from relevant literature and data, and a conceptual framework is formulated to illustrate the relationship between Islamic social finance and the SDGs. The findings highlight the important role of Islamic social finance, including zakat, in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. Through several case studies in various countries, Islamic social finance has demonstrated its potential to support the attainment of SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, and 12. These results emphasize the significant contribution of Islamic social finance in the success of SDGs programs, underscoring its potential as a tool for achieving the SDGs.
Keywords: Islamic social finance, SDGs, relationshi
Potensi Infusa Bawang Putih (Allium sativum) Terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Sekum Ayam Broiler yang Diinfeksi Escherichia Coli
The aim of this study was to prove the effect of giving garlic (Allium sativum) infuse with 0.5%, 1.5%, 4.5% and 13.5% of concentration in repairing histopathology caecum of broilers infected by Escherichia coli. Thirty broilers divided into six groups (n=5) of experiments, that were P0(-), P0(+), P 1 , P2, P3, and P4. All group of experiments except P0(- ), infected by Escherichia coli 3 x 108 CFU/mL orally. Pl, P2, P3 and P4 were given garlic infuse therapy by 0.5%, 1.5%, 4.5% and 13.5% of concentration orally for seven days, while P0(+) as positive control without garlic infuse therapy. By the day 19th during the experimental work, animals were dissected and the caecum organs were collected for histopathological slides to be examined under the microscope. Data was being analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and if there were significant difference then would be continued by Mann-.Whitney test. The results of the research showed,giving garlic infuse therapy by 13.5% of c(mcentration can repair histopathology caecum of broilers infected by Escherichia coli, which are ilustrated by pathological lesions such as submucosal edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, goblet cell depletion, and mucosal epithelial integrity.
Keywords: garlic infuse, caecum of broiler, Escherichia col
Potensi Infusa Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum) terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Sekum Ayam Broiler yang Diinfeksi Escherichia Coli
Peternakan unggas di Indonesia menjadi tumpuan utama dalam pembangunan peternakan karena ternak unggas memberikan kontribusi terbesar dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan protein hewani asal ternak. Upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi peternakan merupakan peketjaan rumah bagi bangsa ini, karena bukanlah jaminan bagi suatu usaha khususnya yang bergerak dibidang peternakan unggas dapat berjalan mules tanpa adanya kendala. Salah satu kendala yang menjadi momok sangat menakutkan bagi pars petemak adalah serangan penyakit. Pada tahun 2013, penyakit bakterial pada ayam pedaging salah satunya didorninasi oleh penyakit kolibasilosis yang merupakan penyakit akibat dari infeksi bakteri Escherichio call. Penyakit ini mempunyai banyak manifestasi dalam bentuk kelainan organ. Bakteri E coil dapat ditemukan di dalam saluran pencernaan ayam, salah satunya adalah sekum. Secara histology, sekum memiliki jumlah sel goblet dan nodus limfatikus lebih banyak dibanding dengan bagian usus yang lain. Sel goblet dan nodus limfatikus memegang fungsi renting apabila terjadi infeksi saluran eema, karena sel goblet berperan dalam memproduksi mukus sedangkan nodus limfatikus berperan sebagai organ limfoid yang melindungi saluran mum dari invasi ages infeksius.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok PO(+) dari pemberian E. coil sebanyak 3 x 108 CFUlinl, dapat menyebabkan kelainan patologi berupa edema submukosa, infiltrasi sel radang, deplesi sel goblet, dan kerusakan pada epitel mukosa. Allicin sebagai art antibakteri yang terkandung dalarn bawang putih terbukti dapat memperbaild kelainan patologi tersebut, sehingga gambaran histopatologi yang diperoleh hampir sama mendekati dengan gambaran histopatologi dari kontrol negatif atau PO(-). Allicin bekerja dengan merusak dinding sel, mengganggu metabolisme sel, dan menghambat sintesis protein dari bakteri. Selain itu alliciu jugs menghambat sintesis RNA dan DNA secara cepat dan menyeluruh
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Teks Eksposisi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal untuk Siswa Kelas X SMAN 3 Kediri
ABSTRAKPenelitian pengembangan bahan ajar teks eksposisi berbasis kearifan lokal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil studi pendahuluan bahwa saat ini penurunan wawasan siswa terhadap kearifan lokal daerah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar yang mampu membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dan menambah wawasan siswa terhadap kearifan lokal daerah yang memiliki kelayakan produk dari segi (1) isi, (2) penyajian, (3) penggunaan bahasa, dan (4) tampilan serta layak untuk proses pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan Bord dan Gall. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data verbal dan nonverbal. Pengumpulan data penelitian melalui angket, lembar penilaian, dan tes. Berdasarkan analisis data disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan valid, dan sudah layak dan dapat diimplementasikan. Kata kunci : pengembangan bahan ajar, teks eksposisi, kearifan lokal ABSTRACTThis research on the development of teaching materials on exposition text based on local wisdom is motivated by the results of preliminary studies on the current changes in students' insight into the local wisdom of the region. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials that help students in the learning process and increase students' insight into local wisdom that has product feasibility in terms of (1) content, (2) presentation, (3) use of language, and (4) appearance and feasibility for the learning process in accordance with the 2013 Curriculum. This research uses research and development methods adapted from the research and development procedures of Bord and Gall. The type of data in this study are verbal and nonverbal data. Collection of research data through questionnaires, assessment sheets, and tests. Based on the analysis, the data concludes that teaching materials developed are valid, and that they are feasible and applicable. Keywords: development of teaching materials, exposition text, local wisdo
Today, the importance of sustainability is increasing as environmental issues have become a concern for both businesses and consumers. Companies must swiftly comprehend the idea of sustainability and begin to assess themselves as businesses need to make a profit to survive, but to be sustainable, they need to balance the other two priorities, namely people and the planet. Hence, the idea of sustainable marketing has emerged. It focuses on the need to practice sustainability as well as to meet the needs, without harming future generations, by having green movement as core business goals. This study aims to identify the influence of sustainability marketing mix in purchasing decisions towards green personal care products, The Body Shop, in the Indonesian context and to reveal the role of consumer’s green attitudes as moderating variable. This is a quantitative research. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique consists of testing the validity and reliability, simple linear regression, hypothesis testing and moderated regression analysis. The findings show that the sustainability marketing mix has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for green products in Indonesia, moderated by consumer’s green attitude
Competency-based Training Analysis in Increasing Self-efficacy and Self-confidence Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea (Study on Workers of Fishery and Marine Sector)
Employment cases of Indonesian Migrant Workers abroad are still high. Various training and skills provisions have not contributed to the success of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the placement country as expected. This study aims to analyze the implementation of competency-based training that has been implemented in Indonesia, measure the level of self-efficacy, and measure the level of self-confidence of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the marine and fisheries sector in South Korea. The unit of observation in this research is 40 people who have participated in competency-based training and after placement in South Korea, they were given a questionnaire, and interviewed in groups both directly in the South Korean placement country and through online media. This study utilized primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires, interviews, and observations and secondary data in the form of documentation and archives. The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis. The results show that the implementation of competency-based training in Indonesia to prepare migrant workers in the fisheries and marine sector for South Korea is considered sufficient, including social, technical, managerial, and non-unit competency units. In addition, the level of self-efficacy of the workers is classified as very high as measured by the dimensions of level, generality, and strength, and the level of self-confidence is classified as high as measured by ability, enthusiasm, and satisfaction.
Keywords: fisheries and marine, migrant workers, competency training, self-efficacy, self confidenc