122 research outputs found
Teoria social i estat del benestar
Els autors fan una revisió del tractament que la teoria social ha fet de l'estat
del benestar. En primer lloc, es destaquen els intents de formular un fonament normatiu
de l'intervencionisme públic per continuar fent un balanç de les hipòtesis que tracten
d'explicar les dimensions i la naturalesa de l'Estat benefactor. Conclouen que hi ha hagut
un enorme progrés en la recerca comparada, però que els resultats no permeten concloure
la preeminència d'una teoria sobre les altres, raó per la qual recomanen una actitud
més procliu a comprendre com es relacionen entre si els diversos factors explicatius,
que a tractar de demostrar la superioritat explicativa d'un de sol.the authors review how social theory focus on the welfare state. First, the
attempts to formulate a normative basis for the welfare state are emphasized. Then,
they take an inventory of the most re p resentative hypothesis that try to explain the dimensions
and nature of the welfare state. The conclusion is that, in spite of the enormous
pro g ress in comparative re s e a rch, no results allow to secure the superiority of
one theory over the others. The authors recommend re s e a rchers to focus more in the relations
between diff e rent factors rather than to demonstrate the superiority of one of
them.Los autores llevan a cabo una revisión del tratamiento que la teoría social ha
hecho del estado del bienestar. En primer lugar se destacan los intentos de formular un
fundamento normativo del intervencionismo público para continuar haciendo un balance
de las hipótesis que tratan de explicar las dimensiones y la naturaleza del estado
benefactor. Concluyen que ha habido un enorme progreso en la investigación comparada,
pero que sus resultados no permiten concluir la preeminencia de una teoría sobre
las otras, razón por la cual recomiendan una actitud más proclive a comprender cómo se
relacionan entre sí los diversos factores explicativos, que a tratar de demostrar la superioridad
explicativa de uno solo de ellos
Teoria social i estat del benestar
The authors review how social theory focus on the welfare state.
First, the attempts to formulate a normative basis for the welfare state
are emphasized. Then, they take an inventory of the most representative
hypothesis that try to explain the dimensions and nature of the welfare
state. The conlusion is that, in spite of the enormous progress in
comparative research, no results allow to secure the superiority of one
theory over the others. The authors recommend researchers to focus more
in the relations between different factors rather than to demonstrate the
superiority of one of them.Los autores hacen una revisión del tratamiento que la teoría
social ha hecho del estado del bienestar. En primer lugar se destacan
los intentos de formular un fundamento normativo del intervencionismo
público para continuar haciendo un balance de las hipótesis que tratan
de explicar las dimensiones y la naturaleza del estado benefactor.
Concluyen que ha habido un enorme progreso en la investigación comparada,
pero que sus resultados no permiten concluir la preeminencia
de una teoría sobre las otras, razón por la cual recomiendan una actitud
más proclive a comprender cómo se relacionan entre sí los diversos
factores explicativos, que a tratar de demostrar la superioridad explicativa
de uno solo de ellos
Social support and subjective well-being in adolescence
El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar el apoyo social (apoyo familiar, apoyo de las amistades y apoyo del profesorado) en función del sexo y de la edad, así como analizar la relación entre el apoyo social y el bienestar subjetivo (satisfacción con la vida, afecto positivo y afecto negativo). La muestra está compuesta por 1.543 adolescentes divididos en dos grupos en función de la edad: 11-14 años (n = 879, M = 13.99, DT = 0.86), y 15-18 años (n = 664, M = 15.76, DT = 1.07). Las diferencias de medias indican que las chicas perciben mayor apoyo de las amistades que los chicos y que son los adolescentes de 11-14 años quienes perciben más apoyo familiar y apoyo del profesorado. Los análisis de regresión lineal indican que las distintas fuentes de apoyo tienen una varianza explicativa importante en varias de las escalas del bienestar subjetivo y que varían según el sexo y la edad de los participantes. Estos datos proporcionan información para la identificación de los elementos básicos de la intervención psicosocial.The aim of this study is to analyze gender and age differences in social support (family, peers and teacher’s support), as well as the relations between social support and subjective well-being (life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect). A sample of 1543 students is divided according to age: 11-14 years (n = 879, M = 13.99, SD = 0.864), and 15-18 (n = 664, M = 15.76, SD = 1.07). The average differences indicated that girls perceived more peer support than do boys and that 11-14 year old adolescents perceived higher family support and teacher support than 15-18 year old adolescents. Multivariate regression analysis shows that different social sources have a relevant variance in most of the personal scales, which varies depending on the sex and age of participants. The results of the present study provide information in order to identify basic elements for psychosocial intervention
Influence of irrigation on the occurrence of organic and inorganic pollutants in soil, water and sediments of a Spanish agrarian basin (Lerma)
Para comprender los diversos posibles impactos ambientales producidos por el riego, el estudio de una cuenca en transformación de zona en secano a condiciones de regadío supone una gran ventaja. Este trabajo investiga la presencia de 44 plaguicidas y metabolitos, 11 compuestos organoclorados, 17 PAHs, 13 PCBs, y varios metales como Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, Se y Hg, en los suelos, aguas y sedimentos de una cuenca agrícola del nordeste de España. La zona de estudio se encontraba en condiciones de secano hasta el año 2006, cuando comenzó a regarse. Los muestreos del presente trabajo se realizaron en 2008, y el principal objetivo ha sido comprobar si estos primeros años bajo riego tienen influencia en las concentraciones de las sustancias y elementos analizados. Los principales contaminantes detectados fueron compuestos organoclorados, PAHs y metales en los suelos; atrazina, desetilatrazina, terbutilazina, dicofol y pp’-DDT en las aguas; y PAHs, 1,2,4 triclorobenceno y metales en los sedimentos. Se ha demostrado que, hasta la finalización del estudio, no existen graves problemas de contaminación relacionados con las sustancias analizadas, y que por el momento, el riego no ha influido prácticamente en las concentraciones de dichas sustancias en la cuenca. Sin embargo, se han descubierto puntualmente valores ligeramente elevados de endrín en el suelo, pp’-DDT en el agua y Ni y Zn en los sedimentos
In order to understand the several possible environmental impacts caused by irrigation, the existence of a study area under transition from unirrigated to irrigated land is a great advantage. This work investigates the presence of 44 pesticides and metabolites, 11 organochlorinated compounds, 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 13 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and several metals and metalloids such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, Se and Hg, in the soil, water and sediments of an agrarian basin in Northeast Spain. The study area was unirrigated until 2006, when irrigation began. The objective of this work was to verify if the first irrigation years influenced the concentrations of the substances and elements analyzed. The main contaminants detected were organochlorinated compounds, PAHs and metals in the soil; atrazine, desethylatrazine, terbuthylazine, dicofol and pp’-DDT in the water; and PAHs, 1,2,4 trichlorobenzene and metals in the sediments. Until the conclusion of this study, no serious contamination issues existed related to the analyzed substances, and for the moment, irrigation has not significantly influenced the concentrations of such substances in the basin. Nevertheless, slightly elevated punctual values were observed for endrin in the soil, pp’-DDT in the water, and Ni and Zn in the sediments
Plasma Aβ42/40 ratio alone or combined with FDG-PET can accurately predict amyloid-PET positivity: a cross-sectional analysis from the AB255 Study
Background: To facilitate population screening and clinical trials of disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer’s
disease, supportive biomarker information is necessary. This study was aimed to investigate the association of
plasma amyloid-beta (Aβ) levels with the presence of pathological accumulation of Aβ in the brain measured by
amyloid-PET. Both plasma Aβ42/40 ratio alone or combined with an FDG-PET-based biomarker of
neurodegeneration were assessed as potential AD biomarkers.
Methods: We included 39 cognitively normal subjects and 20 patients with mild cognitive impairment from the
AB255 Study who had undergone PiB-PET scans. Total Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels in plasma (TP42/40) were quantified
using ABtest kits. Subjects were dichotomized as Aβ-PET positive or negative, and the ability of TP42/40 to detect
Aβ-PET positivity was assessed by logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic analyses. Combination of
plasma Aβ biomarkers and FDG-PET was further assessed as an improvement for brain amyloidosis detection and
diagnosis classification.
Results: Eighteen (30.5%) subjects were Aβ-PET positive. TP42/40 ratio alone identified Aβ-PET status with an area
under the curve (AUC) of 0.881 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.779–0.982). Discriminating performance of TP42/40
to detect Aβ-PET-positive subjects yielded sensitivity and specificity values at Youden’s cutoff of 77.8% and 87.5%,
respectively, with a positive predictive value of 0.732 and negative predictive value of 0.900. All these parameters
improved after adjusting the model for significant covariates. Applying TP42/40 as the first screening tool in a
sequential diagnostic work-up would reduce the number of Aβ-PET scans by 64%. Combination of both FDG-PET
scores and plasma Aβ biomarkers was found to be the most accurate Aβ-PET predictor, with an AUC of 0.965 (95%
CI = 0.913–0.100).
Conclusions: Plasma TP42/40 ratio showed a relevant and significant potential as a screening tool to identify brain
Aβ positivity in preclinical and prodromal stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Desarrollo de la transversalidad a través de la investigación-acción cooperativa en la educación de adultos: la televisión, iniciación a la alfabetización audiovisual
New technologies have come to generate a profund debate about special characteristics of your society and the accelerated changes that are taking place, helping to re-conceptualize the school and the teachers` rolein this new context. The developed project is a cooperative work of education and research centered in the design, development and implementation of the centered in the design, development and implementation of the curricula, promoting audiovisual literacy of critical televiewers for adult education.; Las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación han venido a favorecer un profundo debate sobre las especiales características de nuestra sociedad y sobre los cambios acelerados que se están produciendo en ella, ayudando a reconceptualizar el papel de la escuela y los docentes en este nuevo contexto. El proyecto desarrollado es un trabajo cooperativo de formación e investigación centrado en el dise¿o, desarrollo e implementación curricular en la línea de la alfabetización audiovisual, de un programa de formación de telespectadores críticos para la educación de adultos
Desarrollo de la transversalidad a través de la investigación-acción cooperativa en la educación de adultos: la televisión, iniciación a la alfabetización audiovisual
New technologies have come to generate a profund debate about special characteristics of your society and the accelerated changes that are taking place, helping to re-conceptualize the school and the teachers` rolein this new context. The developed project is a cooperative work of education and research centered in the design, development and implementation of the centered in the design, development and implementation of the curricula, promoting audiovisual literacy of critical televiewers for adult education.; Las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación han venido a favorecer un profundo debate sobre las especiales características de nuestra sociedad y sobre los cambios acelerados que se están produciendo en ella, ayudando a reconceptualizar el papel de la escuela y los docentes en este nuevo contexto. El proyecto desarrollado es un trabajo cooperativo de formación e investigación centrado en el dise¿o, desarrollo e implementación curricular en la línea de la alfabetización audiovisual, de un programa de formación de telespectadores críticos para la educación de adultos
Polypropylene and polyvinylidene fluoride transobturator slings for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence : 1-Year outcomes from a multicentre randomized trial
Finançament de: Fundación Dexeus Salud de la Mujer; CardiolinkTo compare the effectiveness and safety of polypropylene (PP) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) transobturator tapes (TOT) for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This is a multicentre randomized trial. Women with SUI or stress-predominant mixed urinary incontinence and scheduled for a TOT procedure were randomized to PP or PVDF slings. The primary outcome was 1-year cure or improvement rate using composite criteria. Complications were also compared. Relationships with outcomes were analyzed using multivariable logistic regressions models. From April 2016 to January 2018 285 participants were randomized. PP and PVDF slings showed similar high cure or improvement rate (91.0% vs. 95.6%, p = .138). Improvement in validated questionnaires was also similar. PVDF slings were associated with a lower rate of de novo urgency incontinence (adjusted odds ratio = 0.35; 95% confidence interval = 0.15-0.80). We found no statistical differences in complications rates, although a higher incidence of long-term pain events were observed in the PP group. The study is underpowered to find differences in specific complications owing to the low number of events. PP and PVDF TOTs are equally effective, although PVDF is associated with fewer cases of de novo urgency incontinence. Further studies are needed to give robust conclusions on safety profiles
Photoperiod affects the phenotype of mitochondrial complex I mutants
Plant mutants for genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial Complex I (CI, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), the first enzyme of the respiratory chain, display various phenotypes depending on growth conditions. Here, we examined the impact of photoperiod, a major environmental factor controlling plant development, on two Arabidopsis thaliana CI mutants: a new insertion mutant interrupted in both ndufs8.1 and ndufs8.2 genes encoding the NDUFS8 subunit, and the previously characterized ndufs4 CI mutant. In long day (LD) condition, both ndufs8.1 and ndufs8.2 single mutants were indistinguishable from Col-0 at phenotypic and biochemical levels, whereas the ndufs8.1 ndufs8.2 double mutant was devoid of detectable holo-CI assembly/activity, showed higher AOX content/activity and displayed a growth-retardation phenotype similar to that of the ndufs4 mutant. Although growth was more affected in ndufs4 than ndufs8.1 ndufs8.2 under short day (SD) condition, both mutants displayed a similar impairment of growth acceleration after transfer to LD as compared to the WT. Untargeted and targeted metabolomics showed that overall metabolism was less responsive to the SD-to-LD transition in mutants than in the WT. The typical LD acclimation of carbon, nitrogen-assimilation and redox-related parameters was not observed in ndufs8.1 ndufs8. Similarly, NAD(H) content, that was higher in SD condition in both mutants than in Col-0, did not adjust under LD. We propose that altered redox homeostasis and NAD(H) content/redox state control the phenotype of Complex I mutants and photoperiod acclimation in Arabidopsis
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