44 research outputs found

    Phase I/II Study of Refametinib (BAY 86-9766) in Combination with Gemcitabine in Advanced Pancreatic cancer

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    Background Activating KRAS mutations are reported in up to 90% of pancreatic cancers. Refametinib potently inhibits MEK1/2, part of the MAPK signaling pathway. This phase I/II study evaluated the safety and efficacy of refametinib plus gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods Phase I comprised dose escalation, followed by phase II expansion. Refametinib and gemcitabine plasma levels were analyzed for pharmacokinetics. KRAS mutational status was determined from circulating tumor DNA. Results Ninety patients overall received treatment. The maximum tolerated dose was refametinib 50 mg twice daily plus standard gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2 weekly). The combination was well tolerated, with no pharmacokinetic interaction. Treatment-emergent toxicities included thrombocytopenia, fatigue, anemia, and edema. The objective response rate was 23% and the disease control rate was 73%. Overall response rate, disease control rate, progression-free survival, and overall survival were higher in patients without detectable KRAS mutations (48% vs. 28%, 81% vs. 69%, 8.8 vs. 5.3 months, and 18.2 vs. 6.6 months, respectively). Conclusion Refametinib plus gemcitabine was well tolerated, with a promising objective response rate, and had an acceptable safety profile and no pharmacokinetic interaction. There was a trend towards improved outcomes in patients without detectable KRAS mutations that deserves future investigation

    Analysis of noise emission for selected crushing devices

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    W technologicznych uk艂adach przer贸bki surowc贸w mineralnych, a zw艂aszcza kruszyw, rozdrabnianie odgrywa kluczow膮 rol臋, zapewniaj膮c uzyskanie produktu o odpowiedniej granulacji. Operacje kruszenia s膮 tak偶e energoch艂onne oraz charakteryzuj膮 si臋 du偶膮 uci膮偶liwo艣ci膮 dla 艣rodowiska, chocia偶by ze wzgl臋du na znaczn膮 emisj臋 zapylenia oraz generowany ha艂as. W artykule poruszony zosta艂 temat dotycz膮cy ha艂asu powstaj膮cego podczas pracy kruszarek. Analizie zosta艂y poddane wybrane typy kruszarek, zmierzono poziom ha艂asu oraz dokonano powi膮zania uzyskanych warto艣ci ze skuteczno艣ci膮 technologiczn膮 urz膮dze艅, okre艣lon膮 jako uzyskany stopie艅 rozdrobnienia i wydajno艣膰. Wyniki bada艅 pokazuj膮, 偶e r贸偶ne urz膮dzenia rozdrabniaj膮ce charakteryzuj膮 si臋 pod tym wzgl臋dem r贸偶n膮 uci膮偶liwo艣ci膮 dla 艣rodowiska.In mineral processing technology, and especially in aggregate production circuits, comminution plays a crucial role, enabling us obtaining the products with suitable particle size composition. Crushing operations are also very energy consuming ones and are regarded as environmentally burdensome if only due to the excessive noise and dust emission. The article concerns problems of noise generation during operation of crushing devices. Selected types of crushers were under investigations, their noise levels were recorded along with connecting the obtained results with technological effectiveness defined as the comminution ratio and throughput. Results of investigations show that various crushing devices cause different environmental onerousness

    Analysis of relationships between technological parameters of roller presses with using the factor analysis

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia zwi膮zane z analiz膮 wielowymiarow膮 i ich potencjalne zastosowanie do modelowania proces贸w rozdrabniania w prasach walcowych. Proces rozdrabniania w prasie charakteryzuje wiele parametr贸w technicznych, technologicznych oraz wska藕nik贸w, kt贸re s膮 wzajemnie powi膮zane ze sob膮. Przedstawione podej艣cie polega na zbadaniu struktury w grupie analizowanych zmiennych oraz zaprezentowanie analizy interpretacyjnej polegaj膮cej na wyodr臋bnieniu czynnik贸w powi膮zanych z wybranymi zmiennymi wej艣ciowymi (parametrami operacyjnymi urz膮dzenia i procesu). W wyniku tego otrzymujemy model opisuj膮cy zjawisko, kt贸ry u艂atwia analiz臋 i interpretacj臋 badanego procesu.Chosen issues concern the multi dimensional analysis and their potential application for modeling of comminution processes in roller presses were presented in the article. The comminution process in HPGR can be described with using many technical and technological parameters and indices, which are mutually connected. The presented approach assumes the investigation over the structure of analyzed variables, and presents the interpretation consisted in marking off the factors related to the input variables (operating parameters of the comminution process). The model characterizing the issue, obtained as a result of research, makes easier the interpretation of the process under analysis

    Model pracy uk艂adu rozdrabniania z pras膮 walcow膮

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    Article concerns the issues of modeling and optimizational approach for ore comminution circuits performance. The circuit under the analysis is based on HPGR devices operating on a fine crushing stage. In order to determine the HPGR-based comminution circuit performance a suitable model was built. The target function in presented model considers the issue in terms of the flotation operation effectiveness.Artyku艂 dotyczy zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z modelowaniem i optymalizacj膮 pracy uk艂ad贸w rozdrabniania rud. W analizo卢wanym uk艂adzie wyst臋puje wysokoci艣nieniowa prasa walcowa zainstalowana na drugim stopniu rozdrabniania. Aby okre艣li膰 efektywno艣膰 pracy uk艂adu technologicznego przer贸bki rud zosta艂 zbudowany odpowiedni model matematyczny pracy uk艂adu rozdrabniania, w kt贸rym funkcja celu zosta艂a powi膮zana z efektywno艣ci膮 proces贸w flotacyjnych

    Optymalizacja produkcji miedzi elektrolitycznej poprzez system wzbogacania i dystrybucji koncentrat贸w do hut na przyk艂adzie KGHM

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    The issues of copper production strategy for the Polish copper industry are presented in the article. The problem is considered within the scope of the ore extraction, ore concentration and metallurgical processing of the copper concentrate and the main aim is to produce the specific amount of copper, which generates maximum technological and economic benefits. In order to determine the strategy of production for a company an optimisation approach may be applied with the target function defined as either the maximization of metal recovery or the maximization of profit. The real operating conditions are implemented into the model, together with existing limitation resulting from the concentration technology and metallurgical treatment. The problem verification was possible with using of non-linear programming theory. Two variants were considered: the first for lower production costs, and the second for low stock market prices. The presented optimal strategies determine the copper grades of concentrates as well as the system of concentrates distribution between three smelters. Generally smelters should receive concentrates with higher copper grades for low stock market metal prices and for low processing costs the mass of concentrates delivered to smelters should be higher together with decreased the copper grades.W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia dotycz膮ce strategii produkcji miedzi elektrolitycznej dla polskich warunk贸w produkcji miedzi w uk艂adzie kopalnia-zak艂ad przer贸bczy-huta miedzi. Problem jest rozpatrywany g艂贸wnie z punktu widzenia hut miedzi, ale determinowany jest jako艣ci膮 i ilo艣ci膮 koncentrat贸w miedziowych wyprodukowanych przez zak艂ady przer贸bcze. Celem jest osi膮gniecie maksymalnych efekt贸w technologicznych i ekonomicznych. Podej艣cie optymalizacyjne zak艂ada zbudowanie odpowiedniego modelu ekonometrycznego z funkcja celu zdefiniowan膮 jako maksymalny odzysk metalu oraz uwzgl臋dnieniem istniej膮cych realnych ogranicze艅 technologicznych Weryfikacja modelu jest mo偶liwa z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania dzia艂aj膮cego w oparciu o teori臋 programowania nielinowego. W artykule przedstawiono analiz臋 dla dw贸ch wariant贸w produkcji miedzi: niskich koszt贸w produkcyjnych oraz niskich cen gie艂dowych miedzi. Aby maksymalizowa膰 funkcj臋 celu w zaprezentowanym modelu, w okresie niskich cen produkcji huty powinny otrzymywa膰 mniej koncentrat贸w o wy偶szej zawarto艣ci miedzi, natomiast przy niskich gie艂dowych cenach miedzi, huty powinny przerabia膰 wi臋ksze ilo艣ci koncentratu o zmniejszonej zawarto艣ci miedzi

    Simulation of comminution effects in HPGR for the feed material variable content of fine particles

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    W artykule przedstawione zosta艂y wyniki bada艅 dotycz膮cych proces贸w rozdrabniania w prasie walcowej dla rud miedzi. Przeprowadzono pr贸by kruszenia w laboratoryjnej prasie walcowej dla materia艂u o zmiennej zawarto艣ci najdrobniejszych klas ziarnowych, mianowicie: od 0 do 6 mm, od 0,3 do 6 mm, od 1,5 do 6 mm oraz od 2,5 do 6 mm. Pr贸by przeprowadzono dla materia艂u o wilgotno艣ci naturalnej (tj. blisko 0%) oraz 2%. Uzyskane w tym zakresie wyniki pokazuj膮, 偶e dla materia艂u wilgotnego efektywno艣膰 rozdrabniania nieznacznie si臋 zmniejszy艂a, r贸wnie偶 pozbawianie nadawy kolejnych drobnych klas ziarnowych mia艂o sw贸j efekt w mniejszym stopniu rozdrobnienia produkt贸w HPGR, jednak w miar臋 dalszego zwi臋kszania wilgotno艣ci nadawy wska藕niki wydajno艣ci oraz energoch艂onno艣ci procesu uleg艂y pogorszeniu. Analizuj膮c parametry pracy wysokoci艣nieniowej prasy walcowej mo偶na stwierdzi膰, 偶e zwi臋kszenie wilgotno艣ci nieznacznie zwi臋ksza wydajno艣膰 procesu, r贸wnie偶 w niewielkim stopniu redukuj膮c jego energoch艂onno艣膰. [...]The article presents the results of investigations over the comminution processes in HPGR for copper ore. Crushing tests were run in a laboratory HPGR device for the material with a variable content of fine particles in following size fractions: from 0 to 6 mm, from 0.3 to 6 mm, from 1.5 to 6 mm and from 2.5 to 6 mm. The tests were performed for the material with moisture content of 0 and 2%. The obtained results show that comminution effectiveness for material with an increased moisture content decreased slightly. Also the removal of individual finest particle size fractions from feed had its effect in a lower comminution efficiency, and increasing the feed moisture caused deterioration of the energy and capacity indices for the process. Analyzing the HPGR operating parameters it can be concluded that together with increasing the moisture content the process productivity slightly increases, together with some reduction of its energy consumption. [...

    Influence of Copper Ore Comminution in HPGR on Downstream Minerallurgical Processes

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    Crushing processes taking place in high-pressure grinding rolls devices (HPGR) are currently one of the most efficient methods of hard ore size reduction in terms of the energy consumption. The HPGR products are characterized by a fine particle size and the micro-cracks formation in individual particles, which appears in downstream grinding processes, decreasing their energy consumption. The purpose of the paper was to analyze the effectiveness of a ball mill grinding process and flotation operations depending on the changeable conditions of run of the HPGR crushing process. The research programme carried out included crushing tests in the laboratory scale HPGR device at various settings of the operating pressure volume and selected qualitative properties of the feed material (i.e. particle size distribution). On the basis of obtained results the models, defining the grinding process effectiveness as a function of changeable conditions of HPGR process run, were determined. Based on these models the optimal grinding time in a ball mill was specified which is, in turn, the basis for optimization of operation the technological comminution circuits for a given material type. The obtained results proved that the application of HPGR devices in given copper ore comminution circuit may improve the effectiveness of downstream grinding process what leads to improvement of the entire circuit work efficiency through decreasing the process energy consumption and enhancing the product size reduction

    Work effects simulations of technological copper ore preparation systems with using of technological and economical criterious

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    Procedury symulacyjne s膮 pomocne przy analizie pracy zak艂adu przer贸bczego b臋d膮cej wst臋pem do optymalizacji pracy uk艂adu wzbogacania. Symulacj臋 mo偶na przeprowadzi膰 w oparciu o kryteria technologiczne lub ekonomiczne, w zale偶no艣ci od potrzeby. Taka procedura uzupe艂niona dodatkowo o analiz臋 zmienno艣ci jako艣ci rudy (zawarto艣ci miedzi alfa b臋dzie dok艂adna i oparta na realiach prowadzonego procesu wzbogacania. W artykule przedstawiono procedur臋 symulacyjn膮 przeprowadzon膮 dla trzech zak艂ad贸w wzbogacania rud w KGHM w oparciu o realne charakterystyki wzbogacanych rud.Procedures of simulation are helpful in the analysis of processing plants work, which is the entire step for optimization of enrichment system work. The simulation can be carry out on the basis of either technological or economic criteria in dependence on need. Such procedure, additionally completed by the quality changeability analysis of ore (content of copper alpha) will be both more precise and based on realities of conducted enrichment process. In the article the simulating procedure conducted for three ore processing plants in KGHM based on real characteristics of enriched ores were presented

    Optymalizacja pracy uk艂ad贸w przer贸bki mechanicznej rud opartych na wysokoci艣nieniowych prasach walcowych

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    This article concerns the issues of modeling and the optimizational approach for the performance of ore comminution circuits. A typical, multi-stage comminution circuit was analyzed with the high-pressure grinding rolls unit operating at a fine crushing stage. The final product of the circuit under investigation was, at the same time, a flotation feed in which particle size distribution initially determined the effectiveness of flotation operations. In order to determine the HPGR-based comminution circuit performance, a suitable mathematical model was built wherein the target function was linked directly with the effectiveness of the flotation processes. The target function in the presented model considers the issue in terms of the flotation operation's effectiveness. The particle size distribution of individual comminution products and resulting from the weight recoveries of individual size fractions were criteria determining the quality of the comminution product. Weight recoveries of individual size fractions, in turn, were tied with the technical operating parameters of individual comminution devices. In the first model, profit maximization was the target function, while the second variant of the model took into account maximization of the useful mineral weight recovery in the concentrate. The HPGR application into ore processing circuits also results in energy saving benefits which were presented in a comparative analysis of the energy consumption of two comminution circuits - the first based on conventional crushing devices, and the second on the HPGR unit application which replaced the rod mills. The main benefit of such a modernization was almost two times lower energy consumption by the fine crushing stage and a decrease in the ball mills' grinding operations load through bypassing a part of the material directly for the rough flotation operations.Artyku艂 dotyczy zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z modelowaniem i optymalizacj膮 pracy uk艂ad贸w rozdrabniania rud. Przeanalizowano typowy kilkustopniowy technologiczny uk艂ad rozdrabniania rud, w kt贸rym wysokoci艣nieniowa prasa walcowa zosta艂a zainstalowana na drugim stopniu rozdrabniania. Produkt ko艅cowy analizowanego uk艂adu by艂 jednocze艣nie nadaw膮 do proces贸w flotacji, a sk艂ad ziarnowy nadawy determinowa艂 wst臋pnie efektywno艣膰 proces贸w flotacyjnych. Aby okre艣li膰 efektywno艣膰 pracy uk艂adu technologicznego przer贸bki rud zbudowano odpowiedni model matematyczny pracy uk艂adu rozdrabniania, w kt贸rym funkcja celu zosta艂a powi膮zana z efektywno艣ci膮 proces贸w flotacyjnych. Kryterium decyduj膮cym o jako艣ci produkt贸w rozdrabniania by艂a wielko艣膰 ziarna i zwi膮zane z tym wychody poszczeg贸lnych frakcji ziarnowych. Wychody poszczeg贸lnych frakcji produkt贸w rozdrabniania zosta艂y uzale偶nione od technicznych parametr贸w pracy urz膮dze艅 rozdrabniaj膮cych. W pierwszym wariancie funkcja celu maksymalizowa艂a efekt ekonomiczny, czyli zysk, natomiast drugi wariant zak艂ada艂 maksymalizacj臋 odzysku sk艂adnika u偶ytecznego w koncentracie. Aplikacje przemys艂owe wysokoci艣nieniowych pras walcowych pozwalaj膮 na osi膮gni臋cie wymiernych oszcz臋dno艣ci energetycznych w modernizowanych uk艂adach rozdrabniania rud, co zosta艂o przedstawione poprzez analiz臋 por贸wnawcz膮 energoch艂onno艣ci dw贸ch uk艂ad贸w rozdrabniania rud. W sk艂ad pierwszego uk艂adu rozdrabniania wchodzi艂a kruszarka na etapie kruszenia wst臋pnego, m艂yn pr臋towy na etapie kruszenia drobnego oraz m艂yn kulowy na etapie mielenia. W drugim, zmodernizowanym uk艂adzie m艂yny pr臋towe zosta艂y zast膮pione wysokoci艣nieniowymi prasami walcowymi. Korzy艣ci osi膮gni臋te przy takiej modernizacji polega艂y na obni偶eniu energoch艂onno艣ci etapu kruszenia drobnego prawie o po艂ow臋 oraz zmniejszenie przerobu na etapie mielenia w m艂ynach kulowych poprzez skierowanie cz臋艣ci produktu prasy walcowej do procesu flotacji wst臋pnej