145 research outputs found

    Evidence that the AGN dominates the radio emission in z ~ 1 radio-quiet quasars

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Sarah V. White, Matt J. Jarvis, Eleni Kalfoutnzou, Martin J. Hardcastle, Aprajita Verma, Mose M. Cao Orjales, and Jason Stevens, 'Evidence that the AGN dominates the radio emission in z ~ 1 radio quiet quasars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, first published online 3 February 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stx284 Key results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 7, which illustrates where the RQQs lie in relation to the far-infrared--radio correlation © 2017 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.In order to understand the role of radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) in galaxy evolution, we must determine the relative levels of accretion and star-formation activity within these objects. Previous work at low radio flux-densities has shown that accretion makes a significant contribution to the total radio emission, in contrast with other quasar studies that suggest star formation dominates. To investigate, we use 70 RQQs from the Spitzer-Herschel Active Galaxy Survey. These quasars are all at zz ~ 1, thereby minimising evolutionary effects, and have been selected to span a factor of ~100 in optical luminosity, so that the luminosity dependence of their properties can be studied. We have imaged the sample using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), whose high sensitivity results in 35 RQQs being detected above 2 σ\sigma. This radio dataset is combined with far-infrared luminosities derived from grey-body fitting to Herschel photometry. By exploiting the far-infrared--radio correlation observed for star-forming galaxies, and comparing two independent estimates of the star-formation rate, we show that star formation alone is not sufficient to explain the total radio emission. Considering RQQs above a 2-σ\sigma detection level in both the radio and the far-infrared, 92 per cent are accretion-dominated, and the accretion process accounts for 80 per cent of the radio luminosity when summed across the objects. The radio emission connected with accretion appears to be correlated with the optical luminosity of the RQQ, whilst a weaker luminosity-dependence is evident for the radio emission connected with star formation.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Self-Control, Self-Regulation, and Doping in Sport: A Test of the Strength-Energy Model

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    We applied the strength-energy model of self-control to understand the relationship between self-control and young athletes’ behavioral responses to taking illegal performance-enhancing substances, or “doping.” Measures of trait self-control, attitude and intention toward doping, intention toward, and adherence to, doping-avoidant behaviors, and the prevention of unintended doping behaviors were administered to 410 young Australian athletes. Participants also completed a “lollipop” decision-making protocol that simulated avoidance of unintended doping. Hierarchical linear multiple regression analyses revealed that self-control was negatively associated with doping attitude and intention, and positively associated with the intention and adherence to doping-avoidant behaviors, and refusal to take or eat the unfamiliar candy offered in the “lollipop” protocol. Consistent with the strength-energy model, athletes with low self-control were more likely to have heightened attitude and intention toward doping, and reduced intention, behavioral adherence, and awareness of doping avoidance

    Applying the integrated trans-contextual model to mathematics activities in the classroom and homework behavior and attainment

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    The aim of the present study was to test hypotheses of the trans-contextual model. We predicted relations between perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation toward mathematics learning activities in an educational context, autonomous motivation toward mathematics homework in an out-of-school context, social-cognitive variables and intentions for future engagement in mathematics homework, and mathematics homework outcomes. Secondary school students completed measures of perceived autonomy support from teachers and autonomous motivation for in-class mathematics activities; measures of autonomous motivation, social-cognitive variables, and intentions for out-of-school mathematics homework; and follow-up measures of students' mathematics homework outcomes: self-reported homework engagement and actual homework grades. Perceived autonomy support was related to autonomous motivation toward in-class mathematics activities. There were trans-contextual effects of autonomous motivation across educational and out-of-school contexts, and relations between out-of-school autonomous motivation, intentions, and mathematics homework outcomes. Findings support trans-contextual effects of autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities across educational and out-of-school contexts and homework outcomes

    Accretion and star formation in 'radio-quiet' quasars

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    Radio observations allow us to identify a wide range of active galactic nuclei (AGN), which play a significant role in the evolution of galaxies. Amongst AGN at low radio-luminosities is the 'radio-quiet' quasar (RQQ) population, but how they contribute to the total radio emission is under debate, with previous studies arguing that it is predominantly through star formation. In this talk, SVW summarised the results of recent papers on RQQs, including the use of far-infrared data to disentangle the radio emission from the AGN and that from star formation. This provides evidence that black-hole accretion, instead, dominates the radio emission in RQQs. In addition, we find that this accretion-related emission is correlated with the optical luminosity of the quasar, whilst a weaker luminosity-dependence is evident for the radio emission connected with star formation. What remains unclear is the process by which this accretion-related emission is produced. Understanding this for RQQs will then allow us to investigate how this type of AGN influences its surroundings. Such studies have important implications for modelling AGN feedback, and for determining the accretion and star-formation histories of the Universe.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of IAU Symposium 356 on "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time", October 201

    Experiences and facilitators of physical activity engagement amongst colorectal and endometrial cancer survivors: the Wearable Activity Technology and Action-Planning (WATAAP) trial

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    Purpose: This study explored colorectal and endometrial cancer survivors’ experiences of participation in a wearable intervention and the dimensions that influenced intervention engagement and physical activity behaviour change. Methods: Semi-structured interviews (n= 23) were conducted with intervention participants (mean age 65.8 (SD ±7.1) and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Four main themes were identified: (i) commitment, (ii) accountability and monitoring, (iii) routine, (iv) Fitbit as health coach. Those that assigned a higher priority to PA were more likely to schedule PA and be successful in PA change. Those less successful presented more barriers to change and engaged in more incidental PA. The Fitbit acting as health coach was the active ingredient of the intervention. Conclusions: Commitment evidenced through prioritising PA was the foundational dimension that influenced PA engagement. Interventions that foster commitment to PA through increasing the value and importance of PA would be worthwhile. Wearables holds great promise in PA promotion and harnessing the technique of discrepancy between behaviour and goals is likely a valuable behaviour change technique

    Wearable activity technology and action-planning (WATAAP) to promote physical activity in cancer survivors: Randomised controlled trial protocol

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    Background/Objective: Colorectal and gynecologic cancer survivors are at cardiovascular risk due to comorbidities and sedentary behaviour, warranting a feasible intervention to increase physical activity. The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) is a promising theoretical frame-work for health behaviour change, and wearable physical activity trackers offer a novel means of self-monitoring physical activity for cancer survivors. Method: Sixty-eight survivors of colorectal and gynecologic cancer will be randomised into 12- week intervention and control groups. Intervention group participants will receive: a Fitbit AltaTM to monitor physical activity, HAPA-based group sessions, booklet, and support phone-call. Participants in the control group will only receive the HAPA-based booklet. Physical activity (using accelerometers), blood pressure, BMI, and HAPA constructs will be assessed at baseline, 12-weeks (post-intervention) and 24-weeks (follow-up). Data analysis will use the Group x Time interaction from a General Linear Mixed Model analysis. Conclusions: Physical activity interventions that are acceptable and have robust theoretical underpinnings show promise for improving the health of cancer survivors

    Safety, Feasibility and Effectiveness of the remotely delivered Pulmonary Hypertension And Home-Based (PHAHB) Physical Activity intervention

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    Background Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a heterogeneous condition, associated with a high symptom burden and a substantial loss of exercise capacity. Despite prior safety concerns regarding physical exertion, exercise training as a supportive therapy is now recommended for PH patients. Currently, most programs are hospital-based, which limits accessibility. There is a need to provide alternative approaches for physical activity engagement for PH patients. The aim of this research was to develop, implement and evaluate the safety, feasibility, and effectiveness of home-based physical activity intervention for PH. Methods An entirely remotely delivered home-based exercise intervention underpinned by behaviour change theory and informed by end-users, was assessed using a single-arm feasibility study design. Participants (n=19; 80% female) with a mean (±sd) age of 49.9±15.9 y with a diagnosis of PH undertook a 10-week, home-based exercise intervention with induction training, support materials, telecommunication support, health coaching, exercise training, and assessments, all remotely delivered. Training involved respiratory training along with a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises. Results The intervention was deemed safe as no adverse events were reported. A high level of feasibility was demonstrated as the protocol was implemented as intended, sustained a high level of engagement and adherence and was well accepted by participants in terms of enjoyment and utility. There was a significant improvement in functional capacity, physical activity, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life (QoL), between baseline and post-training. Conclusion The study demonstrates that an entirely remotely delivered home-based exercise program is safe, feasible and effective in improving functional capacity, physical activity, and QoL in PH patients

    Knowledge, attitudes, and practice of oncologists and oncology health care providers in promoting physical activity to cancer survivors: An international survey

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    Objective: To investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices of oncologists towards physical 2 activity (PA) in cancer survivors, and the association between oncologists’ own PA behavior 3 and PA promotion. Methods: Oncologists (n=123) completed a survey based on the Theory of 4 Planned Behavior (TPB). Participants reported PA promotion behavior, PA involvement, 5 attitudes, intentions, social norm, Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), confidence and 6 knowledge of exercise prescription. Structural equation modelling (SEM) evaluated these 7 associations. Results: Less than half of oncologists reported regularly promoting PA to 8 patients (46%), with 20% providing written information and 23% referrals. Only 26% were 9 physically active. TPB SEM pathways explained 54.6% of the variance in PA promotion 10 (CFI=0.905, SRMR=0.040). Social norm was the only significant pathway to intention, but 11 also a significant indirect pathway to PA promotion (p=.007). Confidence to promote PA, 12 PBC and intentions were direct significant pathways to PA promotion (p\u3c.05). Exploratory 13 SEM pathways explained 19.6% of the variance of PA behavior, which in turn explained 14 13.1% Social Norm, 10.7% Attitude, 10.0% Confidence to Recommend and 17.8% PA 15 promotion behavior (CFI=0.921, SRMR=0.076). Instrumental-attitude was a direct significant 16 pathway to PA behavior (p=.001). PA behavior was a direct significant pathway to social 17 norms, attitude, confidence to recommend, and PA promotion (p \u3c 0.05). Conclusions: 18 Oncologists reported a modest ability to promote PA, low PA promotion rates and limited 19 knowledge of exercise prescription. Patient physical activity promotion may be improved 20 through strategies that increase oncologists’ PBC, confidence and their own personal PA 21 participation
