503 research outputs found

    Why did the pheasant cross the road? Long-term road mortality patterns in relation to management changes

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    Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are commonly killed on UK roads, presenting a threat to motorists and a loss to the game shooting industry. Pheasants may be inherently susceptible, or the recent increase in their artificial rearing and release may have exacerbated the situation, either through population increases or because artificial rearing has altered movement behaviour. We compared intra-annual patterns of roadkill reported in the UK from the 1960s (prior to the onset of mass release programmes) with that from the 2010s (when pheasant release was well established and widespread), considering roadkill sex and locations and accounting for changes in traffic levels. Pheasants in the UK are disproportionately likely to be reported killed on roads. However, this likelihood has not changed notably over the past 50 years. Instead, the timing of roadkill has changed. Pheasants in the 2010s are no longer susceptible during their breeding season, unlike in the 1960s, perhaps because relatively few breed successfully. Instead, roadkill first peaks in September–November as pheasants disperse from release pens, females first. Roadkill declines over winter, but when supplementary feeding ceases in February, we see a second peak in roadkill. Roadkill rates are higher in regions of the UK where there is little arable farming and hence natural food supplies are scarce.</jats:p

    The Species at Risk Act (2002) and transboundary species listings along the US-Canada border

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    This paper is a collaborative interdisciplinary examination of the scientific, political, and cultural determinants of the conservation status of mammal species that occur in both Canada and the USA. We read Canada’s Species at Risk Act as a document of bio-cultural nationalism circumscribed by the weak federalism and Crown–Indigenous relations of the nation’s constitution. We also provide a numerical comparison of at-risk species listings either side of the US–Canada border and examples of provincial/state listings in comparison with those at a federal level. We find 17 mammal species listed as at-risk in Canada as distinct from the USA, and only 6 transboundary species that have comparable levels of protection in both countries, and we consider several explanations for this asymmetry. We evaluate the concept of ‘jurisdictional rarity’, in which species are endangered only because a geopolitical boundary isolates a small population. The paper begins and ends with reflections on interdisciplinary collaboration, and our findings highlight the importance of considering and explicitly acknowledging political influences on science and conservation-decision making, including in the context of at-risk-species protection

    The value of monitoring wildlife roadkill

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    The number of wildlife-vehicle collisions has an obvious value in estimating the direct effects of roads on wildlife, i.e. mortality due to vehicle collisions. Given the nature of the data—species identification and location—there is, however, much wider ecological knowledge that can be gained by monitoring wildlife roadkill. Here, we review the added value and opportunities provided by these data, through a series of case studies where such data have been instrumental in contributing to the advancement of knowledge in species distributions, population dynamics, and animal behaviour, as well as informing us about health of the species and of the environment. We propose that consistently, systematically, and extensively monitoring roadkill facilitates five critical areas of ecological study: (1) monitoring of roadkill numbers, (2) monitoring of population trends, (3) mapping of native and invasive species distributions, (4) animal behaviour, and (5) monitoring of contaminants and disease. The collection of such data also offers a valuable opportunity for members of the public to be directly involved in scientific data collection and research (citizen science). Through continuing to monitor wildlife roadkill, we can expand our knowledge across a wide range of ecological research areas, as well as facilitating investigations that aim to reduce both the direct and indirect effects of roads on wildlife populations

    New Zealand blackcurrant extract improves high-intensity intermittent running performance.

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    New Zealand blackcurrant (BC) intake showed reduced blood lactate during low and moderate intensity cycling and improved 16.1 km cycling time trial performance. We examined the effect of BC on high-intensity intermittent treadmill running and post-running lactate clearance. Thirteen active males (age: 25±4 yrs, stature: 1.82±0.07 m, body mass: 81±14 kg, V̇O2max: 56±4 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, velocity at V̇O2max: 17.6±0.8 km∙h-1, mean±SD) visited the laboratory three times. In the 1st visit, a ramp protocol (0.1 km∙h-1 every 5 sec) was completed to establish V̇O2max and velocity at V̇O2max, and subjects were familiarised with the protocols. In visits 2 and 3, subjects completed an high intensity intermittent running capability test which consisted of six 19 s high-intensity running bouts, each interspersed by 15 s of low-intensity running, followed by 1 minute of rest, this was repeated at increasing speeds, until exhaustion. Prior to visits 2 and 3, subjects consumed either New Zealand BC extract (300 mg∙day-1 CurraNZ™; containing 105 mg anthocyanin) or placebo (P) (300 mg∙day-1 microcrystalline cellulose M102) for 7 days in capsules (double blind, randomised, cross-over design, wash-out at least 14 days). Blood lactate was collected for 30 min post-exhaustion. Two-tailed paired t-tests were used and significance accepted at p< .05. BC increased total running distance by 10.6% (BC: 4282±833 m, P: 3871±622 m, p = .023, 10 out of 13 subjects improved), with the distance during the high-intensity running bouts by 10.8% (p= .024). Heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and oxygen uptake were not different between conditions for each stage. At exhaustion, lactate tended to be higher for BC (BC: 6.01±1.07 mmol∙L-1, P: 5.22±1.52 mmol∙L-1, p = .066, 9 out of 13 subjects). There was a trend towards improved lactate clearance following 15 min (BC: -2.89±0.51 mmol∙L-1, P: -2.46±0.39 mmol∙L-1, p = .07) and 30 minutes of passive recovery (BC: -4.12±0.73 mmol∙L-1, P: -3.66±1.01 mmol∙L-1, p = 0.11). It is concluded that New Zealand blackcurrant extract (CurraNZ™) may enhance performance in team sports characterised by high-intensity intermittent exercise as with BC intake greater distances were covered during high-intensity running, there was higher lactate tolerance, and increased lactate clearance after high-intensity exercise

    Applying predator-prey theory to modelling immune-mediated, within-host interspecific parasite interactions

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    Predator-prey models are often applied to the interactions between host immunity and parasite growth. A key component of these models is the immune system's functional response, the relationship between immune activity and parasite load. Typically, models assume a simple, linear functional response. However, based on the mechanistic interactions between parasites and immunity we argue that alternative forms are more likely, resulting in very different predictions, ranging from parasite exclusion to chronic infection. By extending this framework to consider multiple infections we show that combinations of parasites eliciting different functional responses greatly affect community stability. Indeed, some parasites may stabilize other species that would be unstable if infecting alone. Therefore hosts' immune systems may have adapted to tolerate certain parasites, rather than clear them and risk erratic parasite dynamics. We urge for more detailed empirical information relating immune activity to parasite load to enable better predictions of the dynamic consequences of immune-mediated interspecific interactions within parasite communities

    Benefits and challenges of collaborating with volunteers: examples from national wildlife roadkill reporting systems in Europe

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    Daily, a large number of animals are killed on European roads due to collisions with vehicles. A high proportion of these events, however, are not documented, as those obliged to collect such data, only record a small proportion; the police only register collisions that lead to traffic accidents, and hunters only collect data on game wildlife. Such reports disproportionately under-records small vertebrates such as birds, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles. In the last decade, however, national wildlife roadkill reporting systems have been launched, largely working with citizen scientists to collect roadkill data on a national basis that could fill this data gap. The aim of this study is, therefore, to describe for the first time, existing projects in Europe, and the user groups that submit data to them. To give a deeper understanding of such projects, we describe exemplar scientific roadkill reporting systems that currently exist in Austria, Belgium, Czechia and the United Kingdom. We define groups of people who contribute to such citizen science activities, and report our experience and best practice with these volunteers. We conclude that volunteers contribute significantly to collecting data on species that are not typically recorded in official databases. To ensure citizen-science projects perpetuate, (I) volunteers need to be motivated by the organisers to participate on a long-term basis, (II) volunteers need support in identifying roadkill species where required, and (III) regular feedback is required on how their contribution is used to produce new scientific knowledge

    To clean or not to clean: cleaning mutualism breakdown in a tidal environment

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    The dynamics and prevalence of mutualistic interactions, which are responsible for the maintenance and structuring of all ecological communities, are vulnerable to changes in abiotic and biotic environmental conditions. Mutualistic outcomes can quickly shift from cooperation to conflict, but it unclear how resilient and stable mutualistic outcomes are to more variable conditions. Tidally controlled coral atoll lagoons that experience extreme diurnal environmental shifts thus provide a model from which to test plasticity in mutualistic behavior of dedicated (formerly obligate) cleaner fish, which acquire all their food resources through client interactions. Here, we investigated cleaning patterns of a model cleaner fish species, the bluestreak wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus), in an isolated tidal lagoon on the Great Barrier Reef. Under tidally restricted conditions, uniquely both adults and juveniles were part‐time facultative cleaners, pecking on Isopora palifera coral. The mutualism was not completely abandoned, with adults also wandering across the reef in search of clients, rather than waiting at fixed site cleaning stations, a behavior not yet observed at any other reef. Contrary to well‐established patterns for this cleaner, juveniles appeared to exploit the system, by biting (“cheating”) their clients more frequently than adults. We show for the first time, that within this variable tidal environment, where mutualistic cleaning might not represent a stable food source, the prevalence and dynamics of this mutualism may be breaking down (through increased cheating and partial abandonment). Environmental variability could thus reduce the pervasiveness of mutualisms within our ecosystems, ultimately reducing the stability of the system

    Increased simulated risk of the hot Australian summer of 2012/13 due to anthropogenic activity as measured by heat wave frequency and intensity

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    The Australian summer of 2012/13 was the warmest since records began in 1910 (Bureau of Meteorology 2013a). The season was characterized by the hottest month on record (January), where the continental mean temperature reached 36.9°C. Averaged nationally, the last four months of 2012 were 1.61°C higher than the long-term mean. Rainfall was below average for much of the country since July 2012. Along with the late onset of the Australian monsoon, such conditions primed the continent for extremely hot summer weather, including heat waves. Heat waves require detailed focus due to their large impacts (Karoly 2009; Coumou and Rahmstorf 2012), particularly on human health and morbidity (Nitschke et al. 2007). Much of inland Australia experienced extreme temperatures for over three consecutive weeks (Bureau of Meteorology 2013a)

    Pathogens, Social Networks, and the Paradox of Transmission Scaling

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    Understanding the scaling of transmission is critical to predicting how infectious diseases will affect populations of different sizes and densities. The two classic “mean-field” epidemic models—either assuming density-dependent or frequency-dependent transmission—make predictions that are discordant with patterns seen in either within-population dynamics or across-population comparisons. In this paper, we propose that the source of this inconsistency lies in the greatly simplifying “mean-field” assumption of transmission within a fully-mixed population. Mixing in real populations is more accurately represented by a network of contacts, with interactions and infectious contacts confined to the local social neighborhood. We use network models to show that density-dependent transmission on heterogeneous networks often leads to apparent frequency dependency in the scaling of transmission across populations of different sizes. Network-methodology allows us to reconcile seemingly conflicting patterns of within- and across-population epidemiology
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