74 research outputs found

    Protective effects of polyamine depletion in mouse models of type 1 diabetes: implications for therapy

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    The underlying pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes involves autoimmune-mediated islet inflammation, leading to dysfunction and death of insulin-secreting islet β cells. Recent studies have shown that polyamines, which are essential for mRNA translation, cellular replication, and the formation of the hypusine modification of eIF5A may play an important role in the progression of cellular inflammation. To test a role for polyamines in type 1 diabetes pathogenesis, we administered the ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor difluoromethylornithine to two mouse models--the low-dose streptozotocin model and the NOD model--to deplete intracellular polyamines, and administered streptozotocin to a third model, which was haploinsufficient for the gene encoding the hypusination enzyme deoxyhypusine synthase. Subsequent development of diabetes and/or glucose intolerance was monitored. In the low-dose streptozotocin mouse model, continuous difluoromethylornithine administration dose-dependently reduced the incidence of hyperglycemia and led to the preservation of β cell area, whereas in the NOD mouse model of autoimmune diabetes difluoromethylornithine reduced diabetes incidence by 50%, preserved β cell area and insulin secretion, led to reductions in both islet inflammation and potentially diabetogenic Th17 cells in pancreatic lymph nodes. Difluoromethylornithine treatment reduced hypusinated eIF5A levels in both immune cells and islets. Animals haploinsufficient for the gene encoding deoxyhypusine synthase were partially protected from hyperglycemia induced by streptozotocin. Collectively, these studies suggest that interventions that interfere with polyamine biosynthesis and/or eIF5A hypusination may represent viable approaches in the treatment of diabetes

    Measurement of Differentially Methylated INS DNA Species in Human Serum Samples as a Biomarker of Islet β Cell Death

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    The death of islet β cells is thought to underlie the pathogenesis of virtually all forms of diabetes and to precede the development of frank hyperglycemia, especially in type 1 diabetes. The development of sensitive and reliable biomarkers of β cell death may allow for early therapeutic intervention to prevent or delay the development of diabetes. Recently, several groups including our own have reported that cell-free, differentially methylated DNA encoding preproinsulin (INS) in the circulation is correlated to β cell death in pre-type 1 diabetes and new-onset type 1 diabetes. Here, we present a step-by-step protocol using digital PCR for the measurement of cell-free INS DNA that is differentially methylated at cytosine at position -69 bp (relative to the transcriptional start site). We demonstrate that the assay can distinguish between methylated and unmethylated cytosine at position -69 bp, is linear across several orders of magnitude, provides absolute quantitation of DNA copy numbers, and can be applied to samples of human serum from individuals with new-onset type 1 diabetes and disease-free controls. The protocol described here can be adapted to any DNA species for which detection of differentially methylated cytosines is desired, whether from circulation or from isolated cells and tissues, and can provide absolute quantitation of DNA fragments

    Molecular Mechanisms of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Potential Role for 12-Lipoxygenase

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of pathologies associated with fat accumulation in the liver. NAFLD is the most common cause of liver disease in the United States, affecting up to a third of the general population. It is commonly associated with features of metabolic syndrome, particularly insulin resistance. NAFLD shares the basic pathogenic mechanisms with obesity and insulin resistance, such as mitochondrial, oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Lipoxygenases catalyze the conversion of poly-unsaturated fatty acids in the plasma membrane—mainly arachidonic acid and linoleic acid—to produce oxidized pro-inflammatory lipid intermediates. 12-Lipoxygenase (12-LOX) has been studied extensively in setting of inflammation and insulin resistance. As insulin resistance is closely associated with development of NAFLD, the role of 12-LOX in pathogenesis of NAFLD has received increasing attention in recent years. In this review we discuss the role of 12-LOX in NAFLD pathogenesis and its potential role in emerging new therapeutics

    Elevated unmethylated and methylated insulin DNA are unique markers of A + β + ketosis prone diabetes

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    A + β + ketosis prone diabetes (KPD) is associated with slowly progressive autoimmune beta cell destruction. Plasma unmethylated and methylated insulin DNA (biomarkers of ongoing beta cell damage and systemic inflammation, respectively) were elevated in A + β + KPD compared to all other KPD subgroups

    Amelioration of type 1 diabetes following treatment of non-obese diabetic mice with INGAP and lisofylline

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from the autoimmune and inflammatory destruction of insulin-producing islet β cells, rendering individuals devoid of insulin production. Recent studies suggest that combination therapies consisting of anti-inflammatory agents and islet growth-promoting factors have the potential to cause sustained recovery of β cell mass, leading to amelioration or reversal of type 1 diabetes in mouse models. In this study, we hypothesized that the combination of the anti-inflammatory agent lisofylline (LSF) with an active peptide fragment of islet neogenesis associated protein (INGAP peptide) would lead to remission of type 1 diabetes in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse. We treated groups of spontaneously diabetic NOD mice with combinations of LSF, INGAP peptide, or control saline parenterally for up to 6 weeks. Our results demonstrate that the mice receiving combined treatment with LSF and INGAP peptide exhibited partial remission of diabetes with increased plasma insulin levels. Histologic assessment of pancreata in mice receiving combined therapy revealed the presence of islet insulin staining, increased β cell replication, and evidence of Pdx1-positivity in ductal cells. By contrast, diabetic animals showed severe insulitis with no detectible insulin or Pdx1 staining. We conclude that the novel combination treatment with LSF and INGAP peptide has the potential to ameliorate hyperglycemia in the setting of established type 1 diabetes via the recovery of endogenous β cells and warrant further studies

    Biomarkers of islet beta cell stress and death in type 1 diabetes

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    Recent work on the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes has led to an evolving recognition of the heterogeneity of this disease, both with regards to clinical phenotype and responses to therapies to prevent or revert diabetes. This heterogeneity not only limits efforts to accurately predict clinical disease but also is reflected in differing responses to immunomodulatory therapeutics. Thus, there is a need for robust biomarkers of beta cell health, which could provide insight into pathophysiological differences in disease course, improve disease prediction, increase the understanding of therapeutic responses to immunomodulatory interventions and identify individuals most likely to benefit from these therapies. In this review, we outline current literature, limitations and future directions for promising circulating markers of beta cell stress and death in type 1 diabetes, including markers indicating abnormal prohormone processing, circulating RNAs and circulating DNAs

    12-Lipoxygenase Promotes Obesity-Induced Oxidative Stress in Pancreatic Islets

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    High-fat diets lead to obesity, inflammation, and dysglycemia. 12-Lipoxygenase (12-LO) is activated by high-fat diets and catalyzes the oxygenation of cellular arachidonic acid to form proinflammatory intermediates. We hypothesized that 12-LO in the pancreatic islet is sufficient to cause dysglycemia in the setting of high-fat feeding. To test this, we generated pancreas-specific 12-LO knockout mice and studied their metabolic and molecular adaptations to high-fat diets. Whereas knockout mice and control littermates displayed identical weight gain, body fat distribution, and macrophage infiltration into fat, knockout mice exhibited greater adaptive islet hyperplasia, improved insulin secretion, and complete protection from dysglycemia. At the molecular level, 12-LO deletion resulted in increases in islet antioxidant enzymes Sod1 and Gpx1 in response to high-fat feeding. The absence or inhibition of 12-LO led to increases in nuclear Nrf2, a transcription factor responsible for activation of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes. Our data reveal a novel pathway in which islet 12-LO suppresses antioxidant enzymes and prevents the adaptive islet responses in the setting of high-fat diets

    Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-γ Activation Augments the β-Cell Unfolded Protein Response and Rescues Early Glycemic Deterioration and β Cell Death in Non-obese Diabetic Mice

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    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by a failure of the unfolded protein response in islet β cells with subsequent endoplasmic reticulum stress and cellular death. Thiazolidinediones are insulin sensitizers that activate the nuclear receptor PPAR-γ and have been shown to partially ameliorate autoimmune type 1 diabetes in humans and non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. We hypothesized that thiazolidinediones reduce β cell stress and death independently of insulin sensitivity. To test this hypothesis, female NOD mice were administered pioglitazone during the pre-diabetic phase and assessed for insulin sensitivity and β cell function relative to controls. Pioglitazone-treated mice showed identical weight gain, body fat distribution, and insulin sensitivity compared with controls. However, treated mice showed significantly improved glucose tolerance with enhanced serum insulin levels, reduced β cell death, and increased β cell mass. The effect of pioglitazone was independent of actions on T cells, as pancreatic lymph node T cell populations were unaltered and T cell proliferation was unaffected by pioglitazone. Isolated islets of treated mice showed a more robust unfolded protein response, with increases in Bip and ATF4 and reductions in spliced Xbp1 mRNA. The effect of pioglitazone appears to be a direct action on β cells, as islets from mice treated with pioglitazone showed reductions in PPAR-γ (Ser-273) phosphorylation. Our results demonstrate that PPAR-γ activation directly improves β cell function and survival in NOD mice by enhancing the unfolded protein response and suggest that blockade of PPAR-γ (Ser-273) phosphorylation may prevent type 1 diabetes

    A Versatile, Portable Intravital Microscopy Platform for Studying Beta-cell Biology In Vivo

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    The pancreatic islet is a complex micro-organ containing numerous cell types, including endocrine, immune, and endothelial cells. The communication of these systems is lost upon isolation of the islets, and therefore the pathogenesis of diabetes can only be fully understood by studying this organized, multicellular environment in vivo. We have developed several adaptable tools to create a versatile platform to interrogate β-cell function in vivo. Specifically, we developed β-cell-selective virally-encoded fluorescent protein biosensors that can be rapidly and easily introduced into any mouse. We then coupled the use of these biosensors with intravital microscopy, a powerful tool that can be used to collect cellular and subcellular data from living tissues. Together, these approaches allowed the observation of in vivo β-cell-specific ROS dynamics using the Grx1-roGFP2 biosensor and calcium signaling using the GcAMP6s biosensor. Next, we utilized abdominal imaging windows (AIW) to extend our in vivo observations beyond single-point terminal measurements to collect longitudinal physiological and biosensor data through repeated imaging of the same mice over time. This platform represents a significant advancement in our ability to study β-cell structure and signaling in vivo, and its portability for use in virtually any mouse model will enable meaningful studies of β-cell physiology in the endogenous islet niche

    Cell-Free DNA Fragments as Biomarkers of Islet β-Cell Death in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) typically occurs in the setting of obesity and insulin resistance, where hyperglycemia is associated with decreased pancreatic β-cell mass and function. Loss of β-cell mass has variably been attributed to β-cell dedifferentiation and/or death. In recent years, it has been proposed that circulating epigenetically modified DNA fragments arising from β cells might be able to report on the potential occurrence of β-cell death in diabetes. Here, we review published literature of DNA-based β-cell death biomarkers that have been evaluated in human cohorts of islet transplantation, type 1 diabetes, and obesity and type 2 diabetes. In addition, we provide new data on the applicability of one of these biomarkers (cell free unmethylated INS DNA) in adult cohorts across a spectrum from obesity to T2D, in which no significant differences were observed, and compare these findings to those previously published in youth cohorts where differences were observed. Our analysis of the literature and our own data suggest that β-cell death may occur in subsets of individuals with obesity and T2D, however a more sensitive method or refined study designs are needed to provide better alignment of sampling with disease progression events
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