798 research outputs found

    Clustering at high redshift

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    The addition of deep near infrared images to the database provided by the HDF-S WFPC2 is essential to monitor the SEDs of the objects on a wide baseline and address a number of key issues including the total stellar content of baryonic mass, the effects of dust extinction, the dependence of morphology on the rest frame wavelength, the photometric redshifts, the detection and nature of extremely red objects (EROs). For these reasons deep near infrared images were obtained with the ISAAC instrument at the ESO VLT in the Js, H and Ks bands reaching, respectively, 23.5, 22.0, 22.0 limiting Vega-magnitude. A multi-color (F300, F450, F606, F814, Js, H, Ks) photometric catalog of the HDF-S has been produced. Photometric redshifts have been generated both fitting templates to the observed SEDs and with neural network techniques. Spectroscopic observations of the 9 candidates with I_AB <24.25 have confirmed all of them to be galaxies with 2<z<3.5. The photometric redshifts for all the galaxies brighter than I_AB< 27.5 have been used to study the evolution of galaxy clustering in the interval 0<z<4.5.Comment: 2 pages Latex, To appear in the proceedings of "The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift", Venice, Oct 24-26, 2001,eds. R. Bender and A. Renzini (ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer-Verlag

    Tracing the Mass-Assembly History of Galaxies with Deep Surveys

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    We use the optical and near-infrared galaxy samples from the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS), the FORS Deep Field (FDF) and GOODS-S to probe the stellar mass assembly history of field galaxies out to z ~ 5. Combining information on the galaxies' stellar mass with their star-formation rate and the age of the stellar population, we can draw important conclusions on the assembly of the most massive galaxies in the universe: These objects contain the oldest stellar populations at all redshifts probed. Furthermore, we show that with increasing redshift the contribution of star-formation to the mass assembly for massive galaxies increases dramatically, reaching the era of their formation at z ~ 2 and beyond. These findings can be interpreted as evidence for an early epoch of star formation in the most massive galaxies in the universe.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; published in B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, B. Leibundgut (eds.): "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy. Proceedings of the Conference held in Munich, 2006", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer Verlag, 2007, p. 310. Replaced to match final published versio

    Probing the evolution of the near-IR luminosity function of galaxies to z ~ 3 in the Hubble Deep Field South

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    [Abridged] We present the rest-frame Js-band and Ks-band luminosity function of a sample of about 300 galaxies selected in the HDF-S at Ks<23 (Vega). We use calibrated photometric redshift together with spectroscopic redshift for 25% of the sample. The sample has allowed to probe the evolution of the LF in the three redshift bins [0;0.8), [0.8;1.9) and [1.9;4) centered at the median redshift z_m ~ [0.6,1.2,3]. The values of alpha we estimate are consistent with the local value and do not show any trend with redshift. We do not see evidence of evolution from z=0 to z_m ~ 0.6 suggesting that the population of local bright galaxies was already formed at z<0.8. On the contrary, we clearly detect an evolution of the LF to z_m ~ 1.2 characterized by a brightening of M* and by a decline of phi*. To z_m ~ 1.2 M* brightens by about 0.4-0.6 mag and phi* decreases by a factor 2-3. This trend persists, even if at a less extent, down to z_m ~ 3 both in the Js-band and in the Ks-band LF. The decline of the number density of bright galaxies seen at z>0.8 suggests that a significant fraction of them increases their stellar mass at 1<z<2-3 and that they underwent a strong evolution in this redshift range. On the other hand, this implies also that a significant fraction of local bright/massive galaxies was already in place at z>3. Thus, our results suggest that the assembly of high-mass galaxies is spread over a large redshift range and that the increase of their stellar mass has been very efficient also at very high redshift at least for a fraction of them.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Irreversible phase transitions induced by an oscillatory input

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    A novel kind of irreversible phase transitions (IPT's) driven by an oscillatory input parameter is studied by means of computer simulations. Second order IPT's showing scale invariance in relevant dynamic critical properties are found to belong to the universality class of directed percolation. In contrast, the absence of universality is observed for first order IPT's.Comment: 18 pages (Revtex); 8 figures (.ps); submitted to Europhysics Letters, December 9th, 199

    The assembly of massive galaxies from NIR observations of the Hubble Deep Field South

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    We use a deep K(AB)<25 galaxy sample in the Hubble Deep Field South to trace the evolution of the cosmological stellar mass density from z~ 0.5 to z~3. We find clear evidence for a decrease of the average stellar mass density at high redshift, 2<z<3.2, that is 15^{+25}_{-5}% of the local value, two times higher than what observed in the Hubble Deep Field North. To take into account for the selection effects, we define a homogeneous subsample of galaxies with 10^{10}M_\odot \leq M_* \leq 10^{11}M_\odot: in this sample, the mass density at z>2 is 20^{+20}_{-5} % of the local value. In the mass--limited subsample at z>2, the fraction of passively fading galaxies is at most 25%, although they can contribute up to about 40% of the stellar mass density. On the other hand, star--forming galaxies at z>2 form stars with an average specific rate at least ~4 x10^{-10} yr−1^{-1}, 3 times higher than the z<~1 value. This implies that UV bright star--forming galaxies are substancial contributors to the rise of the stellar mass density with cosmic time. Although these results are globally consistent with Λ\Lambda--CDM scenarios, the present rendition of semi analytic models fails to match the stellar mass density produced by more massive galaxies present at z>2.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJLetter

    Measuring the Redshift Evolution of Clustering: the Hubble Deep Field South

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    We present an analysis of the evolution of galaxy clustering in the redshift interval 0<z<4.5 in the HDF-S. The HST optical data are combined with infrared ISAAC/VLT observations, and photometric redshifts are used for all the galaxies brighter than I_AB<27.5. The clustering signal is obtained in different redshift bins using two different approaches: a standard one, which uses the best redshift estimate of each object, and a second one, which takes into account the redshift probability function of each object. This second method makes it possible to improve the information in the redshift intervals where contamination from objects with insecure redshifts is important. With both methods, we find that the clustering strength up to z~3.5 in the HDF-S is consistent with the previous results in the HDF-N. While at redshift lower than z~1 the HDF galaxy population is un/anti-biased (b<1) with respect to the underlying dark matter, at high redshift the bias increases up to b~2-3, depending on the cosmological model. These results support previous claims that, at high redshift, galaxies are preferentially located in massive haloes, as predicted by the biased galaxy formation scenario. The impact of cosmic errors on our analyses has been quantified, showing that errors in the clustering measurements in the HDF surveys are indeed dominated by shot-noise in most regimes. Future observations with instruments like the ACS on HST will improve the S/N by at least a factor of two and more detailed analyses of the errors will be required. In fact, pure shot-noise will give a smaller contribution with respect to other sources of errors, such as finite volume effects or non-Poissonian discreteness effects.Comment: 17 pages Latex, with 12 PostScript figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    High-z massive galaxies in the HDF-South

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    [abr] We report the analysis of three galaxies selected in the Hubble Deep Field South at Ks3. We have used population synthesis models to constrain their redshifts and their stellar masses. One galaxy is at redshift z_p~2.4 while the other two are at z_p~2.9-3.0. All three galaxies have already assembled a stellar mass of about 10^{11} M_sun at the observed redshift placing the possible merging event of their formation at z>3.5. The inferred mass weighted age of their stellar populations implies that the bulk of the stars formed at z_f>3.5. The resulting co-moving density of M_{stars}>10^{11} M_sun galaxies at ~2.7 is rho=1.2(+-0.7)x10^{-4} Mpc^{-3}, about a factor two higher than the predictions of hierarchical models. The comparison with the local density of galaxies implies that the three galaxies must have already formed most of their stellar mass and that they cannot follow an evolution significantly different from a passive aging.The comparison with the density of local L>L* early types (passively evolved galaxies) suggests that their co-moving density cannot decrease by more than a factor 2.5-3 from z=0 to z~3 and that up to 40% of the stellar mass content of bright (L>L*) local early type galaxies was already in place at z>2.5.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication on A&
