38 research outputs found

    E-consumer redress mechanism for negligence in Malaysia: a survey analysis

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    The law of contract cannot provide any remedies as parties concerned in most cases had no contractual relationship. A negligence tort is simply an accident that occurs when someone fails to pay attention and therefore, harms another person or thing. This research paper analyses the availability and the applicability of the negligence through survey. The issues like manufacturer’s and service provider’s liability and the difficulty of proving their liability will be analysed using the data collected through the survey. The finding shows that law of negligence in Malaysia has undergone very little development. The position of the e-consumers in Malaysia seems not satisfactory on the account of the fact that any contract term or notice purporting to exclude or restrict liability for the death and personal injury resulting from negligence may be effective and enforceable

    Privacy and mobile marketing

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    Mobile advertisement is one of the best marketing mediums ever invented so far. It has the ability to target the users anywhere and anytime with personalized, location based and instant messages. The amazing features of mobile marketing led the users feel that their personal property got intruded without prior permission thus creates concerns over violation of personal privacy. This article using content analysis method analyses the possible violation of right to privacy in mobile advertising. The objective of analyzing is to know the legality of the mobile marketing practices and the level of protection guaranteed in the legislation. The finding suggests that there are existence legal provisions on the issue of right to privacy and long as the businesses adhere to the laws, mobile marketing is legal

    Learning styles and training methods

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    As the learners have their own preference in learning, trainers should customise their training programmes and training methods to maximize the outcome of the training. This paper analyses the major theories on learning styles and applies one of them to the students in Dubai to understand their various learning styles. The research applied Fleming\u27s VARK theory through survey conducted among 106 students and the result shows that there are variations in learning preference. Most of the students fall within reader or writer and kinaesthetic categories. The research also confirmed that the students could possibly have more than one learning styles. Thus the research in theory confirmed the earlier research findings that learning styles must be taken into consideration for better learning outcome. The practical implication is that the trainers should adopt various learning strategies to achieve the learning objective

    Laws on right to privacy in mobile marketing

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    Mobile advertisement is one of the best marketing mediums ever invented so far. It has the ability to target the users anywhere and anytime with personalized and location based instant messages. The businesses utilize these features well to suit their business operations. The amazing features of mobile marketing led the users feel that their personal property got intruded without prior permission thus creates concerns over violation of right to personal privacy. This article using content analysis method analyses the possible violation of right to privacy in mobile advertising. The analysis would seek to know the legality of the mobile marketing practices and the level of protection guaranteed in the legislation. The Laws in European Union Countries, Australia and the United Arab Emirates were analyzed for this purpose. The finding suggests that there are legal provisions on the issue of right to privacy and as long as the businesses adhere to the laws, mobile marketing will remain legal. The European Directives on data protection are very influential and many countries have followed the provisions of the Directives

    Consumer Protection In Malaysian E-Commerce

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    E-commerce is changing the way consumers and businesses relate to each other both domestically and internationally. Consumer today can access and purchase goods, services and information from across and around the world at the click of a button. To take full advantage of this opportunity, the consumer confidence needs to be built in matters such as contract, use of personal information, quality assurance of goods and services and availability of redress if things go wrong. Both developed and developing countries adopted measures to built trust and confidence by enacting consumer laws ensuring consumer protection

    Learning styles and training: train the trainees the way they learn

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    Every learner has his preference in learning. Thus trainers need to structure their training programmes and training methods to suit the learning styles of the trainees to maximize the outcome of the training. The purpose of the research is to analyse the major theories on learning styles and to apply the theories to the students in Dubai to understand the learning preference of the students so that the trainers will be able to plan their training effectively. The research analyses the theories of Kolb, Honey and Mumford, Gregorc and Fleming and applied Fleming\u27s VARK theory through survey conducted among 106 students. The result shows that there are variations in learning preference. The research has both theoretical and practical implications for the trainers and educators. The research in theory confirmed the earlier research findings that learning styles must be taken into consideration for better learning outcome. The practical implication is that one type fits all strategy will not help to achieve the learning objective

    Cyberjurisdiction and consumer protection in e-commerce

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    This paper presents and analyses the possibility of Malaysian e-consumers filing a lawsuit in a Malaysian court for various breaches that might occur in entering and executing e-Commerce transactions. It further considers the jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts in granting judgement and its enforcement. The analytical discussion in this paper requires definitions of civil jurisdiction, relevant laws in Malaysia and other jurisdictional issues

    Legal issues in e-healthcare systems

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    E-healthcare systems through electronic medical records (EMRs), electronic prescribing and decision support systems endeavour to reduce the cost and errors in healthcare, while facilitating easy access to it. Hovever the adoption of e-healthcare systems does not seem to be flourishing as expected due to various barriers. One of such barriers is an inadequate level of legal protection or unawareness of availibility of laws and regulation that addresses the e-healthcare system. The objective of the study of this chapter was to investigate the present status of law relating to privacy, product liability, jurisdiction of courts in e-health care disputes and professional negligence. The study recommends that the existing offline and e-commerce laws should be interpreted to address many e-healthcare concerns even though specific e-healthcare laws are not enacted by many nations

    Social media marketing: the unavoidable marketing management tool

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    Through social media marketing, the marketers capture the traffic and the attention of various customers to their company; expose their business and cut considerable amount of cost that they would have spent in other types of marketing and communication tools. The social media is also been used by companies to get new inside into the customers\u27 wants and demands. The research thus is an attempt to analyse how the unavoidable tool of marketing could be used to get engaged with the customer, build the customer relationship and to influence the word of mouth marketing. The research shows that social media is not a fed but rather a trend and it could be used to establish experiential marketing or engagement marketing where the companies directly could engage consumers, invite and encourages consumers to participate in the evolution of a brand or product or service. The social media also could be successfully used to create customer relation management. By appropriate customer relation management, it is possible to improve the sales activities, marketing, customer service and technical support. The social media, further, offers a new opportunity for consumers to evaluate the products and share their experience with other online users through word-of-mouth