8 research outputs found

    Respuesta en pacientes con dolor pelvico a imagineria motora explicita auditiva o visual. Ensayo aleatorizado.

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    El Dolor Pélvico Persistente, caracterizado por dolor recurrente en estructuras pélvicas, representa un desafío clínico significativo. La investigación de intervenciones alternativas como la Imaginería Motora se justifica por la complejidad dinámica del sistema nervioso y la influencia de los cambios corticales en la cronicidad del dolor. Material y Métodos: se reclutó 40 participantes con dolor pélvico persistente. Se les administraron seis sesiones de Imaginería Motora Explícita, en días alternos, durante dos semanas. La intervención se implementó utilizando estímulos visuales o auditivos. La intensidad del dolor se evaluó utilizando la Numerical Rating Scale, y la atención del paciente a su dolor se evaluó mediante el Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire. Resultados: Los participantes que recibieron Imaginería Motora Explícita con estímulos auditivos experimentaron una mejora no significativa (p=0.091) en la intensidad del dolor, disminuyendo de 7.1 a 6.1 puntos. En el grupo que recibió Imaginería Motora Explícita con estímulos visuales, no se observaron cambios significativos en la intensidad del dolor. En cuanto a la atención prestada al dolor, los participantes en el grupo de estímulos auditivos no mostraron cambios significativos, mientras que aquellos en el grupo de estímulos visuales experimentaron una mejora no significativa (p=0.194), reduciendo de 30.2 a 27.6 puntos. Conclusiones: La Imaginería Motora Explícita, empleada con estímulos auditivos o visuales, muestra potencial beneficio para pacientes con dolor pélvico persistente en términos de intensidad del dolor y atención prestada al mismo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Imaginería motora graduada en mujeres con trastorno de dolor genitopélvico. Ensayo controlado aleatorizado.

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    El Trastorno del Dolor/Penetración Genitopélvico plantea desafíos significativos en la salud sexual femenina, manifestándose como dolor persistente durante las relaciones íntimas. Este trastorno requiere un enfoque interdisciplinario, con especial énfasis en la fisioterapia, para abordar sus complejidades. La Imaginería Motora Graduada emerge como una estrategia terapéutica poco explorada pero prometedora, dirigida a los cambios neuroplásticos asociados con esta condición. Material y Métodos: En un ensayo controlado, 87 mujeres con dolor genitopélvico fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a un grupo de intervención que recibió un programa de seis semanas basado en la Imaginería Motora Graduada, o a un grupo control. El programa incluyó ejercicios de discriminación de lateralidad, imaginería explícita y terapia de exposición gradual. La intensidad del dolor se evaluó utilizando la Escala Visual Analógica antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: Las participantes en el grupo de intervención experimentaron una reducción significativa en la intensidad del dolor (de 6.9 a 4.7 puntos, p<0.05) después de completar el programa. Discusión: Este estudio presenta una innovadora aplicación de la Imaginería Motora Graduada en el tratamiento del Trastorno del Dolor/Penetración Genitopélvico. Se necesitan investigaciones futuras para examinar los efectos a largo plazo y considerar otras variables relevantes. Sin embargo, la implementación de estrategias coste-efectivas para abordar estas condiciones es crucial para mejorar la calidad de vida de las pacientes. Conclusiones: Los resultados destacan la efectividad de un programa adaptado de Imaginería Motora Graduada en la reducción del dolor en mujeres con Trastorno del Dolor/Penetración Genitopélvico.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Differences between sexes and speed levels in pelvic 3D kinematic patterns during running using an inertial measurement unit

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    This study aimed to assess the 3D kinematic pattern of the pelvis during running and establish differences between sexes using the IMU sensor for spatiotemporal outcomes, vertical acceleration symmetry index, and ranges of motion of the pelvis in the sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes of movement. The kinematic range in males was 5.92◦-6.50◦, according to tilt. The range of obliquity was between 7.84◦ and 9.27◦ and between 9.69◦ and 13.60◦, according to pelvic rotation. In females, the results were 6.26◦-7.36◦, 7.81◦-9.64◦, and 13.2◦-16.13◦, respectively. Stride length increased proportionally to speed in males and females. The reliability of the inertial sensor according to tilt and gait symmetry showed good results, and the reliability levels were excellent for cadence parameters, stride length, stride time, obliquity, and pelvic rotation. The amplitude of pelvic tilt did not change at different speed levels between sexes. The range of pelvic obliquity increased in females at a medium speed level, and the pelvic rotation range increased during running, according to speed and sex. The inertial sensor has been proven to be a reliable tool for kinematic analysis during runnin

    Associations between Preoperative Patient Socioeconomic Status and Pain-Related Outcomes with Pain and Function in Patients Undergoing Rotator Cuff Repairs

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    BACKGROUND: Patients undergoing rotator cuff repairs commonly experience postoperative pain and functional limitations. Various socioeconomic and pain-related factors have been recognized as influential in the prognosis of such patients. This study aims to investigate the associations between postoperative pain and functionality and preoperative pain-related outcomes and socioeconomic status in patients undergoing rotator cuff repairs. METHODS: This cross-sectional study examines the relationship between the outcomes of rotator cuff repairs and participants’ socioeconomic status and pain-related measures. Socioeconomic status was assessed through indicators such as educational level, monthly household income, and occupation. Pain-related outcomes included measures of kinesiophobia and pain self-efficacy. RESULTS: A total of 105 patients (68 male, 37 female) were included in the analysis. The findings revealed no significant association between postoperative pain or functionality and the patients’ socioeconomic status (p > 0.05). However, postoperative pain levels demonstrated a significant association with preoperative kinesiophobia (p < 0.05) and pain self-efficacy (p < 0.013). In contrast, functionality did not exhibit a significant association with these measures (p < 0.072 and 0.217, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative pain-related outcomes play a role in postoperative pain levels among patients undergoing rotator cuff repairs. However, they do not appear to be related to functionality. Additionally, socioeconomic status does not significantly impact either pain or functionality

    A dataset of the effects of therapeutic exercise programs on physical function in patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    The dataset presented in this article belongs to a randomized controlled trial, conducted between November 2015 and May 2016, where therapeutic exercise interventions were implemented in patients with End-Stage Renal Diseases undergoing hemodialysis. The intervention was carried out at the Hospital de Manises, in Manises (Spain). Participants performed a 16-week exercise program either during dialysis (intradialytic) or at home, combining resistance and aerobic training. Tests were assessed prior to the dialysis session, and include several dimensions of the patient's functional status, such as functional capacity, physical performance, balance, lower limb strength and endurance, and handgrip strength. Data was collected prior to and after the implementation of an intervention. The dataset contains the raw data obtained in this data collection. The analysis consisted in the improvement of these outcomes when a therapeutic exercise intervention is implemented. Further analysis could potentially include the stratification of the sample in several subgroups according to demographic characteristics of the participants, according to levels of compliance to the intervention and according to even more specific changes within the tests performed. For instance, the improvement of the overall assessment of the Short Performance Physical Battery Test might differ from the improvement of any of the components that build this “battery” of tests, such as gait speed, balance, or the Sit-to stand-to sit 5 tests

    A dataset of the measurement of lower limb muscle strength with handheld dynamometry in patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    The dataset presented in this article belongs to a test-retest reliability study of the assessment of lower limb muscle strength through handheld dynamometry in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease undergoing hemodialysis. The intervention was carried out at the Hospital de Manises, in Manises (Spain). The strength of different muscle groups in the lower limbs of participants undergoing hemodialysis was assessed at different points. The same researcher was in charge of doing all of the assessments, and a standardized protocol was followed to conduct the assessment. Data was collected during the dialysis sessions at different points of time. This dataset contains raw data obtained from those assessments. The analysis consisted in assessing the test-retest reliability, through the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), of the measurement of strength in the lower limbs through handheld dynamometry. Further analysis for this raw data could be to compare results obtained in this sample with results obtained in the assessment of similar samples, or to supply relevant scientific evidence to include the measurement of lower limb strength in patients undergoing hemodialysis in experimental studies conducted in this population, such as interventions that include resistance training for the lower limbs as the intervention

    Evaluation of the status of natural resources in the updated Reference Configuration 2014 of the LUISA modelling platform Methodological framework and preliminary considerations

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    The impacts of current and planned policy initiatives can be simulated by using modelling tools and indicators, which help determine the effectiveness of policies in attaining targets. The Land Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment (LUISA) modelling platform was configured to assess the spatial impact of the “EU Energy Reference scenario 2013” on the efficient use of natural resources in the EU-28 in a short time period (2010-2020) and in a long term vision (2010-2050). A set of Resource Efficiency (RE) indicators were computed to measure [1] the progress towards the efficient use of land and water as a resource and [2] the performance on the actions and milestones on natural capital and ecosystems proposed in the RE roadmap, in particular biodiversity, safeguarding clean air, and land and soils. The modelling results show that by 2050: [1] the share of built-up area in the EU-28 will increase by 1%; [2] the EU-28 will use the land less efficiently; [3] the water productivity is expected to increase on average 8%; [4] the landscape fragmentation in the EU-28 will show no significant changes [5] and the PM10 concentrations in urban air and population exposed will remain constant.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: Trends in ecosystems and ecosystem services in the European Union between 2000 and 2010

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    This report presents an analysis of the trends in the spatial extent of ecosystems and in the supply and use of ecosystem services at the European scale between 2000 and 2010. In the EU urban land and forests increased while cropland, grassland and heathland decreased. Other ecosystem types underwent smaller changes. The main trends in provisioning, regulating and maintenance, and cultural ecosystem services were assessed using a set of 30 indicators assorted according to the CICES classification. More crops for food, feed and energy were produced in the EU on less arable land. More organic food was grown. Textile crop production and the total number of grazing livestock decreased. Water use relative to water availability remained stable. Timber removals increased but so, too, did the total timber stock. There was an increase in net ecosystem productivity (growing biomass). Several regulating services, but in particular those which are related to the presence of trees, woodland or forests, increased slightly. This was the case for water retention, forest carbon potential, erosion control, and air quality regulation. Pollination potential and habitat quality showed a negative trend. There was a positive trend in the opportunity for citizens to have access to land with a high recreation potential.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen