11 research outputs found

    Polymorphism of HLA and Susceptibility of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the second most common malignancy in the world. Numerous studies have demonstrated the association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and cancer. The occurrence and development of BC are closely linked to genetic factors. Human leukocyte antigens G and E (HLA-G and HLA-E) are non-classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. These molecules play an important role in immune surveillance by inhibiting the cytotoxic and natural killer T cells responsible for immune escape. The expression of HLA-G and HLA-E has been associated with several diseases, including tumors. The HLA system plays a key role in the escape of tumor cells from immune surveillance. This review aims to determine the correlation between BC susceptibility and HLA markers specific HLA alleles such as HLA-B07, HLA-DRB111, HLA-DRB113, and HLA-DRB115 are associated with an increased risk of developing BC. Furthermore, HLA-G mutations have been attributed to an elevated likelihood of metastasis in BC patients. Understanding the complex associations between the HLA system and BC development is critical for developing novel cancer prevention, detection, and treatment strategies. This review emphasizes the importance of analyzing HLA polymorphisms in the management of BC patients, as well as the urgent need for further research in this area

    Comparison of different Pancreatic cancer treatments: a three-year retrospective study in the oncology center of Tangier university hospital, Morocco

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    Abstract Background Pancreatic cancer is among the most lethal malignancies, with a 5-year overall survival (OS) of less than 10% for all stages. The present study aims to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics, as well as the results of different treatments of patients diagnosed and treated between 2019 and 2021 in the Oncology Center of Tangier, University Hospital, Morocco. Methods To compare the evolution of the pancreatic cancer between the different chemotherapy regimens, a retrospective study was performed using data collected over a period of 3 years. For each patient, the data were described and statistically analyzed in the dedicated operating sheet. Results 55 pancreatic cancer patients were included in this study, and the median follow up was 3 months. The mean age of patients was 59.5 ± 10.3 years (extremes 34–79) and the sex ratio male/female was 0.9. Most patients were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma (92.3%), but metastatic stage was the most frequent (56.4%). The surgery was applied to 16.36% of patients. 10.9% of patients have received adjuvant chemotherapy and 76.4% received palliative chemotherapy. Chemotherapy regimens included mainly Gemcitabine and Folfirinox. The median OS was significantly longer for patients treated with Folfirinox versus Gemcitabine (6 months versus 3 months, p-value < 0.016). The median OS for patients that received Folfirinox and Gemcitabine successively (19.7 months) was significantly longer compared to patients that received a monotherapy with either Folfirinox or Gemcitabine alone (p-value < 0.016). Conclusion These findings reinforce the use of advanced methods for earlier detection of pancreatic cancer and the development of effective immunotherapies or more targeted therapies

    The Role of Epigenetic Modifications in Human Cancers and the Use of Natural Compounds as Epidrugs: Mechanistic Pathways and Pharmacodynamic Actions

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    Cancer is a complex disease resulting from the genetic and epigenetic disruption of normal cells. The mechanistic understanding of the pathways involved in tumor transformation has implicated a priori predominance of epigenetic perturbations and a posteriori genetic instability. In this work, we aimed to explain the mechanistic involvement of epigenetic pathways in the cancer process, as well as the abilities of natural bioactive compounds isolated from medicinal plants (flavonoids, phenolic acids, stilbenes, and ketones) to specifically target the epigenome of tumor cells. The molecular events leading to transformation, angiogenesis, and dissemination are often complex, stochastic, and take turns. On the other hand, the decisive advances in genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics have allowed, in recent years, for the mechanistic decryption of the molecular pathways of the cancerization process. This could explain the possibility of specifically targeting this or that mechanism leading to cancerization. With the plasticity and flexibility of epigenetic modifications, some studies have started the pharmacological screening of natural substances against different epigenetic pathways (DNA methylation, histone acetylation, histone methylation, and chromatin remodeling) to restore the cellular memory lost during tumor transformation. These substances can inhibit DNMTs, modify chromatin remodeling, and adjust histone modifications in favor of pre-established cell identity by the differentiation program. Epidrugs are molecules that target the epigenome program and can therefore restore cell memory in cancerous diseases. Natural products isolated from medicinal plants such as flavonoids and phenolic acids have shown their ability to exhibit several actions on epigenetic modifiers, such as the inhibition of DNMT, HMT, and HAT. The mechanisms of these substances are specific and pleiotropic and can sometimes be stochastic, and their use as anticancer epidrugs is currently a remarkable avenue in the fight against human cancers

    Natural Bioactive Compounds Targeting Epigenetic Pathways in Cancer: A Review on Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Quinones, and Isothiocyanates

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    Cancer is one of the most complex and systemic diseases affecting the health of mankind, causing major deaths with a significant increase. This pathology is caused by several risk factors, of which genetic disturbances constitute the major elements, which not only initiate tumor transformation but also epigenetic disturbances which are linked to it and which can induce transcriptional instability. Indeed, the involvement of epigenetic disturbances in cancer has been the subject of correlations today, in addition to the use of drugs that operate specifically on different epigenetic pathways. Natural molecules, especially those isolated from medicinal plants, have shown anticancer effects linked to mechanisms of action. The objective of this review is to explore the anticancer effects of alkaloids, terpenoids, quinones, and isothiocyanates

    Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of HLA DQ2/DQ8 in Adults with Celiac Disease

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    Although people with human leukocyte antigens (HLA) DQ2 and/or DQ8 are more likely to develop celiac disease (CD), the condition cannot be fully explained by this genetic predisposition alone. Multiple, as yet unidentified, factors contribute to the genesis of CD, including genetics, the environment, and the immune system. In order to provide insight into a prospective possibility and an expanded screening technique, we aim to undertake a comprehensive and meta-analytical study of the assessment and distribution of HLA class II (HLA-DQ2/DQ8) in adult CD patients. A systematic review was conducted using an electronic search of databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, and Direct Science) from January 2004 to February 2022. DQ2/DQ2 homozygotes have the highest risk of developing CD. DQ2/DQ8 typing is an effective test to exclude CD from the differential diagnosis of a patient with CD symptoms. Although other non-HLA genes have been associated with CD, they are rarely considered at diagnosis because they account for only a small proportion of the heritability of CD. This finding, together with the information gathered previously, may be useful in considering widely available and economically feasible screening options for celiac disease in young people

    Phytochemical Compounds and Nanoparticles as Phytochemical Delivery Systems for Alzheimer’s Disease Management

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    Alzheimer’s disease remains one of the most widespread neurodegenerative reasons for dementia worldwide and is associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. Therefore, it has been considered a priority for research. Indeed, several risk factors are involved in the complexity of the therapeutic ways of this pathology, including age, traumatic brain injury, genetics, exposure to aluminum, infections, diabetes, vascular diseases, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity. The pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease is mostly associated with hyperphosphorylated protein in the neuronal cytoplasm and extracellular plaques of the insoluble β-amyloid peptide. Therefore, the management of this pathology needs the screening of drugs targeting different pathological levels, such as acetylcholinesterase (AchE), amyloid β formation, and lipoxygenase inhibitors. Among the pharmacological strategies used for the management of Alzheimer’s disease, natural drugs are considered a promising therapeutic strategy. Indeed, bioactive compounds isolated from different natural sources exhibit important anti-Alzheimer effects by their effectiveness in promoting neuroplasticity and protecting against neurodegeneration as well as neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. These effects involve different sub-cellular, cellular, and/or molecular mechanisms, such as the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AchE), the modulation of signaling pathways, and the inhibition of oxidative stress. Moreover, some nanoparticles were recently used as phytochemical delivery systems to improve the effects of phytochemical compounds against Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, the present work aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key advances concerning nano-drug delivery applications of phytochemicals for Alzheimer’s disease management

    Health Benefits and Pharmacological Aspects of Chrysoeriol

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    A flavone, chrysoeriol is synthetized in several plant species. It comes from several natural sources, especially medicinal plants. The identification and isolation of this compound has been carried out and verified by several research teams using different spectral methods. It seems that the concentration of this molecule is variable and fluctuating depending on the source, the part extracted, the region, and the methods of extraction and characterization. The aim of this paper is to highlight the in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties of chrysoeriol and to provide insight into its pharmacokinetics. Anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-osteoporosis, anti-insecticide, and neuroprotective actions have been shown in a number of studies on this chemical. Different mechanisms in theses pharmacological effects include subcellular, cellular, and molecular targets. In vivo pharmacokinetic analysis has proved the good stability of this molecule, showing its promising potential to prevent or treat diseases including cancer, diabetes, inflammation, osteoporosis, Parkinson&rsquo;s disease, and cardiovascular diseases

    Natural Sources and Pharmacological Properties of Pinosylvin

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    Pinosylvin (3,5-dihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a natural pre-infectious stilbenoid toxin, is a terpenoid polyphenol compound principally found in the Vitaceae family in the heartwood of Pinus spp. (e.g., Pinus sylvestris) and in pine leaf (Pinus densiflora). It provides defense mechanisms against pathogens and insects for many plants. Stilbenoids are mostly found in berries and fruits but can also be found in other types of plants, such as mosses and ferns. This review outlined prior research on pinosylvin, including its sources, the technologies used for its extraction, purification, identification, and characterization, its biological and pharmacological properties, and its toxicity. The collected data on pinosylvin was managed using different scientific research databases such as PubMed, SciFinder, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. In this study, the findings focused on pinosylvin to understand its pharmacological and biological activities as well as its chemical characterization to explore its potential therapeutic approaches for the development of novel drugs. This analysis demonstrated that pinosylvin has beneficial effects for various therapeutic purposes such as antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-allergic, and other biological functions. It has shown numerous and diverse actions through its ability to block, interfere, and/or stimulate the major cellular targets responsible for several disorders

    Genkwanin: An emerging natural compound with multifaceted pharmacological effects

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    Plant bioactive molecules could play key preventive and therapeutic roles in chronological aging and the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases, often accompanied by increased oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation. Dietary antioxidants, including genkwanin, could decrease oxidative stress and the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines or pathways. The present study is the first comprehensive review of genkwanin, a methoxyflavone found in several plant species. Indeed, natural sources, and pharmacokinetics of genkwanin, the biological properties were discussed and highlighted in detail. This review analyzed and considered all original studies related to identification, isolation, quantification, investigation of the biological and pharmacological properties of genkwanin. We consulted all published papers in peer‐reviewed journals in the English language from the inception of each database to 12 May 2023. Different phytochemical demonstrated that genkwanin is a non-glycosylated flavone found and isolated from several medicinal plants such as Genkwa Flos, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis, and Leonurus sibiricus. In vitro and in vivo biological and pharmacological investigations showed that Genkwanin exhibits remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, genkwanin, via activation of glucokinase, has shown antihyperglycemic activity with a potential role against metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Additionally, it revealed cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and assisting against neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, genkwanin showed other biological properties like antitumor capability, antibacterial, antiviral, and dermato-protective effects. The involved mechanisms include sub-cellular, cellular and molecular actions at different levels such as inducing apoptosis and inhibiting the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Despite the findings from preclinical studies that have demonstrated the effects of genkwanin and its diverse mechanisms of action, additional research is required to comprehensively explore its therapeutic potential. Primarily, extensive studies should be carried out to enhance our understanding of the molecule's pharmacodynamic actions and pharmacokinetic pathways. Moreover, toxicological and clinical investigations should be undertaken to assess the safety and clinical efficacy of genkwanin. These forthcoming studies are of utmost importance in fully unlocking the potential of this molecule in the realm of therapeutic applications

    Heavy Metal Contamination of Natural Foods Is a Serious Health Issue: A Review

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    Heavy metals play an important role in the homeostasis of living cells. However, these elements induce several adverse environmental effects and toxicities, and therefore seriously affect living cells and organisms. In recent years, some heavy metal pollutants have been reported to cause harmful effects on crop quality, and thus affect both food security and human health. For example, chromium, cadmium, copper, lead, and mercury were detected in natural foods. Evidence suggests that these elements are environmental contaminants in natural foods. Consequently, this review highlights the risks of heavy metal contamination of the soil and food crops, and their impact on human health. The data were retrieved from different databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, Google scholar, and the Directory of Open Access Journals. Results show that vegetable and fruit crops grown in polluted soil accumulate higher levels of heavy metals than crops grown in unpolluted soil. Moreover, heavy metals in water, air, and soil can reduce the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet requires a rational consumption of foods. Physical, chemical, and biological processes have been developed to reduce heavy metal concentration and bioavailability to reduce heavy metal aggregation in the ecosystem. However, mechanisms by which these heavy metals exhibit their action on human health are not well elucidated. In addition, the positive and negative effects of heavy metals are not very well established, suggesting the need for further investigation