219 research outputs found

    Wage gaps and gender discrimination in the private and public sectors: the case of Italian graduate young workers

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    The issues of gender discrimination and segregation in the Italian labour market are analyzed in this paper, with a view to understanding whether the public sector is able to mitigate discriminatory outcomes. Based on the analysis of a sample of graduate workers observed 5 years after their degree, provided by the AlmaLaurea consortium, we find: (i) network-based job search channels are more intensely used by women and in the private sector, even when controlling for public examinations; (ii) vertical segregation in similar across sectors; (iii) women employed in the public sector are characterized by higher job satisfaction; (iv) in an Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of wage differ- entials across genders, the share attributable to discrimination in the public sector is lower

    Potenziamenti dello sguardo e ri-scritture dell’umano nell’età di Shakespeare

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    Il contributo interroga il conflitto di paradigmi conoscitivi che si manifesta, quale effetto della nuova scienza, in età early modern, e la frattura che si determina in un mondo ancora dominato da una visione organica della conoscenza. «Quale la retorica o la nuova retorica attraverso cui l’individuo, che come Shakespeare vive sulla faglia di questa frattura epistemica, si ri-concepisce e si ricolloca nel mondo?». Partendo dalla centralità assunta dallo sguardo e dal paradigma dell’osservazione rispetto a quello tradizionale e aprioristico della lettura, l’autrice cerca di dar risposta a questi quesiti, occupandosi in particolare della modalità teatralmente ostensiva e interrogativa della scienza anatomica in Europa, e delle relazioni che essa intrattiene con «l’esperimento conoscitivo che il teatro, e il teatro shakespeariano in particolare, offre tutti i giorni al pubblico elisabettiano su quel crinale temporale così straordinario per la storia della cultura inglese che si pone fra fine Cinquecento e inizio Seicento»

    “Be stone no more”: Maternity and Heretical Visual Art in Shakespeare’s Late Plays

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    The fierce confessional dispute over the sense of sight and the delusive nature of images which tore apart early modern England during the Reformation, together with its intertwined story of iconoclasm and resistance, dilapidation of images and their recovery, is what marks at the core England’s relationship with the visual arts. How may that collective story of delusive idols and reformed eyes, eradication, and saving from the wreckage, have remained as a trace in Shakespeare’s representation of the maternal in The Winter’s Tale and in Pericles? Obsessively and consistently in these plays a precluded mother determines a fascination with an economy of representation based on death and resurrection, appearance and disappearance. It is my contention in this essay that Shakespeare’s obsessive un-burial of controversial memories of the maternal, overtly or obliquely indebted to Italian art, is ambivalently intersected by the same interplay of forgetfulness and remembrance that recent criticism has viewed as underpinning the forced “social amnesia” of England’s reformed culture. In such a context, I suggest, references to Giulio Romano, Renaissance Italian art, Paulina’s secret gallery and concealed statue, Cerimon’s and Paulina’s art of resuscitating the dead, can be perceived as the deviated and secular forms of recovery Shakespeare devises to fill up the void inherited from exceptional times of prescribed forgetfulness.Les violentes polémiques autour du sens de la vue et de la nature trompeuse des images qui ont fait rage en Angleterre pendant la Réforme, ainsi qu’une histoire entremêlée d’iconoclasme et de résistance, de destruction des images et de leur réhabilitation, sont au cœur de la relation entre l’Angleterre et les arts visuels. Comment cette histoire collective d’idoles trompeuses et de regards réformés, de destruction et de sauvetage du naufrage, s’est-elle maintenue à l’état de trace dans la représentation shakespearienne de la maternité dans Le Conte d’hiver et Périclès ? De manière obsessionnelle et constante dans ces pièces, une mère frappée d’interdit déclenche une fascination au sein d’une économie de la représentation fondée sur la mort et la résurrection, l’apparition et la disparition. Dans cet article, je propose de démontrer qu’en déterrant systématiquement des souvenirs controversés de maternité directement ou indirectement hérités de l’art italien, Shakespeare se place de manière ambivalente au carrefour de l’oubli et du souvenir, dans une posture que la critique récente a identifié comme centrale dans « l’amnésie sociale » de la culture réformée anglaise. Dans un tel contexte, les références à Giulio Romano, à l’art italien de la Renaissance, à la galerie secrète de Paulina et à la statue cachée, ainsi qu’à l’art de Cerimon et de Paulina de ressusciter les morts, peuvent se concevoir comme des formes indirectes et sécularisées utilisées par Shakespeare pour remplir le vide créé par une période d’oubli obligatoire

    La risoluzione di equazioni: tra rappresentazioni grafiche e linguaggio algebrico

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    In questo lavoro si propone una riflessione riguardo l’importanza di costruire percorsi didattici mirati a favorire un collegamento tra rappresentazioni grafiche e linguaggio algebrico per la risoluzione delle equazioni. In particolare, gli studi sul ruolo della visualizzazione nell’apprendimento della matematica e sul Early algebra apriranno ad una riflessione sull’utilizzo di rappresentazioni grafiche per la risoluzione di equazioni di primo e secondo grado. Inoltre, facendo riferimento alla tecnica delle "costruzioni in linee" di Rafael Bombelli in cui vengono utilizzate delle rappresentazioni geometriche per la costruzione della formula risolutiva di particolari equazioni di terzo grado, verrà presentato un esempio di situazione matematica in cui le tecniche risolutive saranno supportate proprio dalle costruzioni geometriche proposte dal matematico bolognese. Le situazioni matematiche presentate non saranno da intendersi come una proposta didattica, l’auspicio è che gli esempi mostrati e gli studi di ricerca presi in considerazione possano essere utili al lettore-insegnante per la costruzione di percorsi didattici inclusivi ed efficaci, in cui il registro algebrico e quello visuale-geometrico siano sempre più in comunicazione tra loro

    Detection of BRAF mutation in thyroid papillary carcinomas by mutant allele-specific PCR amplification (MASA).

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    Objective: The somatic point mutation in the BRAF gene, which results in a valine-to-glutamate sub- stitution at residue 600 (BRAF V600E ), is an ideal hallmark of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). How- ever, its prevalence is varyingly reported in different studies, and its expression in the follicular variant PTC is controversial, reducing its potential usefulness as diagnostic marker. Design and methods: We developed an assay based on mutant allele-specific PCR amplification (MASA) to detect BRAF mutation. We compared the sensitivity of MASA, single-strand conformation poly- morphism (SSCP) and direct DNA sequencing of PCR products. Then, we used MASA 78 to analyze 78 archival thyroid tissues, including normal samples, follicular adenomas, follicular carcinomas and PTC. Results: The MASA assay proved to be a more sensitive method than SSCP and DNA sequencing of PCR products. BRAF mutation was found by MASA in 19/43 (44.2%) of PTC, including 14/31 (45.2%) classic forms and 5/12 (41.7%) follicular variants. No mutations of BRAF were detected in the normal thyroid tissues, nor in follicular adenomas or follicular carcinomas. No correlation was found between BRAF mutation and clinicopathologic features nor with recurrence during a post- operative follow-up period of 4–11 years. BRAF V600E significantly correlated with absence of node metastasis. Conclusions: BRAF V600E is present in PTC, both in the classic form and in follicular variant with simi- lar prevalence. No correlation was found between BRAF mutation and aggressive clinical behavior. MASA-PCR proved to be a specific, sensitive and reliable method to detect BRAF T1799A in DNA extracted from different sources, including cytologic samples obtained either fresh or from archival glass slides. We propose this method as a useful tool to improve accuracy of preoperative diagnosis identifying PTC from biopsies with indeterminate cytologic findings