497 research outputs found
Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan UMKM Pada Klaster Bordir Dan Konveksi Kudus
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan bisnis UMKM pada klaster border dan konveksi Desa Padurenan Kudus. Kajian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Keberhasilan USAha dapat diraih dengan upaya dari berbagai pihak, baik dari upaya eksternal maupun internal. Salah satu upaya eksternal yang dilakukan antara lain melalui program dan kegiatan yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk mengembangkan sektor UMKM, hasilnya selama ini cukup menggembriakan. Kegagalan yang terjadi pada umumnya disebabkan oleh modal yang kurang memadai, persaingan yang cukup ketat dan kurangnya kemampuan mengelola USAha. Dengan demikian, modal bukanlah satu-satunya faktor yang menentukan sebuah bisnis akan sukses atau tidak. Kata Kunci: Wirausaha, Manajemen, Kualitas, KuantitasSUCCESS FACTORS OF SMSE OF GARMENT IN KUDUS This article aims at analyzing significant factors to the success of SMSE of convection and border in Padurenan Kudus. This is a field research using quantitative approach. The success of business may be supported by several factors both external and internal. Among external factors are government program and activities to develop SMSE. Business failure mostly is caused by capital limit, competition and the lack of ability to manage business. Thus, capital is not the only factor for success
Modeling Statistical Downscaling for Prediction Precipitation Dry Season in Bireuen District Province Aceh
The Asian-Australian monsoon circulation specifically causes the Indonesian region to go through climate changebility that impacts on rainfall variability in different Indonesia's zone. Local climate conditions such as rainfall data are commonly simulated using GCM time series data. This study tries to model the statistical downscaling of GCM in the form of 7x7 matrix using Support Vector Regression (SVR) for rainfall forecasting during drought in Bireuen Regency, Aceh. The output yields optimal result using certain parameter i.e. C = 0.5, γ = 0.8, d = 1, and ↋= 0.01. The duration of computation during training and testing are ± 45 seconds for linear kernels and ± 2 minutes for polynomials. The correlation degree and RMSE values of GCM and the actually observed data at Gandapura wheather station are 0.672 and 21.106. The RSME value obtained in that region is the lowest compared to the Juli station which is equal to 31,428. However, the Juli station has the highest correlation value that is 0.677. On the other hand, the polynomial kernel has a correlation degree and RMSE value equal to 0.577 and 29,895 respectively. To summary, the best GCM using SVR kernel is the one at Gandapura weather station in consideration of having the lowest RMSE value with a high correlation degree
Persepsi Mahasiswa Fkip Universitas Syiah Kuala Terhadap Pelaksanaan UU No 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi Dan Traksaksi Elektronik (Ite)
Permasalahan dalam skripsi ini adalah tentang UU ITE. Kemajuan di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berdampak sangat besar bagi perkembangan sosial masyarakat, disamping dapat memberi dampak positif bagi pengguna juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut pemerintah Indonesia menerbitkan UU No 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan UU No 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik. Untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan UU No 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat diketahui bahwa mahasiswa memiliki pendapat yang berbeda-beda terhadap pelaksanaan UU tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) ini. Secara umum mahasiswa masing banyak yang belum mengetahui tentang adanya UU ITE ini, hal ini disebabkan kurangnya sosialisasi mengenai UU ITE oleh pemerintah kepada masyarakat, dan sebagian lainnya berpendapat bahwa pelaksanaan UU ITE masih berjalan kurang maksimal. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan UU ITE adalah pemahaman mahasiswa tentang UU ITE, dan pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi
Venture Capital: an American Concept and Its Problems of Implementation in Developing Countries
Venture capital is an American concept. It is an alternative source for financing small businesses, besides other conventional financing sources, such as banking. Among the characteristics of venture capital are the dual-roles of investors, both as capital owners and management of the businesses.The concept has been successfully implemented in the U.S. which can increase investment and job opportunity. However, there are obstacles in implementation of the concept in developing countries, because, among others, lack of conducive environment for its growth including the weaknesses in economic law and its enforcement, and cultural hindrance. This article discusses the U.S. venture capital concept; it\u27s successful in the U.S. and its problems of implementation in developing countries, and alternative solutions for better implementation in the future
Action research to reassess the acceptance and use of technology in a blended learning approach amongst postgraduate business students
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Cogent Education on 18/11/2022, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2331186X.2022.2145813Although the pedagogy of blended learning in higher education has been well-accepted since 2000, its dimension has been changing, mainly due to the incessant technological innovations. The impact recorded on students’ experience has been reliant on various factors. Some of these factors are cultural diversity, technical abilities, level of organisational support, language difficulties, educational background, learning environment, and instructional design, among others. In this study, the acceptance and use of technology by international MBA students have been reassessed in the blended learning environment. The motivation for the selection of the cohort of international MBA students as a sample was to enable the inclusion of diversity as one of the focal points of the study. A two-cycle model of action research was adopted to reassess the use of technology and compare the attainment of learning outcomes between the blended and traditional learning approaches. Moreover, multiple regressions were employed using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to test the significance of each variable collected from the survey on the students’ learning experience and engagement. Our results have suggested that students’ engagement is determined by positive learning experience without any bias toward traditional or blended learning approach. Students’ age group was found to be relevant in the determination of behavioural intention, social influence, effort expectancy, performance expectancy and facilitating conditions towards the effective use of technology and blended learning. Students’ gender was an irrelevant factor in the success of a blended learning approach
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