54,398 research outputs found

    Strong flavour changing effective operator contributions to single top quark production

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    We study the effects of dimension six effective operators on the production of single top quarks at the LHC. The operator set considered includes terms with effective gluon interactions and four-fermion terms. Analytic expressions for the several partonic cross sections of single top production will be presented, as well as the results of their integration on the parton density functions.Comment: 20 pages, 7 fig

    Probing the Cosmological Principle in the counts of radio galaxies at different frequencies

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    According to the Cosmological Principle, the matter distribution on very large scales should have a kinematic dipole that is aligned with that of the CMB. We determine the dipole anisotropy in the number counts of two all-sky surveys of radio galaxies. For the first time, this analysis is presented for the TGSS survey, allowing us to check consistency of the radio dipole at low and high frequencies by comparing the results with the well-known NVSS survey. We match the flux thresholds of the catalogues, with flux limits chosen to minimise systematics, and adopt a strict masking scheme. We find dipole directions that are in good agreement with each other and with the CMB dipole. In order to compare the amplitude of the dipoles with theoretical predictions, we produce sets of lognormal realisations. Our realisations include the theoretical kinematic dipole, galaxy clustering, Poisson noise, simulated redshift distributions which fit the NVSS and TGSS source counts, and errors in flux calibration. The measured dipole for NVSS is  ⁣2\sim\!2 times larger than predicted by the mock data. For TGSS, the dipole is almost  ⁣5\sim\! 5 times larger than predicted, even after checking for completeness and taking account of errors in source fluxes and in flux calibration. Further work is required to understand the nature of the systematics that are the likely cause of the anomalously large TGSS dipole amplitude.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; Significant improvements. Version accepted by JCA

    Radial distribution function of penetrable sphere fluids to second order in density

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    The simplest bounded potential is that of penetrable spheres, which takes a positive finite value ϵ\epsilon if the two spheres are overlapped, being 0 otherwise. In this paper we derive the cavity function to second order in density and the fourth virial coefficient as functions of TkBT/ϵT^*\equiv k_BT/\epsilon (where kBk_B is the Boltzmann constant and TT is the temperature) for penetrable sphere fluids. The expressions are exact, except for the function represented by an elementary diagram inside the core, which is approximated by a polynomial form in excellent agreement with accurate results obtained by Monte Carlo integration. Comparison with the hypernetted-chain (HNC) and Percus-Yevick (PY) theories shows that the latter is better than the former for T1T^*\lesssim 1 only. However, even at zero temperature (hard sphere limit), the PY solution is not accurate inside the overlapping region, where no practical cancelation of the neglected diagrams takes place. The exact fourth virial coefficient is positive for T0.73T^*\lesssim 0.73, reaches a minimum negative value at T1.1T^*\approx 1.1, and then goes to zero from below as 1/T41/{T^*}^4 for high temperatures. These features are captured qualitatively, but not quantitatively, by the HNC and PY predictions. In addition, in both theories the compressibility route is the best one for T0.7T^*\lesssim 0.7, while the virial route is preferable if T0.7T^*\gtrsim 0.7.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes; to be published in PR