5,420 research outputs found

    Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis labor pain

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    OBJETIVOS: a proposta neste estudo foi identificar a presença dos indicadores clínicos da dor em situação de parto e correlacionar a referência verbal de intensidade de dor com a ocorrência de contrações uterinas, como proposta de validação clínica do diagnóstico de enfermagem dor de parto. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo observacional dos 22 indicadores clínicos que representaram as características definidoras para o diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: participaram 55 parturientes (18 na fase ativa inicial, 6 na fase ativa final e 31 em ambas as fases), maiores de 18 anos, gestação única, contrações efetivas e dilatação cervical ≥4cm. Testaram-se 22 características definidoras, 6 presentes na maioria das participantes nas duas fases: relato verbal ou codificado, evidência observada de contração uterina, alteração do tônus muscular, evidência observada de dor, comportamento expressivo e expressão facial de dor. Houve diferenças entre as fases para diaforese, expressão facial de dor, gestos protetores, posição antálgica, comportamento de distração, foco em si próprio e sensação de pressão perineal. CONCLUSÕES: observou-se correlação linear positiva entre escores de intensidade de dor e amplitude de pressão intrauterina na fase inicial. A dor de parto evidenciou-se como fenômeno compatível a um diagnóstico de enfermagem.OBJECTIVE: The study intends to identify the presence of clinical indicators of pain during labor and to correlate the verbal reference of pain intensity with uterine contractions as a proposal to validate the clinical nursing diagnosis Labor Pain. METHOD: Observational study of the 22 clinical indicators that represented the defining characteristics for the diagnosis. RESULTS: There were 55 participants in labor (18 in the initial active stage, 6 in the final active stage and 31 in both stages), over 18 years old, in their first pregnancy, with effective contractions and cervical dilation of 4cm or more. Among the 22 defining characteristics tested, 6 were present in most participants during the two stages: verbal or codified report, noted evidence of uterine contraction, altered muscle tension, noted evidence of pain, expressive behavior and facial expression of pain. There were differences between the stages in relation to perspiration, facial expression of pain, protective gestures, anodyne position, distractive behavior, self-focus and perineum pressure feeling. CONCLUSIONS: A positive linear correlation was noted between pain intensity scores and the extent of intra-uterine pressure in the initial stage. Labor pain was proven to be compatible with a nursing diagnosis.OBJETIVOS: El estudio propuso identificar la presencia de los indicadores clínicos de dolor de parto y correlacionar el relato verbal de intensidad del dolor con la ocurrencia de contracciones uterinas, como propuesta de validación clínica del diagnóstico de enfermería Dolor de Parto. MÉTODO: Estudio observacional de los 22 indicadores clínicos que representan las características definidoras para el diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: Participaron 55 parturientes (18 en la fase activa inicial, 6 en la fase activa final y 31 en ambas fases), mayores de 18 años, gestación de feto único, contracciones efectivas y dilatación cervical ≥4cm. Fueron testadas 22 características definidoras, 6 presentes en la mayoría de las participantes en las dos fases: relato verbal o codificado, evidencia observada de contracción uterina, alteración del tono muscular, evidencia observada de dolor, comportamiento expresivo y expresión facial de dolor. Fueron encontradas diferencias entre las fases para diaforesis, expresión fácil de dolor, gestos protectores, posición antiálgica, comportamiento de distracción, foco en si mismo y relato de presión perineal. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó correlación linear positiva entre escores de intensidad de dolor y amplitud de presión intrauterina en la fase inicial. El dolor de parto se evidenció un fenómeno compatible para diagnóstico de enfermería

    Entre pétalas e espinhos: dona rosa e o reisado do bom jardim

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    O Reisado é uma manifestação cultural, normalmente apresentado no Nordeste brasileiro nas celebrações de Natal e nas festividades de Santos Reis. Trazido pelos portugueses para o Brasil, é uma dança do período natalino em comemoração ao nascimento do Menino Jesus e em homenagem aos Reis Magos. Em Itabaiana/SE, o Reisado de Dona Rosa do Bom Jardim é o último grupo existente no lugar, fundado em 1991 pela senhora Rosa Maria, conta atualmente com 15 componentes do sexo feminino e masculino, sua apresentação é feita nas ruas com as cores vermelha e azul, apresenta-se a disputa dos dois lados e o ponto culminante é a chegada na Capela Sagrado Coração de Maria. Dona Rosa, mulher humilde fundadora e também líder do grupo “Dona Deusa”, com muitas dificuldades confeccionou as roupas e os bichos O Boi e O Jaraguá que os guarda com imenso zelo, mesmo diante de todas as barreiras encontradas luta até hoje pela existência, divulgação e transmissão desse folguedo sem apoio ou reconhecimento algum

    Qualidade da assistência de enfermagem em uma unidade de terapia intensiva materna

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    Objective: To evaluate the quality of care provided in a maternal intensive care unit, based on indicators of structure, process and results. Material and methods: Descriptive study of documentary analysis with a quantitative approach. Data collection happened between January and February 2017 at the Maternal Intensive Care Unit of a reference maternity hospital in Piauí. An observational script with a census sample of 72 patients was used. Results: The hygiene, comfort and safety axis showed adequate care. However, the nutrition and hydration indicators presented with risky and undesirable care. The axis that presented the best results was nursing records with adequate care in most of the analyzed items. Conclusion: The study showed satisfactory results in general; however, attention should be given to improvements in nursing care for patients hospitalized in the Maternal Intensive Care Unit, especially for the nutrition and hydration indicators.Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de la asistencia en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos maternos, ha tenido por base indicadores de estructura proceso y resultados. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, de análisis documental con abordaje cuantitativo. La colecta de datos ocurrió entre enero y febrero de 2017 en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos maternos de una maternidad de referencia en Piauí. Fue utilizado un guion observacional con muestra censal de 72 pacientes. Resultados: El eje higiene, confort y seguridad mostró una asistencia global deseable, excepto para los indicadores de nutrición e hidratación que presentaron asistencia tolerable o limíte. El eje que presentó mejores resultados fue las anotaciones de enfermería con asistencia deseable en gran parte de los artículos analizados. Conclusión: El estudio evidenció resultados satisfactorios de forma general, sin embargo, es importante que ocurran mejoras en la asistencia de enfermería a las pacientes ingresadas en la unidad de cuidados intensivos maternosl, sobre todo para los indicadores de nutrición e hidratación.  Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade da assistência em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Materna, tendo por base indicadores de estrutura, processo e resultados. Material e método: Estudo descritivo, de análise documental com abordagem quantitativa. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre os meses de janeiro e fevereiro de 2017 na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva materna de uma maternidade de referência do Piauí. Utilizou-se roteiro observacional com amostra censitária de 72 pacientes. Resultados: O eixo higiene, conforto e segurança demonstraram uma assistência global desejável, exceto para os indicadores nutrição e hidratação que apresentaram assistência sofrível ou limítrofe. O eixo que apresentou melhores resultados foi anotações de enfermagem com assistência desejável em grande parte dos itens analisados. Conclusão: O estudo evidenciou resultados satisfatórios de forma geral, entretanto, chama-se atenção para melhoras na assistência de enfermagem às pacientes internadas na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Materna, sobretudo para os indicadores nutrição e hidratação

    Hemangiosarcoma Associated with Polypropylene Suture in a Cat

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    Background: Sutures plays an important role in wound repair by providing hemostasis and support for healing suture. Synthetic non-absorbable like polypropylene suture materials induce minimal tissue reaction. Polypropylene has not been associated to neoplasms in domestic animals. The aim this study is to describe the first case of polypropylene suture induced hemangiosarcoma in an abdominal wall of a feline.Case: A 13-year-old female domestic shorthair cat was presented with a ventral abdominal subcutaneous mass. Clinical examination revealed a firm, rough, and irregular, approximately 6 x 4 cm subcutaneous mass involving the caudal ventral abdomen. A complete blood (cell) count (CBC) was within normal limits. Leukemia and FIV tests were negative; andthe results of a chemistry panel revealed elevated creatinine (valor: 2.0 reference range: 0.5-1.9). Abdominal ultrasound revealed a large mass of mixed echogenicity in the mid-ventral abdomen cranial to the bladder, measuring approximately 6 x 4 cm in the middle line with suture deeply embedded within mass suggesting foreign body reaction or neoplasm. There was evidence of sutures (hyperechoic lines) along the caudal abdominal wall extending into the mass. Records indicated that ovariohysterectomy procedure was performed 12 years previously at the same clinic and the closure of the abdominal wall was made with polypropylene sutures. No other abdominal surgery was performed in this cat. A fine-needle aspirate of the mass and contrast-enhanced computed tomography was not performed due to owner’s finance restrains. The catwas referred to surgery and the mass was excised. No evidence of metastasis was noted during surgery. Histologically, the neoplastic cells were oval to round with granular cytoplasm and vesicular nucleus and exhibited moderate cellular and nuclear pleomorphism. A diagnosis of abdominal wall hemangiosarcoma was made with suture deeply embedded within mass. Surgical margins were clear. Chemotherapy was indicated, but the owner declined due to financial reasons. This is the first polypropylene suture mass associated hemangiosarcoma in cats.Discussion: Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of vascular endothelial cells origin and it may be associated with chronic inflammation and neoplastic transformation. It was reported in previous studies, and it could be a hypothesis for the presented clinical case. There are two cases described in the literature of abdominal wall tumor associated with foreignbody and exuberant inflammatory response in cats using different types of suture; one case is a steel staple developing hemangiosarcoma and the other is polyester sutures developed fibrosarcoma. The present study shows a primary hemangiosarcoma diagnosed several years after closure of abdominal wall using polypropylene sutures in a female cat. Polypropylene is a monofilament suture that create less tissue-drag and induces less inflammation than multifilament sutures and is the preferred suture to close abdominal wall. Cats demonstrate a peculiar predisposition to neoplasms at the site of injury. Although the pathogenesis is still unclear, the introduction a “foreign body” may cause inflammatory process that act as a stimulus to neoplasia formation. We believe that polypropylene was the foreign material that may have played arole in tumor development in this case and it has not been reported before. Polypropylene sutures were found on gross examination of excised material. Any uncoated braided non-absorbable material located deeply in tissues may evoke a chronic inflammatory response (granuloma). A granuloma may evolve to malignancy in some cats. Despite polypropylenematerials induce minimal tissue reaction, it may be associated to neoplasm.Keywords: polypropylene suture, hemangiosarcoma, cat, tumor induced by foreign body

    Eulerian Video Magnification for Cleaning and Inspection of Air Conditioning Ducts With Rover Robot

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    This paper presents a diversied artifice of a Rover robot prototype in order to inspect abnormalities in air conditioning ducts and ventilation through an integrated rotating high-resolution camera system Eulerian Video Magnification is a  method capable of revealing temporal  variations of a body in videos that are impossible to see with the naked eye. Using this method, it is possible to visualize the flow of microorganisms present in the ducts, in which the images are R.W. transmitted in real time to the operator, allowing the cleaning with rotating brushes that adapt themselves  according to the  pipeline geometry, linked to the rover making the removal of impurities which are found on the walls, as well as the application of fungicides and bactericides, and finally the mechanism structure allows the manipulation of small objects held by a claw, which ensures greater operating flexibility compared to existing systems on the market. Due to weather problems being the main responsible for the considerable rise in temperature around the world, this has led man to seek ways by which people have comfort in both residential and industrial context. The most widely used alternative to soften or even solve this problem indoors has been the use of air conditioning systems. Despite the many advantages that these systems provide, there is great concern with the quality of air being supplied to the user according to the procedures and requirements of NBR 15848: 2010


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    O presente trabalho resulta de intervenções realizadas pelos bolsistas de Iniciação à Docência - ID, vinculado à ação do Ateliê de Educação Geográfica proposto pelo subprojeto “Educação Geográfica: Diversas linguagens, formação docente e Geografia Escolar”, no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), com financiamento pela CAPES, em parceria com a Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Campus XI, tendo como locus de realização de práticas docentes a turma do 2º ano D do Ensino Médio, turno vespertino, do Colégio Estadual de Biritinga, localizado no município de Biritinga (BA). A intervenção teve como objetivo a utilização da música para abordar o conteúdo geográfico de urbanização e esta atividade possibilitou aos bolsistas perceberem como o uso das diversas linguagens, neste caso a música, pode mobilizar os estudantes e promover aprendizagem geográfica. A intervenção permitiu identificar o nível de criticidade dos discentes acerca das aulas de Geografia e analisar como a música, enquanto dispositivo didático-pedagógico utilizado pelo professor, contribui para o aprendizado do ensino dos conteúdos geográficos. Para realização do trabalho, fizemos uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo a partir de levantamentos bibliográficos e levantamentos de dados coletados através de questionários aplicados após as intervenções com letras de canções nas aulas de Geografia. As intervenções possibilitaram afirmar que a música é um importante dispositivo didático-pedagógico no ensino e aprendizagem de diversos conceitos e temas da Geografia escolar e elas proporcionaram um importante espaço-tempo de formação para os bolsistas ID e de supervisão do PIBID no Território do Sisal

    Pituitary Carcinoma in a Bitch: Clinical, Tomographic, Histopathological and Immunohistochemistry Findings

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    Background: Primary pituitary carcinoma is rarely reported in dogs and only few reports describe its malignancy. In veterinary literature, primary pituitary carcinomas correspond up to 2.4% to 3.4% of intracranial neoplasms found in dogs and information regarding its biological behavior is quite limited.  In humans, primary pituitary carcinomas represent less than 1.0% of all tumors found in the pituitary gland. The proposed classification for pituitary carcinoma in humans and dogs determines that the tumor must have its origin in adenohypophyseal region and disseminated metastasis by cerebrospinal fluid or systemically to other organs must be observed. In dogs, a few reports have described primary pituitary carcinoma. The goal of this report was to describe clinical, tomographic, histopathological and immunohistochemistry features of a dog with primary pituitary carcinoma with adjacent invasion. Case: A 7-year-old female spayed Golden Retriever dog was assessed by general practice due progressive weight loss, muscular atrophy, lethargy, blindness, head pressing, and hyporexia for 21 days. Computed tomography (CT) showed a cerebral parenchyma with expansive extra-axial base formation, originating from sella turcica topography, measuring about 2.0 centimeter dorsally, displacing the third ventricle, suggesting the diagnosis of pituitary neoplasia. The hormones thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and total thyroxine (T4) as well as stimulation ACTH test were unremarkable. After 7 days, neurological clinical signs progressed and unfortunately the patient died ten days later after hospitalization. A necropsy exam revealed pituitary gland with increased dimensions (2.5 x 2.0 cm). Histopathological findings revealed tumor proliferation in pituitary gland. The neoplasm showed invasion to the nervous parenchyma and metastatic foci between the brain lobes. Immunohistochemistry was positive for keratin and neuron-specific enolase and negative for epithelial membrane antigen, S-100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein, estrogen receptor, CD34, chromogranin, somatostatin, and ACTH. The clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemistry findings supported the diagnosis of primary pituitary carcinoma. Discussion: There is lack information regarding pituitary carcinoma prevalence in dogs, and little is known about its pathological and clinical features. The patient showed a shorter survival time (30 days after the onset of clinical signs) for a non-hormonally functional tumor that presented with acute onset of neurological signs due to local effect of an expanding mass, also described in others pituitary carcinoma reports. It was observed a metastatic focus of pituitary neoplasia between cerebral hemispheres, leading us to conclude to be a pituitary carcinoma. Adjacent infiltration was noticed by the presence of neoplasm invasion to the synoptic nervous parenchyma and metastatic foci between the brain lobes as well as the presence of a non-delimited nodular area of neoplastic implantation between the cerebral hemispheres, and optic nerve compromised by neoplasm cells. The data reported here showed that a negative ACTH receptor in neoplasm with 10% Ki-67 proliferation index with no history of clinical signs of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH). Pituitary adenocarcinomas are thought to be more often non-secretors. CT findings reveled a pituitary mass of 2.5 cm in vertical height suggesting a pituitary macrotumor although there is lack of description for pituitary carcinomas in veterinary literature. The animal had a fast deterioration of his clinical condition and quickly came to death, suggesting poor biological behavior of the tumor. Keywords: adrenocorticotropic hormone, case report, dog, pituitary tumors


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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentados por serpentes botrópicas e os fatores ambientais que facilitam os encontros dos humanos com essas serpentes, que são popularmente conhecidas como jararacas. O perfil epidemiológico foi realizado para subsidiar o entendimento da dinâmica desse agravo no estado do Tocantins, com dados de 2007 a 2019, obtidos da plataforma TabWin-SINAN. Os dados para correlacionar os fatores ambientais com os acidentes foram obtidos a partir de dados disponíveis no site do IBGE e no INMET, para as cidades de maior notificação: Araguaína, Palmas e Porto Nacional. Nesse período foram registrados 7.906 acidentes botrópicos, constatou-se o predomínio do sexo masculino (76,7%), com idade entre 20-59 anos (62,0%). A maioria dos acidentes foram classificados como leve e moderado (89,6%), com óbito de 0,4% dos casos. As variáveis ambientais de temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar e precipitação pluviométrica foram fatores determinantes para os acidentes, com correlações significativas, contudo, a correlação com o avanço agrícola não foi observada. Portanto, os acidentes botrópicos no estado do Tocantins atingem a faixa etária mais ativa da população, com predominância para o sexo masculino, sendo a pluviometria, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar fatores importantes para o monitoramento desses acidentes