1,942 research outputs found

    Modelo transteórico de mudança de comportamentos na promoção da actividade física nas grávidas

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    Determinar se o Modelo Transteórico de Mudança de Comportamento (MTMC) é eficaz na promoção da actividade física (AF) nas grávidas. O grupo experimental (GE) participou no projecto “Mães em Movimento” baseado no MTMC. Aplicou-se o Questionário de AF para Gestantes, Escala de Estados de Mudança, Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire e Questionário de Conhecimentos. Na 2ª avaliação, no GE, todas as grávidas referiram praticar AF. A motivação intrínseca e os conhecimentos aumentaram. O MTMC revelou-se um modelo eficaz na promoção da AF em grávidas.To determine whether the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) is effective in promoting physical activity (PA) in pregnant women. The experimental group (EG), participated in the "Moms in Motion" based on the TTM. It was applied the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, Stages of Change Questionnaire, Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire and Skills Questionnaire. In the 2nd evaluation, in EG, all women reported practicing PA. The intrinsic motivation and knowledge increased. The TTM revealed to be an effective model in promoting PA habits in pregnant women

    A health model based on the clinical practice of physiotherapists

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    In Portugal, respiratory and ear infections are the main reason for hospital visits in pediatric age and several risk factors have been pointed. The physiotherapist familiarity with these factors is crucial to act in health promotion. To characterize the risk factors for upper and lower respiratory and ear infections in children younger than 36 months attending daycare in Oporto.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship between the ratio of the cervical muscles and non-specific neck pain in the school community

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    Neck disorders appear more often associated with pain and muscle fatigue, both in young individuals and in individuals of middle age. Sustained muscle contraction needed to maintain the head in several positions and fatigue caused by muscle weakness are some of the factors for the arising of neck pain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health promotion conceptual evolution and program development: a literature Review

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    The World Health Organization defends prevention and health promotion among communities as a driver of economic and social development, where the individual level of health literacy determines health choices such as adopting healthy lifestyles, managing individual healthcare and preventing chronic diseases. Currently, health promotion is guided by a set of values, being these principles essential for identifying needs and priorities, planning, implementing, evaluating and determining the health promotion programs, that can be defined as a set of programmed, integrated and interrelated strategies and actions that aim to promote health, prevent risks, reduce years of life lost due to disability and increase quality of life. There are several models for planning health promotion programs, such as the Precede-Proceed Model, the Multivariate Approach to community Health (MATCH) Model, the Mapped Intervention Model and the Social Marketing Model. A good planning of a health promotion program can effectively reduce the health costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of exercise on functional capacity and in the lumbar and thoracic disability in ankylosing spondylitis

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    Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease, associated to spine moblity limitations. Until today it isn’t known an efficient treatment; although, there are therapeutic strategies, like exercise, that can alleviate and delay the disease complications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of cervical pain and functional disability in the school community

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    The school community is exposed to numerous risk factors for the occurrence of neck pain. These symptoms may cause restrictions on their functional capacity and there’s a need to make a proper measurement of this phenomenon, in a valid and reproducible manner. For this, the most recommended instrument is the Neck Disability Index (NDI); however its use in Portugal requires an analysis of its psychometric properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of exercise on quality of sleep in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory rheumatic disease, associated with limited mobility of the spine, sleep disturbance, and fatigue. The exercise aims are to preserve mobility and decrease sleep disorders.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building instrument to assess user satisfaction in communicating with health professionals based on the consensus of the Delphi method

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    Recent research in user-health professionals communication have emphasized the need to develop new instruments to evaluate user satisfaction in communicating with health professionalsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Severe stress urinary incontinence: pelvic floor muscle training program

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    International guidelines recommend a first line therapy in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training. This case report assesses the effects of the PFM training program in treating women with severe SUI. The urodynamic parameters allow diagnosed intrinsic sphincter deficiency and urethral hypermobility. The subjective and objective parameters were assessed at the beginning and after six-month of PFM training program. This case report confirms the efficiency of the intensive training program in severe SUI. The medical implications of the PFM training as first treatment option reflect favourable individual results and additionally contribute to the selection of the non-invasive treatment, the reduction of the incidence collateral effects, low costs and that does not prevent future treatment options

    Avaliação de um programa de saúde sobre asma em meio escolar

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    Avaliar o efeito de um programa sobre asma em estudantes Estudo quase-experimental numa amostra de 44 estudantes (12,48±0,698 anos). O grupo experimental (n= 23) foi sujeito a uma sessão de educação sobre asma e grupo controlo (n= 21) não. Ambos foram avaliados através de um questionário na baseline do estudo e reavaliados uma semana após relativamente a conhecimentos e procedimentos. Obtiveram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre grupos relativamente aos conhecimentos (p<0.001) e comportamentos (p<0.001) sendo estes mais elevados no grupo experimental. O programa teve efeitos positivos na mudança de comportamentos e conhecimentosTo evaluate the effect of an asthma health program in students Quasi-experimental study on a sample of 44 students (12.48 ± 0.698 years). The experimental group (n = 23) was subjected to an educational session on asthma while the control group (n = 21) was not. Both were evaluated by a questionnaire and re-evaluated based on knowledge and procedures a week later. There were significant statistical differences between groups for knowledge p<0.001) and behaviours (p<0.001) which are higher in the experimental group. The program had positive effects on changing behaviours and knowledge