141 research outputs found

    Towards transparent and secure IoT: Device intents declaration, and user privacy self awareness and control

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    In recent years, we have seen a growing wave of integration of new IoT (Internet of Things) technologies into society. The massive integration of these technologies has led to the emergence of several critical issues which have consequently created new challenges, for which no obvious answers have yet been found. One of the main challenges has to do with the security and privacy of information processed by IoT devices present in our daily life. At present there are no guarantees from the manufacturers of such IoT devices, which are connected on our networks, as regards the collection and sending of personal information, nor an expected behavior. Thus, in this work, we developed and tested a solution that aims to increase the privacy and security of information in Networks of IoT devices, from the perspective of controlling the communication of smart devices on the network. To include one tool capable of analyzing packets sent by IoT devices and another capable of defining and allowing the application of network traffic control rules to the packets in question. These tools were indispensable for investigation of the two central aspects of this dissertation, which are investigating how the declarations of communication intentions of the IoT devices specified by the manufacturers are used, in order to facilitate control of communication by consumers and enable them to detect violations of those intentions, and how to give users/consumers control over IoT communication, so that they can define what they do and do not want their devices to communicate.Nos últimos anos, assistimos a uma onda de crescimento da integração de novas tecnologias IoT (Internet Of Things) na sociedade. A integração massiva destas tecnologias levou ao aparecimento de vários aspetos críticos que, consequentemente, criou novos desafios, para os quais ainda não foram dadas respostas óbvias. Um dos principais desafios diz respeito à segurança e privacidade da informação dos dispositivos IoT presentes no nosso dia-a-dia. Atualmente, não existem quaisquer garantias por parte dos fabricantes destes equipamentos IoT, que estão conectados nas nossas redes, relativamente à recolha e envio de informação pessoal realizada pelos mesmos, bem como um comportamento expectável. Assim, neste trabalho, desenvolvemos e testamos uma solução que cujo objetivo é aumentar a privacidade e segurança da informação em redes de dispositivos IoT, na perspetiva do controlo da comunicação dos dispositivos inteligentes na rede. Para incluir-se uma ferramenta capaz de efetuar análise dos pacotes enviados pelos dispositivos IoT e uma outra capaz de definir e permitir a aplicação de regras de controlo de tráfego de rede aos pacotes mencionados. Estas ferramentas foram indispensáveis para a investigação dos dois aspetos centrais desta dissertação, que são a investigação de como as declarações de intenções de comunicação dos dispositivos IoT especificados pelos fabricantes são utilizadas, para facilitarem o controlo de comunicação destes pelos consumidores e permitir-lhes detetar violações dessas intenções e como atribuir ao utilizador/consumidor controlo sobre a comunicação IoT, para que este possa explicitar o pretende e não pretende que os seus dispositivos comuniquem

    Aplicación del polimedia en el ámbito educativo

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    Polimedia is a room created for benefit of all. Actualy, we can say that a tool with that exists innovating and productive we can record a information, to reproduce it on a presentation to power point, like complementary explanation to the information that is offered. The basic function is to include a information, the vision and oral communication of the author and to offer the possibility, to visualize it so many times as it is necessary. The University of Huelva, has believed in this project, believes in the opportunity to offer an innovating resource and the benefits that contribute are numerous for teaching.Polimedia es una sala creada para beneficio de todos. Actualmente, podemos decir que existe una herramienta innovadora y productiva con la que podemos grabar una información y reproducirla sobre una presentación power point como explicación complementaria a la información que se ofrece. La función básica es incluir a la información textual, la visión y comunicación oral del autor, además de ofrecer la posibilidad de visualizarla tantas veces como sea necesario. La Universidad de Huelva ha creído en este proyecto, pues cree en la oportunidad de ofrecer un recurso innovador y que los beneficios que aporta son cuantiosos para la docencia

    Hepatitis B among Pacific Islanders in Southern California: how is health information associated with screening and vaccination?

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    We measured Hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission knowledge and self-reported screening/testing behavior among Pacific Islanders (Guamanians/Chamorros, Samoans, and Tongans) in Southern California. We also examined access and trust by Pacific Islanders of varying health information sources. We administered and analyzed survey data (N = 297), using a convenience sample in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties in spring 2009. We found that while Pacific Islander respondents reported that they receive health information from physicians, and largely trust this source, information from and trust in physicians were not statistically significant in explaining whether respondents sought HBV screening or vaccination

    La formación universitaria en entornos virtuales en la Universidad de Huelva

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    El ámbito de la docencia universitaria debe estar alerta y a la vez, ser pionera en los nuevos cambios que estamos viviendo. Por ello, es imprescindible la adaptación de los sistemas docentes, tanto en metodología como en materias impartidas, si queremos seguir siendo una institución de referencia en el avance cultural y social. Un claro ejemplo, de que se está llevando a cabo estos cambios en las universidades españolas, concretamente en Andalucía, es el caso de la Universidad de Huelva. Que incorpora por primera vez, la modalidad de enseñanza virtual, en una de sus Facultades, con el propósito de incrementar su campo de acción. Esta modalidad, permite al estudiante desarrollar sus estudios a través de una plataforma de teleformación, contando además con clases de apoyo presenciales con periodicidad mensual.University teaching must be alert to the new changes that we are living and at the same time, be pioneering. For that reason, the adaptation of educational systems, in methodology as matters is essential if we want to continue being on institution of reference in this cultural and social advance. A clear example of these changes being carried out in Spanish universities, mainly in Andalusia, is in the case of the University of Huelva. For the first time it incorporates the method of virtual education in one of its faculties in order to increase its field of study. This method allows students to develop their studies through education learning as well trough monthly tutorials

    Salario emocional y compromiso organizacional en colaboradores adultos de 25 a 59 años de Lima Norte, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el salario emocional y el compromiso organizacional en colaboradores adultos de 25 a 59 años de Lima Norte, 2022. Fue de diseño no experimental, correlacional y descriptivo. La muestra fue de 359 colaboradores entre 25 y 59 años, de ambos sexos residentes de lima norte. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Salario Emocional (CSE) de Minchán (2017) y el Cuestionario de Compromiso Organizacional (CCO) de Meyer et al. (1993). Los resultados corroboraron las hipótesis. Se obtuvo que existe una correlación directa y altamente significativa (r=.469; p=0) entre ambas variables. A su vez, cada variable es correlacionada directa y significativamente con las dimensiones de la otr

    Not “big is bad” but “closed is bad”? Exploring dynamic competition in generative AI

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    Scholars have seized upon studies on economic concentration to revive the idea that “big is bad”. A recent addition to the literature, by James Bessen, shares a concern for declining disruption rates but argues instead that “closed is bad”. We review this debate, concluding that neither fully grapples with the dynamic competition paradigm. The theory of dynamic competition offers important nuances to current understandings of competition, and in particular the role of innovation, which we illustrate via a case study of generative AI. We then turn to policy measures, and in particular those under the “unbundling” umbrella, i.e., breaking ties, mandating interoperability, and imposing data sharing. Each of these measures is finding its way into the EU policy framework. We show that, though such measures can make sense in specific circumstances, the challenges – both conceptual and practical – are not to be underestimated. We build on our generative AI case study to highlight the opportunities and risks involved, which confirm the desirability of a case-specific approach

    Case Study in Chamorro Community and Academic Engagement for a Community-Partnered Research Approach

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    Objective: We describe the development of a community and academic research partnership, share reflections on processes for collaborations, and identify key factors for establishing strong and effective relationships to foster high-quality research. Background: A community-based participatory research (CBPR) effort evaluating a community-based patient navigation program assisting Chamorro women to access breast cancer services in Southern California served as the foundation for the development of the community-academic partnership. Methods: Using a CBPR approach focusing on active involvement of community members, organizational representatives, and academic researchers in all aspects of research process, faculty from a research university and a local community-based organization were brought together to build a partnership. Community and academic partners engaged in a series of meetings where dialogue focused on developing and nurturing trust and shared values, respect for community knowledge, and establishing community-defined and prioritized needs and goals. Partners have also focused on defining and developing explicit structures and policies to implement an equal partnership. Results: Experiences and lessons learned are shared, reflecting the processes of relationship building, and planning and implementing preliminary research steps. Lessons Learned: Adequate time for relationship-building, open and honest communication, flexibility, and ongoing examination of assumptions are keys to developing successful CBPR partnerships

    Financing air traffic management : is there a need for a new approach?

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    Air Traffic Management (ATM) is a set of services which every State must provide for the safe and efficient operation of air traffic. Today, it is almost entirely financed by user fees according to the “user pays” principle. Until today, the “user” has always been assumed to be the airspace user, normally an airline. This system comes under pressure today: current Single European Sky (SES) regulation is built on the assumption that air traffic in Europe continuously increases. Thus, the financing of ATM would be secured by increasing revenue due to higher traffic volumes. Technological progress and efficiency gains should lead to reduced cost and lower environmental footprint of aviation while increasing safety and capacity. Two crises – the financial and banking crisis of 2008 and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic – show that the assumptions of this regulatory framework are wrong. Additionally, there is the question of who the actual “users” are. Does ATM only serve paying airlines, or are there some services which are provided in the public interest? Turning the wheel back and promoting a full cost recovery financing model would be contrary to the logic of regulating monopolistic infrastructure providers. But it is a fact that recent events raise the question as to whether the current financing model, which is ultimately market based, is still adequate. With the pressure to increase the efficiency of the SES for environmental reasons, one may wonder whether some baseline public financing for the critical infrastructure portion of the ATM – which could be different from country to country – could not mean a step towards a better charging scheme and therefore a step towards the leading ideas behind the SES and the European Green Deal. In light of the above, the 19th Florence Air Forum brought together relevant stakeholders to discuss opportunities and challenges for ATM financing

    Attenuation lengths of high energy photoelectrons in compact and mesoporous SiO2 films

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    El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print.We have experimentally evaluated attenuation lengths (AL) of photoelectrons traveling in compact and micro and mesoporous (∼ 45% voids) SiO 2 thin films with high (8.2-13.2 keV) kinetic energies. The films were grown on polished Si(100) wafers. ALs were deduced from the intensity ratio of the Si 1s signal from the SiO 2 film and Si substrate using the two-peaks overlayer method. We obtain ALs of 15-22 nm and 23-32 nm for the compact and porous SiO 2 films for the range of kinetic energies considered. The observed AL values follow a power law dependence on the kinetic energy of the electrons where the exponent takes the values 0.81 ± 0.13 and 0.72 ± 0.12 for compact and porous materials, respectively. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We thank the Spanish MICINN (projects MAT2010-18447 and Consolider CSD2008-00023 and CPAN CSD2007-42) for financial support.Peer Reviewe