2 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodatka brašna od brakteja banane (Musa spp.) na miševe hranjene hranom s velikim udjelom masnoća

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    Research background. The extensive cultivation of bananas (Musa sp.) is related to producing tons of residues, such as leaves, pseudostems and bracts (inflorescences). The banana bract is a commercially interesting residue due to its dietary fibre content and high antioxidant potential. With this in mind, this study evaluates the effects of administering banana bract flour in animal models fed a cafeteria diet. Experimental approach. Thirty-two male rats were divided into 4 groups: (i) control diet, (ii) control diet with 10 % banana bract flour, (iii) hypercaloric diet, and (iv) hypercaloric diet with 10 % bract banana flour. The study was conducted for 12 weeks and included analysis of phenolic compounds, assessment of the antioxidant effect of banana bract flour, determination of serum biochemical parameters (glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), amylase, albumin, uric acid, creatine, total protein, and oral glucose), determination of faecal fat content, and histomorphological analysis of the liver, pancreas and adipose tissue. In addition, molecular parameters such as IL6, total and phosphorylated JNK, total and phosphorylated IKKβ, TNFα, TLR4 and HSP70 were determined. Results and conclusions. The banana bract flour showed a high content of phenolic compounds and an antioxidant effect. The in vivo results suggest that the supplementation of a hypercaloric diet with banana bract flour prevented pathological damage by reducing total cholesterol and glucose amounts, which may imply a hepatoprotective effect of this supplement. Thus, using banana bract flour as a supplement can increase the consumption of fibre, antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Novelty and scientific contribution. The development of flour from banana waste and its inclusion in the diet can prevent and/or help treat obesity. In addition, the use of banana bracts can help protect the environment, as they are considered a source of waste by the food industry.Pozadina istraživanja. Pri ekstenzivnom uzgoju banana (Musa sp.) nastaje velika količina otpadaka, kao što su lišće, prividno deblo i cvjetne brakteje. Brakteje banane su od komercijalnog interesa, jer su bogate vlaknima i imaju veliki antioksidacijski potencijal. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka brašna od brakteja banane na životinje hranjene hranom s velikim udjelom masnoća. Eksperimentalni pristup. Trideset i dva mužjaka miševa podijeljena su u četiri skupine ovisno o hranidbi: (i) kontrolna prehrana, (ii) kontrolna prehrana s dodatkom 10 % brašna od brakteja banane, (iii) hiperkalorična prehrana i (iv) hiperkalorična prehrana s dodatkom 10 % brašna od brakteja banane. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 12 tjedana, te je obuhvaćalo ispitivanje udjela fenolnih spojeva i antioksidacijskog učinka brašna od brakteja banane, određivanje biokemijskih pokazatelja u serumu (koncentracije glukoze, ukupnog kolesterola i triglicerida, aktivnosti aspartat aminotransferaze (AST), alanin transaminaze (ALT) i amilaze, te koncentracije albumina, mokraćne kiseline, kreatinina, ukupnih proteina i oralne glukoze), masenog udjela lipida u stolici, te histomorfološku analizu tkiva jetre, gušterače i masnog tkiva. Uz to, ispitana je prisutnost molekula kao što su interleukin 6 (IL6), ukupne i fosforilirane kinaze JNK i IKKβ, tumorski faktor nekroze alfa (TNFα), Toll-u sličan receptor 4 (TLR4) i protein toplinskog šoka 70 (HSP70). Rezultati i zaključci. Brašno od brakteja banane imalo je velik udjel fenolnih spojeva i izražen antioksidacijski učinak. Rezultati dobiveni ispitivanjem in vivo pokazuju da su se dodatkom tog brašna hiperkaloričnoj prehrani smanjile koncentracije ukupnog kolosterola i glukoze u krvi, te spriječilo patološko oštećenje organa, što upućuje na mogući hepatoprotektivni učinak ovog dodatka hrani. Zaključeno je da se dodatkom ovog brašna povećava unos vlakana, antioksidanasa i bioaktivnih spojeva u organizam. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Pripremom brašna od brakteja banane i njegovim dodatkom prehrani moguće je spriječiti ili smanjiti pretilost. Osim toga, korištenje brakteja banana pomaže zaštiti okoliša, jer predstavljaju otpad iz prehrambene industrije

    Elaboração de sorvete de cupuaçu utilizando fibra de casca de maracujá como substituto de gordura

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    Consumers have recently sought to adopt a healthy lifestyle, so the food industry has been studying ways to incorporate healthier ingredients that can help in reducing caloric, fat and sugars, adding nutritional value to the product. Dietary fiber can be used as a substitute for fat and sugar in food products. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of replacing the fat of the cupuaçu ice cream with the fiber of passion fruit peel. Three different ice cream formulations were tested: F1 – with fat and without fiber from passion fruit peel (standard); F2 – without fat, with 0,4% fiber from passion fruit peel; F3 – without fat, with 0,8% fiber from passion fruit peel. Sensory evaluation was performed with all three formulations produced to determine their public acceptability and purchase intention. Physical-chemical analysis determined their centesimal composition, calories, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, overrun and melting rate. The sensory evaluation indicated an acceptability higher than 70%, indicating potential marketing acceptability. Physical-chemical analysis indicated that the formulations with added fiber from passion fruit peel (F2 and F3) are less caloric, have more fiber and overrun when compared to the standard formulation (F1). The melting rate and the titratable acidity were similar for all concentrations. Although, the formulations F2 and F3 are lower in pH and soluble solids when compared to the standard formulation (F1). The formulation with 0,8% fiber from passion fruit peel was well accepted by testers, being an alternative for ice cream production, increasing its nutritional value and reducing calories.Recentemente, os consumidores têm buscado adotar um estilo de vida saudável, dessa forma a indústria alimentícia vem estudando formas de incorporar ingredientes mais saudáveis e que possam auxiliar na redução calórica, de gordura e açúcares, agregando valor nutricional ao produto. As fibras alimentares podem ser utilizadas como substituto de gordura e açúcar nos produtos alimentícios. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a possibilidade de substituir a gordura do sorvete de cupuaçu pela fibra de casca de maracujá. Foram preparadas três formulações de sorvete: F1 padrão (com gordura e sem fibra de casca de maracujá) e as demais sem gordura e com diferentes concentrações de fibra de casca de maracujá: 0,4% (F2) e 0,8% (F3). Os sorvetes elaborados foram submetidos a testes sensoriais para análise da aceitabilidade do produto e intenção de compra, e análises físico-químicas objetivaram a determinação da composição centesimal, valor calórico, pH, acidez titulável, teor de sólidos solúveis, overrun e taxa de derretimento. A análise sensorial mostrou que todas as formulações apresentaram índice de aceitabilidade maior que 70%, indicando boa comercialização do produto. De acordo com as análises físico-químicas, os sorvetes adicionados de fibra de casca de maracujá em substituição à gordura apresentaram menor valor calórico e maior teor de fibras e overrun que o produto padrão. A taxa de derretimento e a acidez titulável mostraram semelhanças em todos os sorvetes. As amostras F2 e F3 revelaram menor pH e sólidos solúveis em comparação à F1 (padrão). A adição de até 0,8% de fibra de casca de maracujá foi bem aceita pelos provadores, tornando-se uma alternativa na elaboração de sorvetes que agrega valor nutricional e redução calórica ao produto