248 research outputs found
Educational System Assessment: Italy And Finland, Comparative Case Study
Educational system assessment allows the evaluation of some learningoutcomes and permits the continuous monitoring of educational processes.The aim of this study is to explore the ways used to assess and evaluateschool systems and universities and students’ learning outcomes in Italy andFinland, two important educational realities as shown in PISA (Programmefor International Student Assessment) results (OECD, 2019). The attention isfocused on common and uncommon practices employed in each country andon perceptions that the educational system assessment creates in those whoevaluate and in those evaluated. Ten stakeholders from Italy and Finlandparticipated in focus groups or interviews one to one audio-taped,transcribed and analysed using qualitative methods. The results underlinethat the evaluation of school systems and universities helps build a largedatabase and that the evaluation process have to be made with trust betweenstakeholders involved, with innovation and awareness. The generalacceptance is increasing: stakeholders from two contexts consideredhighlight that, in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness, schoolsystems and universities need a formative assessment and evaluation inwhich everyone is involved from central educational institutions to teachersand students.Mattarelli, E.; De Santis, C. (2020). Educational System Assessment: Italy And Finland, Comparative Case Study. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):399-406. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11076OCS39940630-05-202
La lingua prima, le altre lingue. Quale politica linguistica per la scuola e l’Università ?
Cet article offre au lecteur un compte-rendu du séminaire de recherche sur la politique linguistique et de l’éducation plurilingue qui a eu lieu à Bologne le 28 novembre 2018, avec la participation de Claude Hagège (Collège de France) et Francesco Sabatini (Accademia della Crusca). Les orateurs se sont concentrés sur la relation entre la première langue (français ou bien italien) et d'autres langues européennes, y compris une langue “envahissante” telle que l'anglais. Tout en visant à une éducation plurilingue, les deux linguistes ont dessiné une articulation différente du parcours scolaire: pour Hagège il s’agit de promouvoir le bilinguisme précoce et l'immersion linguistique, alors que Sabatini se penche sur une ouverture progressive à plusieurs variétés de la langue maternelle ainsi qu’à différentes langues étrangères. Les deux ont souligné la nécessité d'une formation continue et prolongée dans les langues vivantes étrangères, tout en affirmant l'importance de l'étude des langues classiques. Les deux orateurs ont également insisté sur l’importance de la préparation en linguistique des futurs enseignants.This article is the full account of the research seminar on language policy and multilingual education held in Bologna on November 28, 2018, with the participation of Claude Hagège (Collège de France) and Francesco Sabatini (Accademia della Crusca). The speakers concentrated on the relationship between the first language (French or Italian, here) and other European languages, including an “intrusive” language such as English. While multilingual education was their focal point, the two linguists sketched a different picture of how it should be done: for Hagège, it means promoting bilingualism and immersion at the earliest possible age, whereas for Sabatini, it should be a progressive exposure to several varieties of the first language as well as of foreign languages. Both stressed the need for a prolonged and continuing education in foreign tongues, as well as the importance of studying the classics. Both also underscored the importance of linguistics in teacher training
Capace che sia giusto? Sulla scelta tra "capace a" e "capace di"
Sulle reggenze preposizionali dell'aggettivo "capace
La frase complessa in una prospettiva valenziale
La frase "complessa", intesa come ampliamento della frase "semplice", \ue8 qui ridefinita alla luce di un modello di riferimento che ne mette a fuoco l'architettura gerarchica, le diverse possibilit\ue0 di costruzione (grazie a subordinate completive, non completive, relative) e le alternative possibili nella costruzione di un testo. Un percorso graduato e ragionato alla scoperta del periodo visto come sviluppo della frase semplice e delle sue diverse aeree (nucleo, modificatori del nome e del verbo, espressioni circostanziali) e proiettato, come opzione possibile, all'interno di un repertorio di scelte che la lingua e la tradizione letteraria ci mettono a disposizione per esprimere rapporti tra eventi. L'articolo rientra ella Prima I ("Introduzione al modello") di uno Speciale dal titolo "RIFLESSIONE SULLA LINGUA E MODELLO VALENZIALE", curato da Elena Maria Duso e Walter Paschetto per la Sezione "Educazione Linguistica" della rivista "Italiano LinguaDue" (pp. 225-486), con contributi di Elena Maria Duso, Francesco Sabatini, Maria G. Lo Duca, Donatella Lovison, Cristiana De Santis, Elena Martinelli, Claudia Provenzano, Laura Vanelli, Michele Prandi, Diana Vedovato e Vera Zanette, Federica di Maria, Chiara Giannone, Paola Iannacci e Paola Marinetto, Maria Rizzato
Il contributo di Proverbio al rinnovamento della riflessione grammaticale in Italia
L'articolo si sofferma sull'importanza del latinista Germano Proverbio per il rinnovamento della riflessione grammaticale in Italiana: sia per il suo ruolo di divulgatore delle idee di Lucien Tesnière in Italia, sia per le sue ricerche sulla grammatica della dipendenza (o delle valenze) applicata alle lingue classiche e moderne a alla glottodidattica.
The article focuses on the importance of Germano Proverbio for the renewal of language didactics in Italy: both through his commitment to the dissemination of Tesnière’s ideas to an audience of scholars and teachers, and his research on dependency grammar applied to Latin and Italian language
Se "avallo" una proposta la accetto, se la "avvallo" cerco di insabbiarla
Parere linguistico sull'alternativa tra avallare e avvallare, redatto per il servizio di consulenza linguistica dell'Accademia della Crusc
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