2 research outputs found

    Non-destructive methods to estimate physical aging of plywood

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    This paper studies the relationship between aging, physical changes and the results of non-destructive testing of plywood. 176 pieces of plywood were tested to analyze their actual and estimated density using non-destructive methods (screw withdrawal force and ultrasound wave velocity) during a laboratory aging test. From the results of statistical analysis it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between the non-destructive measurements carried out, and the decline in the physical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate board density. The best results are obtained with ultrasound. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented

    Con-sentido : modos de hacer en el IES Albalat

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    Convocatoria proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2020/2021Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Albalat de Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) cuyo objetivo principal era sistematizar el proceso de producción visual, musical y audiovisual del centro, como una metodología propia, transversal a las distintas propuestas pedagogicas que se llevan a cabo, para convertirla en un modelo de enseñanza original que defina al centro. Se parte de la idea de que trabajar con los formatos audiovisuales producen un impacto emocional y cognitivo en los alumnos y, por tanto, la sistematización de estos cauces permite mejorar su educaciónExtremaduraES