48 research outputs found

    Rethinking Guard Cell Metabolism

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    Stomata control gaseous fluxes between the internal leaf air spaces and the external atmosphere and, therefore, play a pivotal role in regulating CO 2 uptake for photosynthesis as well as water loss through transpiration. Guard cells, which flank the stomata, undergo adjustments in volume, resulting in changes in pore aperture. Stomatal opening is mediated by the complex regulation of ion transport and solute biosynthesis. Ion transport is exceptionally well understood, whereas our knowledge of guard cell metabolism remains limited, despite several decades of research. In this review, we evaluate the current literature on metabolism in guard cells, particularly the roles of starch, sucrose, and malate. We explore the possible origins of sucrose, including guard cell photosynthesis, and discuss new evidence that points to multiple processes and plasticity in guard cell metabolism that enable these cells to function effectively to maintain optimal stomatal aperture. We also discuss the new tools, techniques, and approaches available for further exploring and potentially manipulating guard cell metabolism to improve plant water use and productivity

    Rethinking Guard Cell Metabolism

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    Transitory Starch Metabolism in Guard Cells: Unique Features for a Unique Function

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    Blue Light Induces a Distinct Starch Degradation Pathway in Guard Cells for Stomatal Opening

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    Stomatal pores form a crucial interface between the leaf mesophyll and the atmosphere, controlling water and carbon balance in plants [1]. Major advances have been made in understanding the regulatory networks and ion fluxes in the guard cells surrounding the stomatal pore [2]. However, our knowledge on the role of carbon metabolism in these cells is still fragmentary [3-5]. In particular, the contribution of starch in stomatal opening remains elusive [6]. Here, we used Arabidopsis thaliana as a model plant to provide the first quantitative analysis of starch turnover in guard cells of intact leaves during the diurnal cycle. Starch is present in guard cells at the end of night, unlike in the rest of the leaf, but is rapidly degraded within 30 min of light. This process is critical for the rapidity of stomatal opening and biomass production. We exploited Arabidopsis molecular genetics to define the mechanism and regulation of guard cell starch metabolism, showing it to be mediated by a previously uncharacterized pathway. This involves the synergistic action of β-amylase 1 (BAM1) and α-amylase 3 (AMY3) - enzymes that are normally not required for nighttime starch degradation in other leaf tissues. This pathway is under the control of the phototropin-dependent blue-light signaling cascade and correlated with the activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Our results show that guard cell starch degradation has an important role in plant growth by driving stomatal responses to light

    The evolution of functional complexity within the β-amylase gene family in land plants

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    Background β-Amylases (BAMs) are a multigene family of glucan hydrolytic enzymes playing a key role not only for plant biology but also for many industrial applications, such as the malting process in the brewing and distilling industries. BAMs have been extensively studied in Arabidopsis thaliana where they show a surprising level of complexity in terms of specialization within the different isoforms as well as regulatory functions played by at least three catalytically inactive members. Despite the importance of BAMs and the fact that multiple BAM proteins are also present in other angiosperms, little is known about their phylogenetic history or functional relationship. Results Here, we examined 961 β-amylase sequences from 136 different algae and land plant species, including 66 sequenced genomes and many transcriptomes. The extraordinary number and the diversity of organisms examined allowed us to reconstruct the main patterns of β-amylase evolution in land plants. We identified eight distinct clades in angiosperms, which results from extensive gene duplications and sub- or neo-functionalization. We discovered a novel clade of BAM, absent in Arabidopsis, which we called BAM10. BAM10 emerged before the radiation of seed plants and has the feature of an inactive enzyme. Furthermore, we report that BAM4 – an important protein regulating Arabidopsis starch metabolism – is absent in many relevant starch-accumulating crop species, suggesting that starch degradation may be differently regulated between species. Conclusions BAM proteins originated sometime more than 400 million years ago and expanded together with the differentiation of plants into organisms of increasing complexity. Our phylogenetic analyses provide essential insights for future functional studies of this important class of storage glucan hydrolases and regulatory proteins

    Mechanistic Insights into Glucan Phosphatase Activity against Polyglucan Substrates

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    Glucan phosphatases are central to the regulation of starch and glycogen metabolism. Plants contain two known glucan phosphatases, Starch EXcess4 (SEX4) and Like Sex Four2 (LSF2), which dephosphorylate starch. Starch is water-insoluble and reversible phosphorylation solubilizes its outer surface allowing processive degradation. Vertebrates contain a single known glucan phosphatase, laforin, that dephosphorylates glycogen. In the absence of laforin, water-soluble glycogen becomes insoluble, leading to the neurodegenerative disorder Lafora Disease. Because of their essential role in starch and glycogen metabolism glucan phosphatases are of significant interest, yet a comparative analysis of their activities against diverse glucan substrates has not been established. We identify active site residues required for specific glucan dephosphorylation, defining a glucan phosphatase signature motif (CζAGΨGR) in the active site loop. We further explore the basis for phosphate position-specific activity of these enzymes and determine that their diverse phosphate position-specific activity is governed by the phosphatase domain. In addition, we find key differences in glucan phosphatase activity toward soluble and insoluble polyglucan substrates, resulting from the participation of ancillary glucan-binding domains. Together, these data provide fundamental insights into the specific activity of glucan phosphatases against diverse polyglucan substrates

    Salinity in Autumn-Winter Season and Fruit Quality of Tomato Landraces

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    Tomato landraces, originated by adaptive responses to local habitats, are considered a valuable resource for many traits of agronomic interest, including fruit nutritional quality. Primary and secondary metabolites are essential determinants of fruit organoleptic quality, and some of them, such as carotenoids and phenolics, have been associated with beneficial proprieties for human health. Landraces' fruit taste and flavour are often preferred by consumers compared to the commercial varieties' ones. In an autumn-winter greenhouse hydroponic experiment, the response of three Southern-Italy tomato landraces (Ciettaicale, Linosa and Corleone) and one commercial cultivar (UC-82B) to different concentrations of sodium chloride (0 mM, 60 mM or 120 mM NaCl) were evaluated. At harvest, no losses in marketable yield were noticed in any of the tested genotypes. However, under salt stress, fresh fruit yield as well as fruit calcium concentration were higher affected in the commercial cultivar than in the landraces. Furthermore, UC-82B showed a trend of decreasing lycopene and total antioxidant capacity with increasing salt concentration, whereas no changes in these parameters were observed in the landraces under 60 mM NaCl. Landraces under 120 mM NaCl accumulated more fructose and glucose in the fruits, while salt did not affect hexoses levels in UC-82B. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis revealed differential accumulation of glycoalkaloids, phenolic acids, flavonoids and their derivatives in the fruits of all genotypes under stress. Overall, the investigated Italian landraces showed a different behaviour compared to the commercial variety UC-82B under moderate salinity stress, showing a tolerable compromise between yield and quality attributes. Our results point to the feasible use of tomato landraces as a target to select interesting genetic traits to improve fruit quality under stress conditions

    Guard Cell Starch Degradation Yields Glucose for Rapid Stomatal Opening in Arabidopsis.

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    Starch in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) guard cells is rapidly degraded at the start of the day by the glucan hydrolases α-AMYLASE3 (AMY3) and β-AMYLASE1 (BAM1) to promote stomatal opening. This process is activated via phototropin-mediated blue light signaling downstream of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. It remains unknown how guard cell starch degradation integrates with light-regulated membrane transport processes in the fine control of stomatal opening kinetics. We report that H+, K+, and Cl- transport across the guard cell plasma membrane is unaltered in the amy3 bam1 mutant, suggesting that starch degradation products do not directly affect the capacity to transport ions. Enzymatic quantification revealed that after 30 min of blue light illumination, amy3 bam1 guard cells had similar malate levels as the wild type, but had dramatically altered sugar homeostasis, with almost undetectable amounts of Glc. Thus, Glc, not malate, is the major starch-derived metabolite in Arabidopsis guard cells. We further show that impaired starch degradation in the amy3 bam1 mutant resulted in an increase in the time constant for opening of 40 min. We conclude that rapid starch degradation at dawn is required to maintain the cytoplasmic sugar pool, clearly needed for fast stomatal opening. The conversion and exchange of metabolites between subcellular compartments therefore coordinates the energetic and metabolic status of the cell with membrane ion transport