3 research outputs found

    Red clays indicate sub-aerial exposure of the Rio Grande Rise during the Eocene volcanic episode

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    Abstract Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) mapping of the western Rio Grande Rise (RGR), South Atlantic, and subsequent exploration and photography of horizontal lava flows exposed in near vertical, faulted escarpments, showed occurrences of red clays/weathered volcanic tops trapped between successive alkaline lava flows. These red clays indicate a hiatus in successive volcanic eruptions. Here, we report detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and rock magnetic characteristics of one such distinct red clay dredged from ~ 650 m water depth in the western RGR. The mineral constituents of the red clay are kaolinite, magnetite, oxidized magnetite (/maghemite), hematite, and goethite, with biogenic calcite and halite occupying voids or precipitated on the surface of the red clay. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) has a value of 93, showing that red clay is a product of extreme chemical weathering of the lava flows. The alkaline volcanic rocks recovered from nearby show an age of ~ 44 Ma, indicating an Eocene age for the volcanism. We show that the red clays are a product of sub-aerial chemical weathering of these Eocene volcanic rocks, in a warm-wet climate, before the thermal subsidence of the RGR to its modern-day bathymetric depth

    Growth of ferromanganese crusts on bioturbated soft substrate, Tropic Seamount, northeast Atlantic ocean

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    The growth of ferromanganese (FeMn) crusts on soft substrates is uncommon. FeMn crusts generally accrete on hard-rock surfaces, where sedimentation rates are low and the rocks free of sediment cover. Here we use X-ray Powder Diffraction, Fourier Transform-Infra Red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray Computed Micro-Tomography, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Particle Size Distribution analysis to investigate FeMn crusts associated with a porous, weakly consolidated, and bioturbated siltstone consisting mainly of authigenic palygorskite. FeMn crusts occur both on the surface of the siltstone and as FeMn lining and/or infilling of bioturbation burrows. Our results show that variations in the water redox conditions lead to a micrometric alternation of hydrogenetic vernadite and diagenetic todorokite and asbolane. These variations affected the oxidation state of Mn, which increased during the diagenetic formation of todorokite. The mineralogy of the FeMn oxides lining bioturbation traces is similar to that of the crusts growing on the siltstone, suggesting that they are genetically related and probably contemporaneous. Bioturbation burrows lined by FeMn oxides are unfilled (the siltstone porosity is 5–10%) or filled by bioclastic carbonate sediment. The soft siltstone possibly resulted from the alteration of volcaniclastic-pyroclastic sediments, forming authigenic palygorskite. Bioturbation of the sediment by burrowing organisms lead to seawater percolation, followed by hydrogenetic or diagenetic precipitation of FeMn linings under oxic/suboxic conditions within the burrows. These findings emphasize the importance of weakly-consolidated substrates with bioturbation cavities for the formation of marine polymetallic deposits