13 research outputs found

    Tropos Requirements Analysis for defining a Tropos tool

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    Tropos, a novel agent-oriented software engineering methodology, is characterized by three key points: (i) it pays much attention to the activities that precede the specification of the prescriptive requirements, such as understanding how the intended system would meet the organizational goals; (ii) it uses the same mentalistic notions of actors, goals, plans, and actors intentional dependencies, along all the phases of requirement analysis and system design; (iii) it foresees a process of requirement and system modeling that is incremental and iterative, based on a set of progressive transformational steps. As a result, Tropos offers a much more homogeneous approach for the different development phases than most other approaches, also providing for a powerful support for the intentional analysis of actor requirements and their correspondence with the adopted solutions and for a consistent use of traceability. The present paper will take into account the application of the Tropos methodology to a self-motivating case study: the definition of a support tool for the Tropos methodology itself. Unlike in previous papers, here the attention will be concentrated on the early requirements and on how to manage the transition from this to the late requirement analysis. In other terms, the focus will mainly be on point (i), among those listed above, and on the high level characteristics of the iterative transformational process mentioned at point (iii), also as applied to the transition from early requirements to late requirements

    Applying Tropos Methodology to a real case study: Complexity and Criticality Analysis

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    Currently in Requirements Engineering the attention is being focused more and more on the understanding of a problem by studying the existing organizational setting in which the system will operate. In this paper we present the application of the Tropos early requirements analysis to a real case study, the Ice Co. We introduce a new type of analysis for actor diagrams based on two different parameters, complexity and criticality, and we show the results we obtained during the case study

    Tropos: una Metodologia ed un Linguaggio di Modellazione Visuale Semiformale

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    Tropos e` una nuova metodologia basata sul paradigma dei sistemi multi-agente che supporta il progettista in tutto il processo di sviluppo del software, dall`analisi dei requisiti all`implementazione del sistema. Essa vuole offrire un approccio strutturato allo sviluppo del software, basato sulla costruzione di modelli concettuali definiti secondo un linguaggio di modellazione visuale, i cui elementi base sono concetti quali agente (attore), credenze, obiettivi, piani e intenzioni. Tropos si caratterizza per tre idee chiave: (i) le nozioni di agente, goal, piani e altre nozioni mentalistiche sono usate lungo tutte le fasi di sviluppo del software; (ii) l`adozione di un approccio allo sviluppo del software guidato dai requisiti anziche` dai vincoli dettati dalla piattaforma di implementazione scelta; (iii) la costruzione di modelli concettuali seguendo un approccio trasformazionale di tipo incrementale. Questa tesi si colloca all`interno di un progetto che coinvolge diverse > universita` e istituti di ricerca nel mondo, tra le quali l`Universita` degli Studi di Trento e l`ITC - IRST. Obiettivo di questa tesi e` quello di sviluppare il cuore della metodologia: il linguaggio di modellazione visuale. Il linguaggio utilizzato in Tropos e` un linguaggio di specifica semiformale caratterizzato da un`ontologia, un meta-modello, una notazione grafica e un insieme di regole. L`ontologia e` rappresentata da un insieme di concetti per la modellazione (attori, goal, piani) e di relazioni tra questi (dipendenze). Il meta-modello (descritto tramite diagrammi delle classi UML) e` necessario per la specifica dei modelli Tropos. Ciascun concetto definito all`interno del meta-modello dispone della propria rappresentazione grafica che lo identifica lungo tutte le fasi del processo. Sono disponibili vari diagrammi che catturano aspetti statici e dinamici dei modelli da piu` punti di vista. Ogni diagramma e` costruito seguendo un insieme di regole precise che guidano all`uso dei concetti durante le diverse fasi del processo di sviluppo del softwar

    Applying Tropos Early Requirements Analysis for Defining a Tropos Tool

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    Tropos [8, 6] is a novel agent-oriented software engineering methodology characterized by three key aspects [7]. First, it pays attention to the activities that precede the specification of the prescriptive requirements, like understanding how the intended system would meet the organizational goals. Second, it deals with all the phases of system requirement analysis and all the phases of system design and implementation in a uniform and homogeneous way, based on common mentalistic notions as those of actors, goals, softgoals, plans, resources and intentional dependencies. Third, the methodology rests on the idea of building a model of the system-to-be that is incrementally refined and extended from a conceptual level to executable artifacts, by means of a sequence of transformational steps [1]. One of the main advantages of the Tropos methodology is that it allows to capture not only the what or the how, but also the why a piece of software is developed. This, in tur

    Applying Tropos to requirement analysis for a Tropos tool

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    Tropos, a novel agent-oriented software engineering methodology, is characterized by three key points: (i) it pays much attention to the activities that precede the specification of the prescriptive requirements, such as understanding how the intended system would meet the organizational goals; (ii) it uses the same mentalistic notions of actors, goals, plans, and actors' intentional dependencies, along all the phases of requirement analysis and system design; (iii) it foresees a process of requirement and system modeling that is incremental and iterative, based on a set of progressive transformational steps. As a result, Tropos offers a much more homogeneous approach for the different development phases than most other approaches, also providing for a powerful support for the intentional analysis of actor' requirements and their correspondence with the adopted solutions and for a consistent use of traceability. The present paper will take into account the application of the Tropos methodology to a self-motivating case study: the definition of a support tool for the Tropos methodology itself. Unlike in previous papers, here the attention will be concentrated on the early requirements and on how to manage the transition from this to the late requirement analysis. In other terms, the focus will mainly be on point (i), among those listed above, and on the high level characteristics of the iterative transformational process mentioned at point (iii), also as applied to the transition from early requirements to late requirement

    Requirements Engineering for the Business Process Re-Engineering: an example in the Agro-Food Supply Chain

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    Recent researches in Requirements Engineering and Software Engineering suggest that a deep organizational analysis is needed as a preliminary phase of any project that aims at introducing or modifying the use of Information Technologies inside an organization. Accordingly to this view, the social setting is the motivating factor that justify the technological choices. In this paper, we show with an example how balancing social and business issues can be properly addressed and analyzed by means of the Early Requirements Analysis phase of the Tropos methodology. In particular, we refer to an ongoing project with the goal of proposing web based technologies to spread-off information, data and knowledge on the so-called Genetically Modified Organism

    Analisi delle Procedure di vendita dei lotti boschivi da parte dei proprietari pubblici nella Provincia di Trnto mediante tecniche di ingegneria dei requisiti

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    ITC-Irst collabora con l'A.Q.A di S. Michele all'Adige al progetto di ricerca FORTIS, finanziato dal Fondo Unico per la Ricerca della PAT. L'obiettivo di questo gruppo di lavoro è l'analisi dell'assetto sociale-organizzativo nel settore forestale. Tale analisi viene effettuata applicando in modo innovativo una metodologia dell'Ingegneria dei Requisiti tipicamente utilizzata, nell'Ingegneria del Software, per individuare le caratteristiche che un sistema informativo deve possedere per soddisfare le esigenze dell'utente finale. La metodologia utilizzata per l'analisi della procedura di vendita dei lotti boschivi si chiama Requirements Engineering Framework (REF

    Analisi del Sistema Forestale mediante tecniche di ingegneria dei requisiti orientate all'analisi degli obiettivi

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    L'obiettivo del WP3-Task2 è quello di analizzare il dominio forestale utilizzando tecniche di Ingegneria dei Requisiti basate sull'analisi degli obiettivi rispetto ai vari punti di vista degli attori coinvolti per proporre, analizzare e studiare approcci e soluzioni organizzative e socio-tecnologiche che permettano di migliorare la capacità di comunicare, in modo efficiente ed efficace, del comparto forestale con tutte le parti interessate alla Gestione Forestale Sostenibil