2 research outputs found

    Radiographic and clinical evaluation of implant prosthetic treatment with one piece versus two piece dental implants: A comparative prospective study

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    Dental implants are designed to ensure natural tooth replacement based on improved design, simplified placement, and long-term survival. This study aimed to compare one-piece implant (OPI) and two-piece implant (TPI) to determine the success rate over the TPI. This study conducted on 15 patients selected with the age range of 20–60 years to place OPI and TPI. The surgical consent form duly signed by the patients was procured. The implants used were of Adin Implant System, and a follow-up examination was done at 3, 6, and 9 months after implant loading and various clinical and radiographic parameters were noted for both OPI and TPI. The clinical parameters measured were Silness, and Loe gingival index and probing depth and the radiographic parameters included crestal marginal bone loss. Independent Sample t-test and ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the OPI and TPI based on the gingival index, probing depth, and crestal bone loss. On the contrary, there was a statistical significance in comparing the same parameters during the follow-up period of 3, 6, and 9 months. Over a protracted period, OPIs are better than TPIs by the design and placement procedure. Further research with a higher sample size shall possibly establish esoteric results on a large scale

    Delayed and immediately loaded implants placed in fresh extraction socket – A clinical and radiological study

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    Purpose: To present the outcomes of immediately loaded single implants placed in the anterior region compared to conventional protocol. Methodology: 10 patients requiring single anterior tooth extraction was randomised either into immediate or delayed loaded group. Implants were positioned immediately after extraction and prosthesis was providing for the immediately loaded group. The cases were followed up for a period of 9 months at regular 3-month interval after the placement of definitive crowns. The parameters taken were probing depth, pain score and crestal marginal bone loss. Results: A total of 10 AD1N-Touareg Spiral tapered Implant with spiral tap, 5 immediately loaded and 5 delayed loaded were evaluated. For immediate loaded cases, there was 0.93 ± 0.04 mm bone lost after 3 months, 1.26 ± 0.21 mm after 6 months and 1.72 ± 0.13 mm after 9 months. For delayed loading, there was 0.90 ± 0.02 mm bone lost after 3 months, 1.26 ± 0.15 mm after 6 months and 1.80 ± 0.07 mm after 9 months. Pain and probing depth showed gradual reduction in both the groups during the course of treatment. Conclusion: In the present study, the success rate and radiographic results of immediate loading of implants in freshly extracted sockets in the anterior region where comparable to those obtained from delayed groups