203 research outputs found

    Electron-phonon and electron-electron interaction effects in twisted bilayer graphene

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    By comparing with recently available experimental data from several groups, we critically discuss the manifestation of continuum many body interaction effects in twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) with small twist angles and low carrier densities, which arise naturally within the Dirac cone approximation for the non-interacting band structure. We provide two specific examples of such continuum many body theories: one involving electron-phonon interaction and one involving electron-electron interaction. In both cases, the experimental findings are only partially quantitatively consistent with rather clear-cut leading-order theoretical predictions based on well-established continuum many body theories. We provide a critical discussion, based mainly on the currently available tBLG experimental data, on possible future directions for understanding many body renormalization involving electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions in the system. One definitive conclusion based on the comparison between theory and experiment is that the leading order 1-loop perturbative renormalization group theory completely fails to account for the electron-electron interaction effects in the strong-coupling limit of flatband moir\'e tBLG system near the magic twist angle even at low doping where the Dirac cone approximation should apply. By contrast, approximate nonperturbative theoretical results based on Borel-Pad\'e resummation or 1/N1/N expansion seems to work well compared with experiments, indicating rather small interaction corrections to Fermi velocity or carrier effective mass. For electron-phonon interactions, however, the leading-order continuum theory works well except when van Hove singularities in the density of states come into play.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Identification of superconducting pairing symmetry in twisted bilayer graphene using in-plane magnetic field and strain

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    We show how the pairing symmetry of superconducting states in twisted bilayer graphene can be experimentally identified by theoretically studying effects of externally applied in-plane magnetic field and strain. In the low field regime, superconducting critical temperature TcT_c is suppressed by in-plane magnetic field B∥\boldsymbol{B}_{\parallel} in singlet channels, but is enhanced by weak B∥\boldsymbol{B}_{\parallel} in triplet channels, providing an important distinction. The in-plane angular dependence of the critical B∥,c\boldsymbol{B}_{\parallel, c} has a six-fold rotational symmetry, which is broken when strain is present. We show that anisotropy in B∥,c\boldsymbol{B}_{\parallel, c} generated by strain can be similar for ss- and dd-wave channels in moir\'e superlattices. The dd-wave state is pinned to be nematic by strain and consequently gapless, which is distinguishable from the fully gapped ss-wave state by scanning tunneling measurements.Comment: 5+2 pages, 4 figure

    Ferromagnetism and superconductivity in twisted double bilayer graphene

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    We present a theory of competing ferromagnetic and superconducting orders in twisted double bilayer graphene (TDBG). In our theory, ferromagnetism is induced by Coulomb repulsion, while superconductivity with intervalley equal-spin pairing can be mediated by electron-acoustic phonon interactions. We calculate the transition temperatures for ferromagnetism and superconductivity as a function of moir\'e band filling factor, and find that superconducting domes can appear on both the electron and hole sides of the ferromagnetic insulator at half filling. We show that the ferromagnetic insulating gap has a dome shape dependence on the layer potential difference, which provides an explanation to the experimental observation that the ferromagnetic insulator only develops over a finite range of external displacement field. We also verify the stability of the half-filled ferromagnetic insulator against two types of collective excitations, i.e., spin magnons and valley magnons.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Surface plasmon polaritons in topological Weyl semimetals

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    We consider theoretically surface plasmon polaritons in Weyl semimetals. These materials contain pairs of band touching points - Weyl nodes - with a chiral topological charge, which induces an optical anisotropy and anomalous transport through the chiral anomaly. We show that these effects, which are not present in ordinary metals, have a direct fundamental manifestation in the surface plasmon dispersion. The retarded Weyl surface plasmon dispersion depends on the separation of the Weyl nodes in energy and momentum space. For Weyl semimetals with broken time-reversal symmetry, the distance between the nodes acts as an effective applied magnetic field in momentum space, and the Weyl surface plasmon polariton dispersion is strikingly similar to magnetoplasmons in ordinary metals. In particular, this implies the existence of nonreciprocal surface modes. In addition, we obtain the nonretarded Weyl magnetoplasmon modes, which acquire an additional longitudinal magnetic-field dependence. These predicted surface plasmon results are observable manifestations of the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals and might have technological applications.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum phases of interacting electrons in three-dimensional dirty Dirac semimetals

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    We theoretically study the stability of three dimensional Dirac semimetals against short-range electron-electron interaction and quenched time-reversal symmetric disorder (but excluding mass disorder). First we focus on the clean interacting and the noninteracting dirty Dirac semimetal separately, and show that they support two distinct quantum critical points. Using renormalization group techniques, we find that while interaction driven quantum critical points are \emph{Gaussian} (mean-field) in nature, describing quantum phase transitions into various broken symmetry phases, the ones controlled by disorder are \emph{non-Gaussian}, capturing the transition to a metallic phase. We classify such diffusive quantum critical points based on the transformation of disorder vertices under a \emph{continuous} chiral rotation. Our wek coupling renormalization group analysis suggests that two distinct quantum critical points are stable in an interacting dirty Dirac semimetal (with chiral symmetric randomness), and a multicritical point (at finite interaction and disorder) results from their interplay. By contrast, the chiral symmetry breaking disorder driven critical point is unstable against weak interactions. Effects of weak disorder on the ordering tendencies in Dirac semimetal are analyzed. The clean interacting critical points, however, satisfy the \emph{Harris criterion}, and are therefore expected to be unstable against bond disorder. Although our weak coupling analysis is inadequate to establish the ultimate stability of these fixed points in the strong coupling regime (when both interaction and disorder are strong), they can still govern crossover behaviors in Dirac semimetals over a large length scale, when either interaction or randomness is sufficiently weak.Comment: Published Version: 28 Pages, 10 Figures, 5 Tables, added discussion, new reference

    Island Nucleation in Silicon on Si(111) Growth under Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Recent experiments show that the islanding behavior during chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of Si on Si(111) using disilane (Si2{_2}H6{_6}) is quite different from that due to molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). While the latter can be understood using rate equation theories (RET), the islanding exponent (connecting the power law growth of island density with growth rate) obtained for the CVD growth is a puzzle, with the CVD exponent being almost twice the MBE exponent. We carry out (2+1) dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo(MC) simulations to study this CVD growth. Hydrogen plays a critical role during growth. Disilane breaks up into hydrides on the Si surface. We use MC simulations to explore a number of cases involving one or two migrating species and show that the large islanding exponent is probably due to the presence of two hydrides, one of which has a much shorter lifetime than the other. We modify RET taking this possibility into account in order to shed light on the experimental observation. We calculate the scaling properties of the island distributions using MC simulations and the modified RET, and conclude that the large effective CVD exponents arise from the failure of the simple island number scaling scenario which no longer applies to the two-component situation prevailing under CVD growth conditions.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Building topological quantum circuits: Majorana nanowire junctions

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    Topological quantum computation using non-Abelian Majorana zero modes localized in proximitized semiconductor nanowires requires careful electrostatic control of wire-junctions so as to manipulate and braid the zero modes enabling anyonic fault-tolerant gate operations. We theoretically investigate the topological superconducting properties of such elementary wire-junctions, the so-called T junctions, finding that the existence of the junction may nonperturbatively affect the Majorana behavior by introducing spurious non-topological subgap states mimicking zero-modes. We propose a possible solution to this potentially serious problem by showing that junctions made lithographically from two-dimensional (2D) electron gas systems may manifest robust subgap topological properties without any spurious zero modes. We propose a 2D structure that enables multiprobe tunneling experiments providing position-dependent spectroscopy, which can decisively settle outstanding open questions related to the origin of the zero-bias conductance peaks observed experimentally. We also find that junctions with trivial superconductors may result in local perturbations that induce extrinsic low-energy states similar to those associated with wire junctions.Comment: Published version, 8 pages, 9 figure

    Wiedemann-Franz law and Fermi liquids

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    We consider in depth the applicability of the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law, namely that the electronic thermal conductivity (κ\kappa) is proportional to the product of the absolute temperature (TT) and the electrical conductivity (σ\sigma) in a metal with the constant of proportionality, the so-called Lorenz number L0L_0, being a materials-independent universal constant in all systems obeying the Fermi liquid (FL) paradigm. It has been often stated that the validity (invalidity) of the WF law is the hallmark of an FL (non-Fermi-liquid (NFL)). We consider, both in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions, a system of conduction electrons at a finite temperature TT coupled to a bath of acoustic phonons and quenched impurities, ignoring effects of electron-electron interactions. We find that the WF law is violated arbitrarily strongly with the effective Lorenz number vanishing at low temperatures as long as phonon scattering is stronger than impurity scattering. This happens both in 2D and in 3D for T<TBGT<T_{BG}, where TBGT_{BG} is the Bloch-Gr\"uneisen temperature of the system. In the absence of phonon scattering (or equivalently, when impurity scattering is much stronger than the phonon scattering), however, the WF law is restored at low temperatures even if the impurity scattering is mostly small angle forward scattering. Thus, strictly at T=0T=0 the WF law is always valid in a FL in the presence of infinitesimal impurity scattering. For strong phonon scattering, the WF law is restored for T>TBGT> T_{BG} (or the Debye temperature TDT_D, whichever is lower) as in usual metals. At very high temperatures, thermal smearing of the Fermi surface causes the effective Lorenz number to go below L0L_0 manifesting a quantitative deviation from the WF law. Our work establishes definitively that the uncritical association of an NFL behavior with the failure of the WF law is incorrect.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 12 pages of appendice

    Configuration-Controlled Many-Body Localization and the Mobility Emulsion

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    We uncover a new non-ergodic phase, distinct from the many-body localized (MBL) phase, in a disordered two-leg ladder of interacting hardcore bosons. The dynamics of this emergent phase, which has no single-particle analog and exists only for strong disorder and finite interaction, is determined by the many-body configuration of the initial state. Remarkably, this phase features the coexistence\textit{coexistence} of localized and extended many-body states at fixed energy density and thus does not exhibit a many-body mobility edge, nor does it reduce to a model with a single-particle mobility edge in the noninteracting limit. We show that eigenstates in this phase can be described in terms of interacting emergent Ising spin degrees of freedom ("singlons") suspended in a mixture with inert charge degrees of freedom ("doublons" and "holons"), and thus dub it a mobility emulsion\textit{mobility emulsion} (ME). We argue that grouping eigenstates by their doublon/holon density reveals a transition between localized and extended states that is invisible as a function of energy density. We further demonstrate that the dynamics of the system following a quench may exhibit either thermalizing or localized behavior depending on the doublon/holon density of the initial product state. Intriguingly, the ergodicity of the ME is thus tuned by the initial state of the many-body system. These results establish a new paradigm for using many-body configurations as a tool to study and control the MBL transition. The ME phase may be observable in suitably prepared cold atom optical lattices.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Non-adiabatic Effects in the Braiding of Non-Abelian Anyons in Topological Superconductors

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    Qubits in topological quantum computation are built from non-Abelian anyons. Adiabatic braiding of anyons is exploited as topologically protected logical gate operations. Thus, the adiabaticity upon which the notion of quantum statistics is defined, plays a fundamental role in defining the non-Abelian anyons. We study the non-adiabatic effects in braidings of Ising-type anyons, namely Majorana fermions in topological superconductors, using the formalism of time-dependent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. Using this formalism, we consider non-adiabatic corrections to non-Abelian statistics from: (1) tunneling splitting of anyons imposing an additional dynamical phase to the transformation of ground states; (2) transitions to excited states that are potentially destructive to non-Abelian statistics since the non-local fermion occupation can be spoiled by such processes. However, if the bound states are localized and being braided together with the anyons, non-Abelian statistics can be recovered once the definition of Majorana operators is appropriately generalized taking into account the fermion parity in these states. On the other hand, if the excited states are extended over the whole system and form a continuum, the notion of local fermion parity no longer holds. We then quantitatively characterize the errors introduced in this situation
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