79 research outputs found
Modeling uncertainty in partial equilibrium models through a panar VAR
A Panel VAR model is proposed to estimate the underlying model that governs the
baseline projections on macroeconomic drivers in Partial Equilibrium (PE) models. The panel VAR
is then used to provide forecasts and a confidence interval by Monte Carlo simulation methods, that
further on will feed the PE model to obtain alternative future paths for agricultural marketsPublishe
Attitudes de consommateurs de viande bovine vis-à-vis du bien-être animal : une comparaison régionale dans la zone pyrénéenne
Attitudes towards animal welfare (AW) are investigated in two Spanish and two French regions located on both sides of the Pyrenees (n=1213). Two scores are used: one measuring the importance of 11 good practices for AW and one capturing the consumers´ trust regarding stakeholder behaviour. Items linked with animal life conditions get the highest scores of importance. Trust scores are of a lower magnitude and statistically significant differences are found across regions. Finally, socio-demographic characteristics and meat purchase and consumption habits explain part of the observed attitudinal differences found among respondent
Attitudes de consommateurs de viande bovine vis-a-vis du bien-être animal : une comparaison régionale dans la zone pyrénéenne
Depuis les années 1980, la sensibilité des consommateurs vis-à-vis des conditions d’élevage des animaux s’est accrue sous l’effet des campagnes de communication des associations de protection animale et de l’apparition de plus en plus fréquente de cette thématique dans les médias. Le niveau de confiance des consommateurs dans les produits qu’ils achètent tient à la perception de la fiabilité des informations qui leur sont transmises et des moyens mis en œuvre pour certifier le respect des engagements de la chaîne de production (Olynk & Ortega, 2013). Cette contribution étudie les attitudes des consommateurs de viande bovine de quatre régions pyrénéennes vis-à-vis du bien-être animal (BEA) en distinguant l’importance accordée à ce thème et la crédibilité des engagements pris
La venta directa desde la perspectiva de los consumidores en Aragón, Cataluña, Midi-Pyrénées y Languedoc-Rousillon
Proyecto OTRAC: Desarrollo de una Organización Transfronteriza reproducible del tipo RAza/territorio/producto "de la Genética a la Carne de calidad" para un desarrollo económico sostenible en el Area Pirenaica. http://www.unizar.es/otrac/Estudio financiado con el programa operativo EU-FEDER de cooperación territorial entre España, Francia y Andorra, 2007-201
Gravity estimations to correct the 'small shares stay small' bias in economic models
The simulation of liberalization trade scenarios in economic models normally understate the export growth for countries with small initial trade shares but which nevertheless could be competitive under a new tariff regime. This downward bias is known as the ´small share stay small´ and it is inherent to the constant elasticity of substitution in the Armington demand specification. In this report, we show how the gravity equation can provide econometric estimates of the tariffs restrictiveness and trade shares after tariff liberalization and how these can be input into a General Equilibrium (CGE) model to remedy said bias. The fusion approach between gravity and CGE that we follow closely in this report was proposed by Kuiper and van Tongeren (2006) and further developed by Philippidis et al.(2014). As an empirical illustration, the method is applied to agro-food trade between EU and Mercosur where a pervasiveness of 'small-share' examples exists.Publishe
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