5 research outputs found

    Wholly Endoscopic Permeatal Removal of a Petrous Apex Cholesteatoma

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    We report a case of a petrous apex cholesteatoma which was managed with a wholly endoscopic permeatal approach. A 63-year-old Caucasian male presented with a 10-year history of right-sided facial palsy and profound deafness. On examination in our clinic, the patient had a grade VI House-Brackmann paresis, otoscopic evidence of attic cholesteatoma behind an intact drum, and extensive scarring of the face from previous facial reanimation surgery. Imaging review was suggestive of petrous apex cholesteatoma. An initial decision to manage the patient conservatively was later reviewed on account of the patient suffering recurrent epileptic seizures. A wholly endoscopic permeatal approach was used with successful outcomes. In addition to the case report we also provide a brief description of the technique and a review of the relevant literature

    A Rare Stapes Abnormality

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    The aim of this study is to increase awareness of rare presentations, diagnostic difficulties alongside management of conductive hearing loss and ossicular abnormalities. We report the case of a 13-year-old female reporting progressive left-sided hearing loss and high resolution computed tomography was initially reported as normal. Exploratory tympanotomy revealed an absent stapedius tendon and lack of connection between the stapes superstructure and footplate. The footplate was fixed. Stapedotomy and stapes prosthesis insertion resulted in closure of the air-bone gap by 50 dB. A review of world literature was performed using MedLine. Middle ear ossicular discontinuity can result in significant conductive hearing loss. This can be managed effectively with surgery to help restore hearing. However, some patients may not be suitable or decline surgical intervention and can be managed safely conservatively

    Peripartum Isolated Cortical Vein Thrombosis in a Mother with Postdural Puncture Headache Treated with an Epidural Blood Patch

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    A 32-year-old woman presented with low pressure headache 3 days after delivery of her baby. An assessment of postdural puncture headache was made. This was initially treated with analgesia, caffeine, and fluids for the presumed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. The woman was readmitted two days after her hospital discharge with generalised seizures. A brain scan showed features of intracranial hypotension, and she was treated for CSF leak using an epidural blood patch. Her symptoms worsened and three days later, she developed a left homonymous quadrantanopia. An MRI scan confirmed a right parietal haematoma with evidence of isolated cortical vein thrombosis (ICVT)