6 research outputs found

    User and Provider Perspectives on Improving Mental Healthcare for Syrian Refugee Women in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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    Introduction: Refugees have higher risk of developing mental illness like anxiety, depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as they flee from violence. Women refugees may have unique mental healthcare needs due to their vulnerability to gender-based violence and abuse during flight from war. The research question of this study was what the health system can do better to address the mental healthcare needs of refugee women in Winnipeg. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 Syrian refugee women and 6 service providers/decision makers. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative inductive analysis and coded for themes based on recurring issues. Results: Limited understanding of mental health and illness among refugees, stigma, and the need for culturally competent care were noted by the service providers. System navigation, language, unemployment and safety of family members left behind in Syria were the main concerns of the refugee women. While there are many programs available for refugee women in Winnipeg, lack of collaboration and coordination among providers was identified. Conclusions: This study recommends that service providers use resources developed by UNHCR and Canadian physicians in providing culturally competent care, decision makers take leadership roles in implementing better collaboration among agencies, employers be open in hiring refugees and everyone in the society ensures that the refugee women feel welcomed and included

    Lessons from humanitarian clusters to strengthen health system responses to mass displacement in low and middle-income countries: A scoping review.

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    The humanitarian cluster approach was established in 2005 but clarity on how lessons from humanitarian clusters can inform and strengthen health system responses to mass displacement in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) is lacking. We conducted a scoping review to examine the extent and nature of existing research and identify relevant lessons. We used Arksey and O'Malley's scoping framework with Levac's 2010 revisions and Khalil's 2016 refinements, focussing on identifying lessons from discrete humanitarian clusters that could strengthen health system responses to mass population displacement. We summarised thematically by cluster. Of 186 sources included, 56% were peer-reviewed research articles. Most related to health (37%), protection (18%), or nutrition (13%) clusters. Key lessons for health system responses included the necessity of empowering women; ensuring communities are engaged in decision-making processes (e.g. planning and construction of camps and housing) to strengthen trust and bonds between and within communities; and involving potential end-users in technological innovations development (e.g. geographical information systems) to ensure relevance and applicability. Our review provided evidence that non-health clusters can contribute to improving health outcomes using focussed interventions for implementation by government or humanitarian partners to inform LMIC health system responses to mass displacement

    Health system evaluation in conflict-affected countries: a scoping review of approaches and methods

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    Abstract Introduction Strengthening health systems in conflict-affected settings has become increasingly professionalised. However, evaluation remains challenging and often insufficiently documented in the literature. Many, particularly small-scale health system evaluations, are conducted by government bodies or non-governmental organisations (NGO) with limited capacity to publish their experiences. It is essential to identify the existing literature and main findings as a baseline for future efforts to evaluate the capacity and resilience of conflict-affected health systems. We thus aimed to synthesise the scope of methodological approaches and methods used in the peer-reviewed literature on health system evaluation in conflict-affected settings. Methods We conducted a scoping review using Arksey and O’Malley’s method and synthesised findings using the WHO health system ‘building blocks’ framework. Results We included 58 eligible sources of 2,355 screened, which included examination of health systems or components in 26 conflict-affected countries, primarily South Sudan and Afghanistan (7 sources each), Democratic Republic of the Congo (6), and Palestine (5). Most sources (86%) were led by foreign academic institutes and international donors and focused on health services delivery (78%), with qualitative designs predominating (53%). Theoretical or conceptual grounding was extremely limited and study designs were not generally complex, as many sources (43%) were NGO project evaluations for international donors and relied on simple and lower-cost methods. Sources were also limited in terms of geography (e.g., limited coverage of the Americas region), by component (e.g., preferences for specific components such as service delivery), gendered (e.g., limited participation of women), and colonised (e.g., limited authorship and research leadership from affected countries). Conclusion The evaluation literature in conflict-affected settings remains limited in scope and content, favouring simplified study designs and methods, and including those components and projects implemented or funded internationally. Many identified challenges and limitations (e.g., limited innovation/contextualisation, poor engagement with local actors, gender and language biases) could be mitigated with more rigorous and systematic evaluation approaches

    Community engagement in health systems interventions and research in conflict-affected countries: a scoping review of approaches.

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare research, planning, and delivery with minimal community engagement can result in financial wastage, failure to meet objectives, and frustration in the communities that programmes are designed to help. Engaging communities - individual service-users and user groups - in the planning, delivery, and assessment of healthcare initiatives from inception promotes transparency, accountability, and 'ownership'. Health systems affected by conflict must try to ensure that interventions engage communities and do not exacerbate existing problems. Engaging communities in interventions and research on conflict-affected health systems is essential to begin addressing effects on service delivery and access. OBJECTIVE: This review aimed to identify and interrogate the literature on community engagement in health system interventions and research in conflict-affected settings. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review using Arksey & O'Malley's framework, synthesising the data descriptively. RESULTS: We included 19 of 2,355 potential sources identified. Each discussed at least one aspect of community engagement, predominantly participatory methods, in 12 conflict-affected countries. Major lessons included the importance of engaging community and religious leaders, as well as people of lower socioeconomic status, in both designing and delivering culturally acceptable healthcare; mobilising community members and involving them in programme delivery to increase acceptability; mediating between governments, armed groups and other organisations to increase the ability of healthcare providers to remain in post; giving community members spaces for feedback on healthcare provision, to provide communities with evidence that programmes and initiatives are working. CONCLUSION: Community engagement in identifying and setting priorities, decision-making, implementing, and evaluating potential solutions helps people share their views and encourages a sense of ownership and increases the likely success of healthcare interventions. However, engaging communities can be particularly difficult in conflict-affected settings, where priorities may not be easy to identify, and many other factors, such as safety, power relations, and entrenched inequalities, must be considered

    Operationalising Regional Cooperation for Infectious Disease Control: A Scoping Review of Regional Disease Control Bodies and Networks.

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    BACKGROUND: The rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic demonstrates the value of regional cooperation in infectious disease prevention and control. We explored the literature on regional infectious disease control bodies, to identify lessons, barriers and enablers to inform operationalisation of a regional infectious disease control body or network in southeast Asia. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review to examine existing literature on regional infectious disease control bodies and networks, and to identify lessons that can be learned that will be useful for operationalisation of a regional infectious disease control body such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Center for Public Health Emergency and Emerging Diseases. RESULTS: Of the 57 articles included, 53 (93%) were in English, with two (3%) in Spanish and one (2%) each in Dutch and French. Most were commentaries or review articles describing programme initiatives. Sixteen (28%) publications focused on organisations in the Asian continent, with 14 (25%) focused on Africa, and 14 (25%) primarily focused on the European region. Key lessons focused on organisational factors, diagnosis and detection, human resources, communication, accreditation, funding, and sustainability. Enablers and constraints were consistent across regions/ organisations. A clear understanding of the regional context, budgets, cultural or language issues, staffing capacity and governmental priorities, is pivotal. An initial workshop inclusive of the various bodies involved in the design, implementation, monitoring or evaluation of programmes is essential. Clear governance structure, with individual responsibilities clear from the beginning, will reduce friction. Secure, long-term funding is also a key aspect of the success of any programme. CONCLUSION: Operationalisation of regional infectious disease bodies and networks is complicated, but with extensive groundwork, and focus on organisational factors, diagnosis and detection, human resources, communication, accreditation, funding, and sustainability, it is achievable. Ways to promote success are to include as many stakeholders as possible from the beginning, to ensure that context-specific factors are considered, and to encourage employees through capacity building and mentoring, to ensure they feel valued and reduce staff turnover