15 research outputs found

    Strain field in doubly curved surface

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    This paper presents algorithm for development of structural and continuous curved surface into a planar and non planar (radial) shape in 3D space. The development process is modeled by application of strain in certain plane from the curved surface to its planar development. A doubly curved surface has been generated for the purpose of technical studies. Important features of the approach include formulations of the coefficients of first fundamental form, second fundamental form, Gaussian curvature and Serret Frenet curve. The approximate strain field is obtained by solving a constrained linear and nonlinear problem in algorithm

    Analysis and synthesis of mechanical error in path-generating linkages using a stochastic approach

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    A stochastic model of the four-bar, path-generating linkage has been made. Tolerances and clearances have been assumed to be random variables. The mechanical error in the path of a coupler point is analyzed for the three-sigma band of confidence level. For a specified path, the mechanical error depends on the selection of either the original or its cognate mechanism. A synthesis procedure to allocate tolerances and clearances on different members and joints of a linkage so as to restrict the output error in the path of the coupler point within specified limits is developed. The synthesis procedure helps the designer in finding out how much the tolerance or clerance on particular variable is critical in terms of affecting the output error in the path of a coupler point. Results of an illustrative example are given in the paper

    Force Modeling for Generic Profile of Drills

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    Development of a Methodology for Identification of Indian Musical Instruments

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    In this work, an attempt is made to develop a methodology for Identication of Indian Musical Instruments. Given a digital audio le with mono recording of an Indian Instrument, we identify the instrument played. The approach involves feature extraction from the signal based on Digital Signal Processing techniques. The spectral moments and pitch of the music signal are used as features. The features extracted from the training data are stored in a database for a learning system based on the k-Nearest Neighbor classier (k-NN). The k-NN method uses a priori information from the training data set to estimate posterior probabilities for an unknown data. We implement the same and test our approach for 4 Indian Instruments - Sitar, Sarod, Tabla and Bansuri. A total of 60 les consisting of 15 recordings of each of the 4 instruments were tested. The recognition was as high as 73.33% for the Tabla and as low as 26.67% for the Sitar